"...Why...Can't I even do a simple fucking homicide right?..." Darren growled as he went his hands and knees, punching the grassy ground in clear annoyance at how poorly his attempt to murder Deborah went.
"...Some....Time ago...I-...can't exactly remember, Red Mage tried to kill me...Yo-you where there?...I like tried this maybe-...Nevermind...Al-all I know is, ever since then, my...ENTIRE LIFE HAS GONE TO SHIT!" He then suddenly yelled as trashed in madness and fury in front of his supposed target.
"...My family is dead, my friends hate me, Hell-do-do you know Teri Gravel?...I nearly got her abused and killed all because of that FUCKING ONE SHOT I DID BACK IN SECONDARY SCHOOL!!" he then shouted, referring to a certain Machoke who clearly overstayed his welcome.
"...I HATE MY EXISTENCE....BUT I CAN'T FUCKING END IT! WATCH!" The insane Author then said before picking up that Axe again before taking the bladed part and slitting his own throat in front of her, falling limply to the ground as he violently meet his "End".
...About 15 minutes later, his body began to twitch back to life as the cut on his throat was now gone, this nutjob seemed to be Immortal.
"...It's...It's fucking hilarious! I remember...how...Scared I was of death....now?....I spend every day trying to end it, exactly 34'110 attempts so far...." He sobbed as he got back on his hands and knees and begged.
"...Red Mage...Is my last hope. Hell, he blew up god only knows how many million people just to rape reality JUST TO GET TO ME...I...Need you to call him." "...And if I don-"
He shot back up with the Axe lined up for another swing.
He huffed and puffed but just as quickly as his threat came, it went as he weakly dropped the axe and said "...I have no chance of even hurting you, do I?..."
Hearing the opinions and many voices around him kept Yu Narukami on edge, even his Persona Izanagi was uncertain about what was happening with the users as he kept a eye on Deadshot. "No matter what we do, we will end up in conflict anyway. Talking is only going to make him more aggressive and more unpredictable." Yu's voice butted in, the user was behind his Persona, hoping that the giant Persona body was blocking his voice mixed into the environment.
Taking a single shot into the direction of their enemy, Yu knew what was already going to happen. Brandishing his weapon behind the electric persona, it was time to take action, not time to talk. "We need to fight him, we shouldn't pause this fated meeting now." The tone had changed into a tone suited more for a leader, similar to Mitsuru's before the group wandered into this cold mindset of the man known as Deadshot.
Yu only wanted to simply end this all, the danger presented to the group, the danger presented to himself, but mostly the danger presented to Deadshot. For all they know something else could happen like in that Gunman's (Wanderer) shadow fight, the unpredictable may happen and that will only increase the danger and adrenaline of the moment.
Stepping out from the Persona's shadow, Yu looked forward to the changed Deadshot, the Shadow of Deadshot. A gray pair of glasses were on Yu's face. A smile was plastered on it too.
"We only want your master, but it seems we are at a stalemate here. All of this talking will not do anything to progress our conversation, and seeing how we don't have your master here to do anything, the only thing we can do is fight. Shadow let this conversation be settled with actions, not words ... for that is the only thing you truly know!" Yu announced to the world, with a face showing a promised victory.
Izanagi changed his stance, one that looked all too aggressive.
Frozen Moscow Annie, Cadolbolg, Constance, David, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri, Ton Ton, Yu
Stage: Moscow [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt_qdcbQGcE]
The Shadow found the overwhelming support for his other-side extremely confusing, especially when half of them were there for his crimes. "...Wow...You still don't get it, do you? I'm trying to help you morons!...Huh...Well, I for one am not letting that freaking psycho leave this place alive!!" He retorted as he armed his wrist guns, clearly about to get himself into a fight with the Rising Dawn
However, His first move was to instead turn back to the recently re-deceased soldiers before gesturing with his arms, prompting a sea of dark energy to start to seep from their bodies before racing towards himself.
As his form came into contact with the incoming surge of power, he began to rapidly increase in size and muscle mass, going from the drug abusing body of Deadshot to that of a much larger 11 foot hulking 'Roid abusing man.
