Sweden: Piracy Is Not A Religion


New member
Sep 12, 2008
You know what? Sure. Let them be a religion, but being a religion shouldn't protect you from prosecution for committing crimes.

I don't see what makes this religion more or less ridiculous than any mainstream faith.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
dogstile said:
Danik93 said:
dogstile said:
Danik93 said:
Well.... Piracy is Illegal and I assume the files they where copying were copyright protected. and a religion that is about something illegal should not be allowed. The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
Last I checked, piracy was legal in Sweden. Copyright means nothing in other country's, which is why Valve can't do anything about the TF2 ripoff being developed in china.
first off, piracy is and has been illegal since like the 90's and Sweden is in a copyright agreement with the majority of the western world so if I try to make an obvious TF2 ripoff valve can sue me, or just take the servers down or something in that fashion.
Sweden doesn't have a law against piracy. Argue all you want, you can't argue that point.

(also, escapist, please dear god get rid of these solvemedia things, the old way was fine)
What about this then...

52 d § Det är förbjudet att utan samtycke från upphovsmannen eller dennes rättsinnehavare kringgå en digital eller analog spärr som hindrar eller begränsar framställning av exemplar av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk, kringgå en teknisk skyddsprocess, exempelvis en kryptering, som hindrar eller begränsar tillgängliggörande för allmänheten av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk eller kringgå en annan teknisk åtgärd som hindrar eller begränsar sådant tillgängliggörande. Första stycket gäller inte när någon som lovligen har tillgång till ett exemplar av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk, kringgår en teknisk åtgärd för att kunna se eller lyssna på verket.
Lag (2005:359).
52 e § Det är förbjudet att tillverka, importera, överföra, sprida genom att exempelvis sälja eller hyra ut, eller i förvärvssyfte inneha anordningar, produkter eller komponenter eller att tillhandahålla tjänster som
marknadsförs eller utannonseras i syfte att kringgå en teknisk åtgärd,
utöver att kringgå en teknisk åtgärd endast har ett begränsat intresse från förvärvssynpunkt eller ett begränsat förvärvsmässigt användningsområde, eller
huvudsakligen är utformade, konstruerade, anpassade eller framtagna i syfte att möjliggöra eller underlätta kringgående av en teknisk åtgärd.

Lag (2005:359).

52 d It is prohibited without consent of the author or his successor in title to circumvent a digital or analog lock that prevent or restrict reproduction of a copyrighted work, to circumvent a technological protection process, such as encryption, which prevents or restricts the public communication of a copyright work or circumvent any other technological measure that prevents or restricts such making available. The first paragraph does not apply when a person lawfully has access to a copy of a work protected by copyright, circumvents a technological measure in order to see or listen to the work.
Act (2005:359).
52 e It is prohibited to manufacture, import, transfer, distribute through, for example, sell or rent, or profit in possession of devices, products or components or to provide services
announced or advertised in order to circumvent a technological measure;
other than to circumvent a technological measure has only a limited interest from a commercial point of view or a limited scope of commercial use, or
primarily designed, produced, adapted or performed for the purpose of enabling or facilitating the circumvention of a technological measure.

this is only to parts of the law here is a link that shows the whole law:http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19600729.HTM#K2P12S1 (it is in Swedish but Google translate is your friend) so piracy is basically illegal, there have been talk about making it legal but nothing have happend

Argue all you want, you can't argue that point.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Articles like these on The Escapist bug the Hell out of me. If they are going to report on and allow discussion about these articles about piracy then they really ought not get their panties in a knot when an opinion that differs from their "Piracy is Bad mmmkay" view of the world is brought into the discussion. Anything I could add to this debate would be a sure fire way to get a quick probation or a ban.

