The best and worst horror games (in your opinion)


New member
May 23, 2009
Alright Firstly, i searched this pretty well and nothing of this EXACT style came up so im gonna run with it being original

Secondly, the main bit: Horror seems to be a very important genre of gaming doesn't it? yet it seems there are games that try very hard to do this and yet still mess it up, while other games get it perfect first time.

So state the best and worst Horror games you've ever played and why the are the best and worst (its that simple!)

for me, the best would be Silent hill 2, because it preceded to scare the crap out of me while i was unable to stop playing it because it was that compelling and interesting. Also, since my name is James, every time someone referred to James by his first name alone added an extra depth of immersion to the whole thing.

The worst horror game i've played would be F.E.A.R. 2, because (not that it's a bad game) it fails to scare, it certainly TRIES to scare you, but it falls flat and it doesn't help that half the visions you see are off-screen. Personally, i reckon F.E.A.R 2 would've been a pretty good game if they had dropped the horror aspect and just made it an FPS.

Another thing, F.E.A.R 2's failure of horror hits hard for me as it was developed by Monilith studio's, a.k.a the guy's who made Condemned... which really DID scare me...

Ace of Spades

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Jul 12, 2008
Shalebridge Cradle in Thief 3. Come on developers; stealth based horror is a mostly unexplored concept, but it can do so much to scare the player without them complaining about terrible combat.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Condemned is a very good horror series because of how scary it was. The worst would probably Resident Evil, which is one of my favorite series, just not good in the horror department.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Best, its a tie between Silent Hill 2 and Condemned.

Worst, Resident Evil 4...did you know that was supposed to be a Survival Horror game?
No seriously, it didn't scare me in any way. I just ran through with a shotgun.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Best: Silent Hill 2

Worst: Resident Evil 4 - play the PC port, it may be the worst thing that I've ever experienced ever, and not just in gaming.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
Condemned 1 and 2-No game has made me shit bricks like that one. Okay story wise it was no Bioshock but it had inventive combat and pretty much everything else.

Resident Evil 1 Remake-The strange controls and creepy camera angles made every hallway and staircase creepy. Every time a heard a zombie moan in the distance I'd go, "Holy shit where is it!"
Jun 11, 2008
Worst for me would be Resident Evil 5 don't get me wrong I still think it is a fairly good enough game but not a good horror game more of an action game with a hallowe'en mask on.

For best horror game for me was either Dead Space(near the start) or Condemned.
Dead Space was scary near the start for me because the dismemberment got getting used to and your weapons are weak but get better as you get on making the game easier and not as scary also the scary bits are recyled.

Condemned was scary for me because it was very tense and enemies were very random and messed up like a scary Bioshock.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
atomictoast said:
Best, its a tie between Silent Hill 2 and Condemned.

Worst, Resident Evil 4...did you know that was supposed to be a Survival Horror game?
No seriously, it didn't scare me in any way. I just ran through with a shotgun.
I think RE4 was supposed to be a change in direction for the game toward a more action-oriented genre, I don't think they were trying to make a horror game.

Though I wish they kept the Over-the-shoulder view and also stayed with the horror aspect, Dead Space Came pretty close but anything with crazy Weapons like that can't really be scary.

Also, EVERYONE uses the shotgun it's the "Metaknight" of Resident Evil

Jurassic Rob

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Mar 27, 2009
Scariest would have to be Condemned and least would be Res Evil. I loved the first few games, but scary they were ot!


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Best, probably Project Zero (Fatal Frame). While it was way too short, it is the only actually scary example of the genre I've yet played (well, excluding System Shock 2, but I'm not sure if that counts).

Worst? Deadspace. I've only played the first 5mins, and within that time I was bored... "Oooh look a monster's chasing me Aaarghh... Oh look we got away, oh no... he's gonna get us... we're safe..."; it just seemed typical of American "horror" movies, and as such not at all scary.
Jun 24, 2009
Best: Darkfall 2: Light's Out. Even though the disk I had was broken and I couldn't play very far into the game, it scared me 5 times and made me afraid to go into 3 areas after just 10 minutes of it.

Worst: F.E.A.R. 2. There were one or two scary scenes, but for the most part is was just blur effects and loud noises. Plus those ghost things were BS.

Honourable mention worst: Deadspace/RE4: I love both of those games to death, both are creepy, just not scary. But both are really fun to play.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Best: Penumbra Overture, has to be played to understand why.

Worst: Condemned, Oh a nut case trying to kill me with a hammer, well here is a taser shot followed by a shotgun blast to the groin.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Anyone who doesn't know the best by now should be ashamed.

The worst: Alone in the dark


New member
Aug 13, 2009
This is hard to decide, do you mean best survival horror game overall? Or which horror game scares you the most?

For the former it would be a tie between Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 2. Those games are truly gems as both survival horror games and outstanding games in general. But for the latter it would have to be Silent Hill 4. Although it doesn't even come close to best horror game ever it truly terrified me, I had to stop playing time in order to rebuild the courage to play it again until I beat it.

Dale Cooper

New member
Apr 12, 2009
Best: Silent Hill 1-3 and Resident Evil 4 (just for fun value.)

Worst: RE5 and almost every other survival horror, especially Dead Space.

Sewer Rat

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Sep 14, 2008
Best was definitely Silent Hill 2, it was the only game to scare me so much that I stopped playing 10 minutes in because I just didn't want to see what was at the end of the long hallway in the apartment...
Worst would have to be Resident Evil 4 just judging based on horror. It was an excellent game, just not that scary..


New member
May 4, 2008
Gingerman said:
Worst: Condemned, Oh a nut case trying to kill me with a hammer, well here is a taser shot followed by a shotgun blast to the groin.
Come on, we can't possibly be the only ones who didn't like Condemned, can we?

When I first got Condemned, I decided to prepare for the best horror experience. I waited until 3 in the morning, deprived myself of rest, turned off all the lights, and used a set of noise-canceling headphones just to name a few things.
To put it as nicely as possible, it was fucking boring.

I haven't played very many good horror games, so the best nomination I can give is the first 30 minutes of Bioshock. It wasn't exactly a horror-fest, but the incredible atmosphere definitely made it tense.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Resident Evil 1 and 2 with Silent Hill 2 to finish up the circle. Fear (The original) was actually pretty good, deserves some sort of honorable mention. It was kind of cliche but it certainly made me uncomfortable which was good.

Dead Space was easily the worst.


The storyline was so predictable I found myself wondering why I was playing, the 'horror' wasn't horror, the spawns of the monsters was more predictable than the storyline, the time sinks were tedious and didn't supply anything to the game.

The weapons were neat. The only good thing I have to say about the game.

The last boss was so much bullshit that I could hardly contain myself. I wanted to bash my head into the keyboard until I couldn't feel just in hopes of erasing this game from my memory.

The ending was so shitty that I think I may have contracted dysentery from it. Also
at the end when I spend 20 minutes moving that stupid artifact to the end while battling endless waves of bullshit and some regular wench gets it BACK TO THE BEGINNING in a matter of seconds without so much as a bruise.

God...just thinking about Dead Space makes me want to punch my own taint just so something less painful can be on my mind.