As if the power-up wasn't clear enough, the insignia on his uniform sky-rocketed from a Officer Cadet to a Army Major. "Alright, Who wants some of this?!" He taunted before he opened fire with his Wrist guns, the pair of them also growing in size from a 9mm pistol to more like a M4 carbine rifle.
"...Why me?" David groaned as he rolled to cover behind a frozen car as Automatic fire filled the area.
Apollo meanwhile did his thing as he lined up a few shots to the Shadow's head, but apparently his bullets weren't enough to get though his thick skull, literally.
Frozen Moscow Annie, Cadolbolg, Constance, David, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri, Ton Ton, Yu
Final Fantasy does a pretty decent Job too [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjqW2SbT0JQ]
Sadei chimed in to reassure Teri. [color=b05fe9]"Teri, If I wanted to head with anyone else here, I could have. You know what? I'm still with you. Heck, I stayed with you even when you shut yourself off. You want to know why? Because I like sharing this mind with you [sub]even if it could use some of that ice cream stuff to nibble on.[/sub] ANd I really wouldn't have it any other way, okay? So please, stop the pitying stuff and commence Deadshot's reformation via the deformation of his skull!"[/color]
Meanwhile, Ella led the battle with one summoning of Ishtar. "Ishtar, time to go to work!" As she said that, Ishtar threw a lightning javelin [http://cdn5.portalprogramasnet.com/imagenes/programas/www/212/14212_6.jpg] at the Shadow.
Devon, though, took it right into overtime when she summoned Mengde. [color=00c863]"Mengde, we need to take it into overtime! We need to grasp victory!"[/color]
THe persona shook its head at the shadow and spoke directly to him as it gave its rallying cry. [color=00c863]"You're not even a good liar, you know that? To these fuckwits, saying that Deadshot's irredeemable is like you heading to a strip club with a 'no touching' policy."[/color] Meanwhile, Devon began moving with the CUtie Bruisers to aid them in the next attacks.
Mengde has used Ironskin Chant to increase the resilience of the group!
Creepy Forest Akane, Angelus, Caim, Cz, Jenny, Kalastryn, Melethia, Ryan, Rugal, Slindis, Som
He he, job system puns. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpXe6VTjvnk]
Slindis responded to the choking attempt with something simply effective: She tugged down on the cord, bringing the man down and within reach for one of the others to finish it. The counter from Caim and Rugal also provided an opening for the group to punch through the ambushes through a rather safe path. It would be comforting for that down time to recuperate and regroup, but that was downright bizarre for this Shadow zone. [color=c200]"Am I the only one finding this too convenient?"[/color]
THe attack also lessened on Angelus' section, making it a lot easier for the group to reunite again in a much quieter part if the forest, but there was almost no sound in this withered section.
The thing that stuck out most was how desolate this section of the forest was; dead leaves crunched underneath each footstep, and there were small saplings that had never grown more than a few feet tall scattered around. Thick brambles that were reminiscent of arrowheads and broken blades hemmed off the area if one looked round, though. And was that rustling around in the trees?
Dying grove: Akane, Angelus, Caim, Cz, Jenny, Kalastryn, Lucien Melethia, Ryan, Rugal, Slindis, Som
Can't we go to this forest instead? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrQHyPfR1EY]
Once the battle had died down a little, Rugal did a quick scan of the group to see if everyone was still standing.
"Everyone okay!?...Damn, Ryan!" He then remembered the Dragonoid suffering from the poisoned spike trap.
"Slindis, Ryan needs to have this poison purged from his system. He's fading fast so please hurry." He said to the drow, not wanting another easily prevented death on his mind as he did all he could to keep Ryan in the land of the living as he moved the wounded author with the rest of the group into the silent part of the forest.
[color=c200]"Am I the only one finding this too convenient?"[/color]
"Even if it is, we need to make the most of it before another wave comes." He then said as Lucien seemed to have suddenly joined them.
"What? How did you get-...Gah, Nevermind. If you have any form of Anti-Venom, now would be the time for it. If you want payment, bothered me AFTER we get out of here." He said to the Merchant, deciding it was better to not attempt to figure how where the hell he came from.