If they are going to report on piracy related issues then I think they need to either not allow comments at all, give people a hell of a lot of slack, or leave the issue alone all together and not report on it. Otherwise, as it stands now, they are more or less just baiting people into getting themselves a warning, or probation, or banned. I mean it's pretty hard to have a discussion about an issue when one side of the discussion is effectively neutered from the get go.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Danik93 said:
dogstile said:
Danik93 said:
dogstile said:
Danik93 said:
Well.... Piracy is Illegal and I assume the files they where copying were copyright protected. and a religion that is about something illegal should not be allowed. The same reason why practicing old norse rituals are illegal (atleast the ones with human sacrifice)
Last I checked, piracy was legal in Sweden. Copyright means nothing in other country's, which is why Valve can't do anything about the TF2 ripoff being developed in china.
first off, piracy is and has been illegal since like the 90's and Sweden is in a copyright agreement with the majority of the western world so if I try to make an obvious TF2 ripoff valve can sue me, or just take the servers down or something in that fashion.
Sweden doesn't have a law against piracy. Argue all you want, you can't argue that point.

(also, escapist, please dear god get rid of these solvemedia things, the old way was fine)
What about this then...

52 d § Det är förbjudet att utan samtycke från upphovsmannen eller dennes rättsinnehavare kringgå en digital eller analog spärr som hindrar eller begränsar framställning av exemplar av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk, kringgå en teknisk skyddsprocess, exempelvis en kryptering, som hindrar eller begränsar tillgängliggörande för allmänheten av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk eller kringgå en annan teknisk åtgärd som hindrar eller begränsar sådant tillgängliggörande. Första stycket gäller inte när någon som lovligen har tillgång till ett exemplar av ett upphovsrättsligt skyddat verk, kringgår en teknisk åtgärd för att kunna se eller lyssna på verket.
Lag (2005:359).
52 e § Det är förbjudet att tillverka, importera, överföra, sprida genom att exempelvis sälja eller hyra ut, eller i förvärvssyfte inneha anordningar, produkter eller komponenter eller att tillhandahålla tjänster som
marknadsförs eller utannonseras i syfte att kringgå en teknisk åtgärd,
utöver att kringgå en teknisk åtgärd endast har ett begränsat intresse från förvärvssynpunkt eller ett begränsat förvärvsmässigt användningsområde, eller
huvudsakligen är utformade, konstruerade, anpassade eller framtagna i syfte att möjliggöra eller underlätta kringgående av en teknisk åtgärd.

Lag (2005:359).

52 d It is prohibited without consent of the author or his successor in title to circumvent a digital or analog lock that prevent or restrict reproduction of a copyrighted work, to circumvent a technological protection process, such as encryption, which prevents or restricts the public communication of a copyright work or circumvent any other technological measure that prevents or restricts such making available. The first paragraph does not apply when a person lawfully has access to a copy of a work protected by copyright, circumvents a technological measure in order to see or listen to the work.
Act (2005:359).
52 e It is prohibited to manufacture, import, transfer, distribute through, for example, sell or rent, or profit in possession of devices, products or components or to provide services
announced or advertised in order to circumvent a technological measure;
other than to circumvent a technological measure has only a limited interest from a commercial point of view or a limited scope of commercial use, or
primarily designed, produced, adapted or performed for the purpose of enabling or facilitating the circumvention of a technological measure.

this is only to parts of the law here is a link that shows the whole law:http://www.notisum.se/rnp/sls/lag/19600729.HTM#K2P12S1 (it is in Swedish but Google translate is your friend) so piracy is basically illegal, there have been talk about making it legal but nothing have happend

Argue all you want, you can't argue that point.
I'm talking about downloading, not "circumventing digital locks". Which, according to that, is still pretty much legal.

I've been awake a long time and might be missing something though, feel free to bold it.


In fact, why didn't you just copy it in english anyway? Would have been much easier and saved a bit more space.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Kyouki1980 said:
HontooNoNeko said:
That's kinda bullshit they should be able to found a religion under any traditions they want. They most certainly shouldn't be able to break the law because of their religion but they most certainly hold the right to have traditions that may have done so, as long as no actual law is being broken.
If the so called "Church" of Scientology can do it so can they. And Scientology has a very shady past indeed. Kidnapping and murder being two of the worst accusations.
And yet they still operate without sanction. But then this is the US where money talks. So what do you expect really.

