The Peter Parker molestation PSA is available to read online here:
As heavy handed as the message was and strange as it was presented, it has done some good in this world. How do I know? My best friend was molested by family members and help came to her from unlikely sources. She learned what sexual abuse was through daytime talk shows like Oprah, Maury ,and Jenny Jones and this prompted her to come forward to her mother which ended the abuse. But for the years afterwards the little girl was ashamed about what happened, and believed that she was weak, foolish, and that she allowed it all to occur. It wasn't until she picked up a worn copy of Spider-Man/Power Pack #1 that she began to heal from this. If her (then and now) idol, Peter Parker - a guy strong enough who could lift up cars and battle with Godlike beings was too molested how does that make her weak? Her connection to the character grew stronger and she was able to move on, grow up, and eventually confronter her abusers. A comic book did that.
As heavy handed as the message was and strange as it was presented, it has done some good in this world. How do I know? My best friend was molested by family members and help came to her from unlikely sources. She learned what sexual abuse was through daytime talk shows like Oprah, Maury ,and Jenny Jones and this prompted her to come forward to her mother which ended the abuse. But for the years afterwards the little girl was ashamed about what happened, and believed that she was weak, foolish, and that she allowed it all to occur. It wasn't until she picked up a worn copy of Spider-Man/Power Pack #1 that she began to heal from this. If her (then and now) idol, Peter Parker - a guy strong enough who could lift up cars and battle with Godlike beings was too molested how does that make her weak? Her connection to the character grew stronger and she was able to move on, grow up, and eventually confronter her abusers. A comic book did that.