After Lucien was kind enough to save Cz, Jenny's Shadow quickly added her failure to save her friend to the ever growing list of taunts, but the Pokemon was more focused on what Angelus had said. "Melethia?...Oh dear. No wonder this place is so nightmarish, poor thing..." She said as she moved along with the rest of the group, soon coming across Ryan's wounded form. "Oh no...Is he going to-..." She asked, only to stop before she could say it fully, the implications clear.
Obligatory Persona music. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8IwLZkdFVg]
Seeing the physically painful and mentally disgusting transformation of Deadshot's Shadow, Yu just stood there witnessing it. "Hmm ... he didn't say the magical words." The Persona Master said to himself before turning to the group with a gesture of calmness. "We really need a plan." He said, tone still calm. His Persona though was examining the Shadow, seeing the small metal guns twist into another and bigger form.
Before getting a single shot off, Izanagi charged not towards the now enemy shadow. Instead it grabbed Yu with one arm to dodge any incoming projectiles. If anyone witnessed what happened before, Yu has his hand raised like a Puppet Master, but with more respect for his other half. Running across the building to the side of the battle, Yu swung his arm once more. "Izanagi, zio!" His voice said, while carrying out to the icy battlefield.
Jumping from the building to the opposite side of the battle to the others, Izanagi launched a lightning bolt forth from his large bladed weapon, aimed straight towards Deadshot's head. The gray-haired master was hoping to gain something from attacking from two sides. Yet doing this, it lead Yu to behind Deadshot, away from the group and in more danger then before.
Lowering it's master down gently as possible, Izanagi quickly went into another defensive stance in-front of Yu.
Frozen Moscow Annie, Cadolbolg, Constance, David, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri, Ton Ton, Yu
Additional obligatory Persona plug-in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8j6DCobhCw]
When Deadshot's Shadow transformed, Teri found herself being yanked from her spot by her faithful wolfish companion and ploped behind the same car as David (Toyotama following and crouching behind it as well) before charging off into the fray with the rest of the party; leaving Teri alone with David behind the car. It was then that Sadei's rallying cry entered her mind, and the Cleric sprung to action, and began chanting a spell. Upon finishing the incantation, the Cleric pointed at David and Toyotama placed a single claw on his shoulder, the Cleric intoning, [color=0E59E4]"Bring the Endurance of the Bear upon this man, and grant him new reservoirs of energy."[/color]
As the Persona laid her frozen claw upon the Irish soldier, David felt a surge of energy go through him; filling him with new vitality and vigor. He felt healthier, almost like he was a teen again; and bursting full of energy. Hell, maybe he could even wrestle Garm if he felt like it! After finishing the incantation, Teri spoke to Dimitri, [color=0E59e4]"Dimitri, get your Persona scanning on that Shadow. Let us know it's strengths and weaknesses. And after that, see if you can find the proper Deadshot around here!"[/color]
"Right away, madam. Commencing Scan with DESIGNATION- [u]PERSONA[/u]: 'Thoth', right away."
While waiting for both her spell slot to recharge (and possibly decide the next course of action), the Cleric 'sent' to her staff, [color=0E59E4]"Sorry bout that, Sadei... You know what, after this, I'm gonna see if Ella's free. I think all three of us can agree I need to let off some steam." "Hale-fucking-llujah. Now, enough introspection, let's kick some ass!"[/color]
Teri cast Bear's Endurance on David West, granting him a +4 to his Constitution. Essentially, it gives him the equivalent of extra HP and a higher ability to deal with physical based ailments such as poison, resisting extreme climates, etc.
[b]12 seconds till the next Level 2 spell[/b]
Meanwhile, back with Garm, the wolf ran ahead with Devon, Annie, Ella and the Cuties, calling out to his Persona, [color=356D60]"Gelert, initiate a flank with Gaea and Izanagi!"[/color]
With the shattering sound that accompanied the use of an Evoker (the second collar around his neck), the Persona [http://i.imgur.com/Bq3aQFk.jpg] appearing and moving to the back of Deadshot's Shadow while Gaea continued playing King of the Mountain with it. The Persona then launched the floating icicles that surrounded it into the Shadow's back, with hopes that it'd work out for the best.
