I'm just throwing it out there but think of this;
Everytime there is a movie based on a well like comic book character there is also a whole community of ppl out there who immediatly shun and boo the whole thing. Words like 'worst crap ever', 'bad representation', 'make the comic look bad'....float around like flies at a picnic. The outrage comming from fanboys on the internet is literally palpable. And why?
I think it's because these ppl (having seen their heroes, their perfect fantasy figures who've existed 10% on paper and ink, and 90% in their own minds) have created an imaginary sancuary in their minds where these figures are beyond perfect. They can do no wrong, and never be lame. But seeing a live action movie staring someone's fantasy hero brings home reality, it shatters the illusionary fantasy that these characters exist solely in the relm of 'cool and awesome'. These ppl realise for the first time in their lives that perhaps their comic book hero, the powers, the suits, the back stories, the badguys and dames who get captured; it is all just a bit rediculous. It is silly. It is childish. It is not adult. And most importantly; the movie is only working with the 10% that ppl see from the comics and can never, ever hope to include the other 90% fabricated by every fanboy to read the comics. It is dissapointment to the fan along with dissillusionment.
You're comic book hero and his/her story is silly. It's a fantasy and wont ever look in real life the same as your imagination. Get over it. Enjoy it for what it is. A Fantasy Movie based on a comic.