The Big Picture: A Nerd By Any Other Name


New member
Mar 23, 2010
MovieBob said:
Browncoats: Raiders fans
oh HELL no, the Browncoats are clearly Cleveland fans, the Raiders fans are simply mocking the "Dawg Pound".

As a side note, my Brownies won last weekend.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
The funny thing is, I always describe myself as a sports nerd (among other "nerdoms" I belong to). Now, of coarse I'm a fan of Olympic sports, which is a much more cult following that, say, NHL hockey or even NCAA Softball (how many people here follow Biathlon? 'cause I do...), but oddly enough I derive much the same kind of entertainment from debating Olympics bidding that I get from debating about video games.


New member
May 14, 2009
If it's any consolation, you're not the only person ever to have noticed this, Bob. My art lecturer's general philosphy on the matter is, "Everyone's a geek about something."
Example? My mum's not what would be called the nerdy type - she's far from being socially awkward and has only marginal knowledge of typical nerd culture iconography (she did at least enjoy Iron Man enough to make references to it days afterwards, though, and got kicks out of a couple of movies by a certain "one-man-studio"), but what does she do in her spare time? Catalogue, collect and organize the hell out of old-timey music for her freelance DJ business in which she encourages audience participation with costumes, some of which are of her own creation. And it works.
Everyone loves collecting things physical and intellectual, everyone loves costumes: Everyone's a geek about something, indeed. And there's no shame in that.


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
I guess it's that everlasting social stigma of nerds that applies.

See, sportsfans are more physically fit, so when "steretypical" nerds call them out as equals, they shove them into the lockers, thus the stronger disproves the weaker and so it has remained.

Now, as both a nerd in the "classical" view, and a sportsnerd, I totally get the approach Bob's making in the video, and I've given it some thought myself in the past. There really is no difference, whatsoever.

So to break this news to the jocks, all nerds must hit the gym A.S.A.P., get strong and kick those nonbelievers into their own lockers!


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Excellent video Bob, probably the best Big Picture episode yet.

I think the only reason that I don't personally get along with sports fans as well as other nerds is because they think that it's perfectly normal and acceptable to do all of the nerdish stuff in regards to their sport and popular culture totally supports that supposition. Now, there's nothing wrong with that at all, but secretly I kind of resent them for it. It just feels unfair that they can talk about the strategic benefits of offensive line formations at a party but if I tried to discuss the same thing in regards to Starcraft I get weird looks.

To be fair though, this isn't just something sports fans do. Nerds pretty often condescend to other nerds in pretty much the same way. People who play FPSes do it to RPG fans, people who read Marvel or DC do it to each other, people who play TF2 do it to people who play WoW, people who like anime do it to fans of western animation, etc.

I realize I'm part of the problem since I do admit to resenting sports fans, but I wish we could all get along.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
HankMan said:
If Yankees fans are Twi-hards(and they SOOOO are), then what are Red Sox fans?
We are people still waiting for Robert Jordan to finish his series.

(okay, so he is dead and his series is being finished... but the joke still stands)


New member
May 28, 2009
Haha `Twihards, Yankees´, thank you bob i´m gonna use that against my friends.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Mr.Squishy said:
Bob, I love you in a totally non-gay way right now.
He's a Pats fan.
Sports nerd
"Regular" nerd

OT: This is very true. It was always funny watching guys in my dorm go all fangirl crazy with certain college games but criticize others when they got excited about "nerd" stuff.

the Dept of Science

New member
Nov 9, 2009
I think the point you made in the first half was undermined by the point you made in the second half. If you consider sports fans, its clear that the content of the interest does matter.

You can find people with that level of devotion in all fields, yet most people wouldn't refer to them as nerds. I know more about music than I do about comics, I have hundreds of CDs and I read music reviews or articles on an almost daily basis. On the other hand, I have read perhaps 10 graphic novels and 10 sci-fi novels (ie. more than most people, but hardly a large amount), and most people consider that way nerdier than anything music related.

I'm also not sure if it has anything to do with ease of entry. Science fiction isn't difficult to get into. Most of the classics are standalone (ie. require no background knowledge) and the prose style is generally no harder than in any other genre.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
There's one simple reason this won't happen and that's a non-trivial fundamental difference between nerds and "sports nerds." Nerds/geeks tend to be in the higher intellectual brackets than the average man... not even close to true for "sports nerds."


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Wouldn't Spider-Man be more analogous to the Mets rather than the Cubs?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Leximodicon said:
You did make a ton of great points. Though, I think why "nerds" and "jocks" will never eat at the same table is because before the Wii, video games, reading comics, and watching movies were far more sedentary than playing sports.
I think he's more referring to the sport fans that only watch the sports and don't really play them... You know, the actual fun part of sports. In any case, the epitome of both sides are bat shit fucking crazy.

I have always hated it when a sports fan refers to the team they're supporting as "we". You don't play in the God damn team. You have no influence on the team. They don't even know you. I'm a Valve fan, but when they release a game, I don't say "We just released a game!" Why? Because if I did, I'd sound like a fucking idiot. Guess what you sound like when doing that with sport teams?!*

*The answer is "fucking idiots."


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I too, hope for this utopia that you speak of. For i am a rare-breed of nerd-jock, that is, someone with the hobbies of a nerd but enjoys and regularly partakes in sports and/or sporting events.


New member
Jun 11, 2010

Because I can't put it here as an image. Sorry.

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Totally agree. When I mention my RPG habits to my roommates and they don't get it, I explain it in terms of fantasy football (which they've indulged in).


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Leximodicon said:
You did make a ton of great points. Though, I think why "nerds" and "jocks" will never eat at the same table is because before the Wii, video games, reading comics, and watching movies were far more sedentary than playing sports.
I think it has a little more to do with the "value" of sports to a school as opposed to classically nerdy things. If there were big, socially popular stages where nerds could show off their respective knowledge/talents and school built teams and competed, then your average nerd would probably get as much clout as any other sports fan. Then the nerdy team(s), especially if they're winning and bringing recognition(and maybe funding) to your school/city, would get the same "value" as jocks.

Basically, if those Starcraft competitions in Korea or the various FPS competitions you see here were expanded to have a team from almost every school in the country, and then you found a way to make competition out of the other nerdy pastimes you might get what Bob was talking about.

Also, once again I'm reminded of the flip flopping definition of nerd and geek, mainly since the last time I heard someone trying to define it used sports geek, which is basically who Bob was talking about here. I'm not sure how socially awkward sports nuts are since I don't know any, but then again I don't know how many people you have to be awkward around to count as socially awkward either.