Meanwhile, Ton Ton and Cadolbolg were still riding on Devon's shoulders, and the Tonberry looked to his compatriot and pact partner, [color=15650D]"You feel up to flying, Cadolbolg? I know you don't really like the cold, but up in the air, we could have another direction to attack from."[/color]
The turtle dragon baby gave a grimace, but couldn't deny that Ton Ton was right. If he could get himself up and fly, he could carry the two of them around... And there was always Lei Zhenzei for help too. With a nod and a shiver, Cadolbolg stood from Devon's shoulder and lept in the air, spreading his little wings and giving a flutter before hitting the air, calling out, "Hop on!" to the Tonberry. Ton Ton didn't need telling twice, and used his leaping ability to get on the flying turtle-dragon's back. Pointing his knife at the Shadow, Ton Ton called out to his pact partner, [color=15650D]"Get us to the face, I bet if we can get one of it's eyes, it'll ruin his shooting ability!"[/color] "Let's do this thing!"
With another pump of his little wings, Cadolbolg launched himself through the air; first going really high and then began diving down towards the Shadow's head, Ton Ton readying himself for the proper moment to leap and strike.
Who has it
Ironskin Chant: Gives a greater durability to the party.
Protection from Energy: Ice - Allows Cadolbolg to absorb 12 points per caster level of cold damage (8x12 = 96), from whence it will be discharged.
Will last for 80 minutes (10 min/caster level) or until the damage is all absorbed.
David West
Bear's Endurance: Gives David +4 Constitution, which increases his durability further. Feels like he's full of energy, and can tank things a bit better.
Will last 8 minutes (1min/caster level)
Creepy Forest - Withered Clearing Akane, Angelus, Caim, Cz, Jenny, Kalastryn, Lucieon Melethia, Ryan, Rugal, Slindis, Som
Tolkein and Jackson warned me about places like these... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCVG9SeMqHA]
Angelus didn't even give the returning merchant the courtesy of a scoff at his comment, seeing that she had a few more important things on her mind (mainly, getting her charges back to the rest of the group). However, at seeing Lucieon give his support with his Persona, the return to the main group was considerably easier. Even if she was a dragon, Angelus knew the value of group tactics. After all, many Empire soldiers had her pinned down in the castle walls before Caim showed up.
Never the less, upon return to the group, the dragon gave a small sigh of relief, a gesture mirrored by her pact partner upon sight of herself, Jenny and Cz. The addition of Lucieon was noted by the confused expression on the mute's face, but then his attention turned again to the fading draconic man among them,
"I heard something about poison... Slindis, do you have anything on you that combats that, or a spell?"
The warrior grimaced at the thought of losing another member of their party, and changed the subject,
"Did your group manage to find Melethia or Nise Mono?"
Angelus shook her head and restated her thoughts from before, "I don't think this is a matter of finding Melethia. Rather, I believe it will be about her finding us. It all adds up, if you think about it. Upon our entering here, Melethia ran off alone, Slindis and Kalastryn remarked about this place being familiar... I believe this realm was generated by the little one's heart, rather like that dark place we found ourselves in was generated by my heart. I loathe to think of what will be lurking to get us in this dismal place."
Frozen Moscow Annie, Cadolbolg, Constance, David, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri, Ton Ton, Yu
Russian Ass Russian Music [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDQ7hXMLxGc]
Shadow Attributes: Strong against Ice, Weak against fire
Once the battle got underway, The Shadow went for the biggest threat, Literally as he attempted to wrestle with Gaea.
Turns out trying to overpower something over 10 feet bigger then you didn't exactly work out too well, his face screaming "Why did I think this was a good idea?"
Instead, he did a quick flip to use the Titan Persona's weight to cause it to fall forward and on it's back. "Remote Claw!" The Shadow called out before firing at an blown up APC with a black device.
A Beep and a click later, the device shot out a wire with a claw on it that attached itself to Gaea as she was getting back up before pulling itself towards her at rapid speed, pulling the APC along with it as it flew towards her head.
