amaranth_dru said:
I am waiting for a comedian like Yakov Smirnov to parody American life... like how video games kill you, how texting someone from your home while they're driving and they get into a car wreck is your fault, how it is someone else's fault for you spilling hot coffee on your lap and not knowing it will burn you...
Quoth Don King "Only in America"
I bet you if you ever got 3rd degree burns on your genitals that required skin grafts because some asshole didn't secure the lid on an unnecessarily hot cup of coffee you wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion that you were the part of the problem most deserving of change and prevention.
People love to dredge up this old chestnut, yet clearly never bother to learn anything about the case except to use it as an example of why we cant have nice things because people wont accept personal responsibility.
Seriously, this is the worst case of lawsuit "abuse" people can find or think of? Or, is it that "spilling hot coffee" is just such a catchy and easily recognized phrase that the actual facts of the case don't matter. And we should drag out this (she's older and/or dead now) 74 year old lady's grafted vagina every time we need to poorly prove a point.
What about the woman that sued Ford because the roof of the Mustang was not designed to withstand the impact of a horse at highway speeds.
Someone should dig up the lawsuit that spawned the warning label on chainsaws that cautions us against using our hands or genitals to stop the blade.
The umpteen gillion smoking lawsuits because tobacco companies lied about a product DOCTORS KNEW was bad for us since the late 50's - 60's. Seriously who are you going to trust more, a doctor or the company trying to sell you something?
Oh, those are ok, because smoking is not cool anymore, it's stinky, and we know it's bad for you...
now. Why does a waiter/bartender get to sue for hazardous working conditions while the crab fisherman that died to give me my dinner can go fuck himself?