This file sharing religion seems far FAR less dangerous than the brain washing psychopaths of scientology. Let them have their religion and filesharing I say. Assuming it isn't a troll ofcourse ^_^ heh.
Just because scientology is evil and wrong doesn't justify piracy.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
DaJoW said:
dogstile said:
Last I checked, piracy was legal in Sweden. Copyright means nothing in other country's, which is why Valve can't do anything about the TF2 ripoff being developed in china.
Not exactly, it's illegal to upload copyrighted things but not download. And copyright means something here, we just don't have your vicious lobbies.

Nabirius said:
I get that this is Sweden where it is illegal to chew gum in public but seriously.
What? Just... what?

OT: I believe the government has the right not to formally recognize any religion. It's not stopping them from practicing, it's just that they don't get the privileges (which should be removed) of formally recognized ones.
Sorry, that's Singapore actually, silly me.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Strazdas said:
Swedmarine said:
Would you please refer me to what place in the Bible, or other holy scripture, it says that's part of the religion? I fear that what you've found is something made up by the individual and not the religion itself.
Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
What kind of lunatic would make a rape victim marry her attacker? Answer: God.
You do realize that you're quoting the Jewish bible?

Lady Larunai

New member
Nov 30, 2010
Formica Archonis said:
What a joke. Stupid made-up religion that means nothing except that the practitioners want to get away with something under the guise of 'faith'.
Not unlike every other religion...


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I only see a small group of people trying to make their illegal practices legal. In fact I would bet money that none of those 1001 people are the least bit religious.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
OK see this is what sets me off.

There's nothing wrong with limiting freedom. People do stupid things when they're allowed to. Nothing wrong with telling your child that he can't paint the cat blue. For what reason? Because he's just not allowed to do it. There doesn't have to be a rationale for it; the very act of doing it is just stupid, and if someone else doesn't believe that then you shouldn't regard whatever that guy says. It works similarly for copyright law. Why should we have copyright law? It's restrictive and takes away our freedom et cetera. Because if we didn't, bad things happen. What kind of bad things? Use your intuition. If you're not using your intuition, that real guttural feeling in you, then bop yourself in the head because you're an obstruction to society. When we don't listen to our glaring intuition we do dumb things like theft or murder. An act of violence is essentially yourself saying "Well the results won't be so bad."

So listen to me church of whatever: stop doing what you're doing. You probably know you're dicking with the government; inappropriately, I might add. Don't come here and tell me you're working with the confines of the law, because you are by the law and you aren't by the spirit of the law. You are the reason why your government can't do anything for you nincompoops; you'd go out of your own way to mess up whatever they were intending. Stop it. You are precisely the reason why we have copyright laws in the first place. There should be no reason why I have to explain the point of freedom of speech to anyone, but there you go.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Weird seeing another big headline today is that "man can wear headgear praising the flying spagetti monster on his drivers lisence."

Atleast Sweden is sane :p

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
Don't they let Asatru prisoners have cardboard swords? Maybe they can give Kopimists permission to download innocuous things like Night of the Living Dead and Project Gutenberg novels.


New member
May 21, 2009
Aeshi said:
Between the "Piracy is Legal" Law, The Pirate Bay, the "SWE?"tards and this I'm amazed we still let this miserable place exist.

Seems like you could greatly improve the Internet/World just by nuking Sweden till the snow glows green.
Umh the warmest place in sweden today was 39*C so sorry dude no snow today.
Maby you should check up a world map before making your heroic act and nuking sweden back to the viking age because you would probably get you and your fellow countrymen cancer from the fallout and that would be quite sad because I like the english people.
Except you your racist wanker


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Alright seriously this bullshit is starting to get a little annoying. Stop trying to make a religion out of something stupid so you can justify your illegal activities.

And people wonder why there's so many atheists.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
MortisLegio said:
this just in boats go in the water

OT: this is just stupid... its a joke that seems to have gone to the edge of stupidville and never stopped
want to share files fine but there are consequences and trying to get around them by making a religion is just idiotic and ridiculous
Religions give freedoms that laws don't. The freedom to execute a woman for being raped, stone a dog for being a reincarnated lawyer, or oppress entire generations of people for no better reason than "My imaginary friend said so".
And that folks is the definition of ignorancy.