His tactical victory was short lived as he took a double dose of lighting from both Ishtar and Izanagi, lighting him up like a firework for a few moments as he shook to the current. "BBRRRRRRRR-AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!...Ohhhhh, That how you want to play!? Freeze Shot!" He growled before arming his guns to fire ice rounds and returning fire, sending projectiles capable of freezing someone solid at the pair of Personas.
What was more impressive was how he used ricochet shots to seemingly aim behind his back, allowing him to target the two near simultaneously.
Least before a set of icicles ended up getting stabbed into his back by Gelert. "Ow-sonofa-Grapple!" He then said before firing a claw at Gelert to pull him in closer before socking him in the face with a right hook.
Before he could curb stomp Garm's Persona, Ton Ton managed to get on his face, stabbing it in the face in an attempt to blind him but then, the shadow had the "Brilliant" idea of hitting himself in the face to try and hit Ton Ton, a large hand coming down on his face as the Tonberry tried to cut him.
David and Apollo meanwhile were doing their best to try and wound the Shadow, seeing how head-shots (Least with bullets) didn't seem to work.
As David was in the middle of a reload, He felt a hand on his shoulder as Teri went to buff him.
"Whoa-Hey-whadda-doing?!" He managed to get out before getting "Bear's Endurance" cast on him.
"...Woooo...Okay. LET'S DO THIS!" He then shouted, his voice full of hype from the sudden power buff as he and Apollo aimed for the knees with fire shots, trying to slow the Shadow down.
Frozen Moscow Annie, Cadolbolg, Constance, David, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri, Ton Ton, Yu
Additional obligatory Persona plug-in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8j6DCobhCw]
Sadei kept the response brief since they all needed to fight. [color=b05fe9]"Yeah, ya do, Let's focus on the now, though."[/color]
Ella shouted as the bullet embedded itself in her Persona's leg, but Ishtar's vanishing ensured that she wasn't frozen solid. It also allowed her to close the distance as she thrusted at Shadow Deadshot's legs with her shortspear. "Don't you DARE hurt Cadolbolg again, shitheel!"
Devon did her part as she called to Mengde. [color=00c863]"You know the plan; Get us going and blow him away!"[/color] Mengde then sent a hard, damaging blast of wind Deadshot's after his rallying cry (Inspire Courage: Courage Wolf Edition) while Devon went to help Annie up.
Who has it
Ironskin Chant: Gives a greater durability to the party.
Inspire Courage: Boost to damage from nonmagic attacks.
Protection from Energy: Ice - Allows Cadolbolg to absorb 12 points per caster level of cold damage (8x12 = 96), from whence it will be discharged.
Will last for 80 minutes (10 min/caster level) or until the damage is all absorbed.
David West
Bear's Endurance: Gives David +4 Constitution, which increases his durability further. Feels like he's full of energy, and can tank things a bit better.
Will last 8 minutes (1min/caster level)
Creepy Forest - Withered Clearing Akane, Angelus, Caim, Cz, Jenny, Kalastryn, Lucieon Melethia, Ryan, Rugal, Slindis, Som
Tolkein and Jackson warned me about places like these... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCVG9SeMqHA]
Slindis responded to Rugal's request, summoning Joanne to heal Ryan's injuries the best she could for now. THe poison was a bit beyond her ability right now, but she could at least ensure that Ryan had the fortitude to live. [color=c200]"Ryan, that's the best I can do for you right now. You'll have to have the fortitude to pull through until it can be treated."[/color]
The recuperation only lasted for a moment before a noxious bolt of negative energy came from the brambles and deeply embedded itself within Jenny's leg. "How does it feel to be dead weight? You always babbled on to Melethia about how she should try to be a child, but that didn't change a goddamned THING in New York or any of those other cities razed! Hell, if it hadn't been for me, you'd have all died multiple times with those traps! And you want to tell Melethia to ignore that?
When there's fighting going on, you're more than content for me to live, But the moment it ends, you want to treat me like I'm as fragile as that human cleric that was adopted. You're really livid because I know how to prioritize, how to take the tough decisions, how to handle things you all are terrified to do! You can all go to on a train to hell, and I'll be the one stamping the ticket."
The brambles made of arrowheads and broken blades then encased the area in a thick caged dome, and Angelus caught a glimpse of a cloaked something moving through the brambles at a high speed.
Another set of blasts at Slindis meant the fight was on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84lGS4sGg2w]
As the group was encaged in dying and razor sharp plantlife, with Mele's shadow saying such hostile things Kala would have tried to talk them down were it not for them taking the initiative. Still in vampire form and under Tenser's Transformation, she drew her sword again, speaking before she entered the fray.
"Mel? Is this how you think we see you? We know very well your stronger than half of us here! My words egging you on toward the life of a normal child have not been to suppress you from being who you are... I simply saw in you what no person ever saw in me. Innocence. You were young enough to form your own way through this life, as I once was. However, you always had the opportunity to live in peace.
Nothing I have ever said to or about you was a matter of pity, but of ENVY! Can I be blamed for wanting you to live a life where you needn't have worried for your life or death on a daily basis as I have? Can I be blamed if I am ANGRY not that you threw it aside, but because you see the generosity we've tried to show in trying to rescue you from such a life as some abhorrent pittance upon you? For what?! You wanted your life of adventure and danger, and I was more than content to help you where I could, yet found myself needing of her aid instead many a time. you wanted danger so badly you blinded yourself from knowing the innocence of childhood, as I wish I could have experienced. I look upon this shadow of yourself as weaker than you've ever shown yourself before. Not because of your weakness shadow, but because of her strength! You are an EMBARRASSMENT to the strongest person I know! Enough talk, it begins!"
She said, summoning Demi to grant her a shield spell. (in my interpretation) giving her a weightless, only slightly visible shield in her left hand as though it were made of the same magical material as mage armor.
(Touhou makes some pretty grand fight music too!) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh0EXEHUeY8]
Sword and shield in hand, she dodged as best she could from mid flight. Disallowing her mind to ponder until later what connection those necromantic oriented shadows had to Mel, she stayed dead focused on the task at hand... kicking and slashing that mockery of her friend into next week!
"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Rugal shouted after the first few shots were fired, right as the Arrowhead Thorns began to encase the area.
Needless to say, Angelus's hunch was right and this was in fact Melethia's Shadow Zone, something that quickly became painfully clear. ...No...Not again... He thought, remembering how much harm his Shadow had managed to cause when he managed to beat him, Hell, that fact alone made him extremely wary of summoning his own Persona, he doubted he got over losing control.
"...Melethia! Just hang on, we're all getting though this!" He shouted into the air, in case the true Mel was still in the area as he tried to pin down the location of the shooter.
All that went out the window the instant he saw a volley of blasts racing towards Slindis's blind side, causing him to instinctively dive in front of her to take the blows, regardless of what harm it did to him.
A double tap of those bolts to the chest wasn't enough to take him down, but not though lack of trying.
"urrggg...[sub]Had to be arrows, didn't it?[/sub]" He groaned as he picked himself up off the ground, a little staggered from the selfless act.
He held a tarot card in his hand though it was clear that he was still weighing up the pros and cons of unleashing that beast again.
Jenny meanwhile was in a world of pain when the bolt cleanly went though-and-though her thigh, an keenly aimed shot easily crippling her as well was causing massive bleeding. "AHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed as she attempted to nurse the wound, though the Shadow's words hurt the worst, She was right, after all, She actually died in New York. "Huh, "Dead Weight", must remember that one." her own dark-side was helpful enough to add as she began to bleed out in the open, quickly starting to fade as Akane quickly tried to tend to her.
As far as battle music goes, I really like this one and I don't know why! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTQIogLBFBs]
Cz stumbled and fell onto the floor, covering her head in desperation. There was nothing she could do... the great marshal of humanity torn into such a helpless form. Lucieon shifted his body in front of Cz's and held out his card. [color=dark gold]"Command Economy: Economic Blockade!"[/color] Gungnir lammed his spear into the earth and let loose a rampant spark of light. A crackling lightning the shivered through the air with such intensity that the air burst into heated action, swarming outward into the arrows that fell toward Gungnir and his charges. The weapons stopped in mid arc, frozen by the onrush of shivering air, the sharp crack of lightning discharging every so often around the merchant and his Persona.
"Why are you here?" Cz breathed as she looked back at Rugal and the others, watching them react to the sudden attack.
Lucieon turned around, his cape was billowing in the swirling hot air within the bubble of electric current. His eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue... beautiful. Cz's breath caught in her chest. Who was this man? He gave Cz a long knowing look before turning away and tossing a small emerald flask at Cz. [color=dark gold]"bring that to the Chosen Undead."[/color]
Cz blinked, "Who?"
"The one with his soul bound to the ancient dragons. Ryan," Gungnir said. He was soft spoken for his size, with a resonating voice filled with hatred and honor. The very image of a knight. A lancer... a Princess Guard. It was deep, melodious, and heavy with the influence of old England. "Do not simply sit there m'lady, go."
Cz nodded and got up to her feet, running toward Ryan, who lay on the floor next to Jenny. He looked like a pitiful thing, lying on the floor with the life seeping out of his eyes. He was most clearly dying. Cz knelt down next to him and handed him the emerald flask. "H-here," Cz said, her face was flushed red, "the man told me to give you this.... do you know what it does?"
Of course Ryan knew what it was. It was the very essence of light in a bottle. It was an Estus flask augmented with not one, two, or three, but all seven fire-keeper souls.
With Cz taken care of, Lucieon turned his attention to Jenny, who lay a few feet away screaming, a comely fox-girl tending to a large open wound on her thigh. Lucieon walked over slowly, very deliberately letting the leaves and twigs crunch underneath his feet. He held out his hand and touched Jenny, scanning her over once with his eyes. Gungnir followed behind him, those giant metal feet of his made very little noise as he walked. Almost as if he was a specter.
Lucieon flashed his card in the blue moonlight. He himself looked almost like a ghost, shrouded in his robes and bathed in ethereal light, an indigo pallor. An angel perhaps. Beautiful, untouchable. Perfect. though he was none of these things, the shadows of the forest made him seem so. He lived in the dark long enough to make it look good. [color=dark gold]"Free Market: Bailout Injection."[/color]
Gungnir raised his spear up over Lucieon's head and sent a small bolt of lightning at Jenny, stunning her, and disinfecting what foreign matter had made its way into her body. The giant lancer was silent. Lucieon gave Jenny a look and walked away, turning his attention toward int impending fight. [color=dark gold]"It's temporary, but at least it nulls the pain."[/color] Lucieon gave one final spiteful look to Ryan before he left the girls, and Ryan, to their own devices.
The (Un)Real World Location: Harvard Square | Simulated reality
"No you don't." I was sad for this man. I spoke sadly, and my heart was filled with emotions I couldn't really describe to you. He was scruffy alright, but I couldn't shake the feeling that sometime, somewhere, he might have been a force for change. I laughed and looked away from him. The sky was blue, the clouds drifting softly across that blue void. Each day the deepness of the sky seemed to change, becoming more and more distant. When I was small I remember my father, at least I thought he was my father, would take me to the library. It was a beautiful thing, filled to the brink with handwritten tomes. The shelves were so high that there were walkways built into the wood. Dad would take me there, and I would get lost for hours, sifting over books and texts, reading and remembering things that I didn't and couldn't understand. I felt so powerless underneath all that knowledge and experience, locked down as an individual, and oblique, useless. "But every life has a purpose. It is not always apparent, but everything does happen for a reason." I paused, I had not realized at firs that I had spoken. Embarrassment welled up inside me and I looked back to the scruffy man groveling on the floor. He looked up at me in a mix of confusion, desperation, and disbelief. I took a step back and buried my face behind the book, pretending to read something from the inkstained pages. I pursed my lips, looking desperately for something to say to diffuse the situation. then, it slowly dawned on me.
"Darren," I said with an air of cool distance that impressed even myself, I took my hands off the book and put them on my hips, "how long have you been immortal?"
He stared back at me blankly.
"It's important Darren, how long? And what do you know about a girl named Kusanagi?" I paused and looked around. The darkness had faded somewhat from the shadows, and the distant sky seemed lighter than before. I dared to hazard another question, "how much do you know about BlackHarte? Tell me everything and maybe I can find a way for you to die."
Midas Location: Lumen | The Seven Glacial Cities | Azure Sea | The Shahashan State Time: 1145 A.D. Springtime
"Kurumu?" Kyre asked surprised. She had not heard that name in many, many years. The memories were a bit foggy, but many of them tickled the back of her mind as rather, "unspeakable." The little white-haired girl in front of the Anti-Mage nodded solemnly, her hair draping across her shoulders as she did so. Kyre thought Titania was a cute little girl at first, with a thin frail frame that would no doubt be very popular with the more deviant of the city-state's nobility. But the more the Anti-Mage stood in her presence, the more she knew that she was utterly wrong about that. Titania pulsed with an unnatural determination, a force that melded with the very atmosphere around her and commanded eyes, ears, and love toward her.
Titania drew a long breath, whistling as she did so. "There have been a lot of things that happened since your return. I am afraid we will be requiring your service again Anti-Mage."
Kyre was confused and sat down, brushing her red hair, now left long to her waist, and popped in her glass eye. Veim's seal had been surgically removed by the state since she moved here, it was a long operation involving many months of spell-breaking, but they finally did it. And it left Kyre without the magic-rending powers that she was used to. At lwast she was no longer branded a slave. "It's been long since that part of my life," Kyre answered, "why do you need me?"
"Because," Titania said exasperated, she took a hasty seat on one of the fine steel chairs that were lay conveniently across the room. The State was a minimalist, but also conveniently practical, "you are the one person that has been remade and tainted with the Stone of Darkness before."
Kyre suddenly snapped to attention. She remembered clearly that time. Being remade, reborn into that child's body. Eating out the man... Sir Edward was it? And even... good god. She remembered how soft Kurumu was when she... Kyre stopped herself short and wiped the fantasy out of her head with a good shake. Titania looked at Kyre imploringly, and honestly, "Help us, you're the only one that can interface directly with its personality core."
"If I don't?" Kyre asked. She knew the answer was going to be awful.
Titania pointed out the window. There were two children playing in the drifting snow outside. White-haired, green-eyed. A boy and a girl about ten and twelve respectively. "I take them and make them interface for me."
Kyre stood up suddenly and drew talon from the wall, the null-magic blade shone brightly in the north-land's winter sun. "Don't you dare touch them!"
Titania lowered her head so her straight bangs hid her eyes and cast an insidious shadow on her face, "then you'd better come with me, Anti-Mage."
"But every life has a purpose. It is not always apparent, but everything does happen for a reason."
"Oh, Jus-Don't...No. I'm not listening to that "God Works in Mysterious Ways" crap. I know FULL. FUCKING. WELL. what God or what whatever the fuck runs the universe made me for: To Suffer. To watch as everything I touch turned to ruin. To see other people live long happy lives without me in it. And why in the name of god would I want to live though that?" Darren retorted, clearly he had his mind made up, that or his mental state really was that shaky.
"...I don't....exactly know when it first started...Though...I....Do recall...After JFK...When...I got hurt, it...wasn't as bad as it should have been. Except for that one time Caim had a go at men, lord god, if I could relive that moment, I'd be whistling a different tune..." He then said as he sat on the ground, not really paying attention to whatever was going on in the background.
"...From there...I...Guess I had a Healing Factor. As in I could regenerate...It only really began to be a problem right around the time Tomoya tried to blow up the earth...a-...*Sniff* and once again, I fucking ran off, letting Teri, Mark, Devon, Shaun, all of them deal with it." His voice began to break, clearly he was regretting all his past choices as he recalled when the authors went into the AA realm while he was too scared to do so.
"...Since then, no matter what I do, no matter what I try, Nothing. Jump from a tall building, nothing. Get shot to shit, nothing! Get sucked into a jet engine, NOTHING!NOTHING!NOTHING WORKS!" He shouted as he had another episode of anger that he couldn't do shit about.
Then Dehorah asked about some of "TheMehKingdom"'s characters.
"...Is this some kind of joke?...YOU THINK I'D BOTHER WITH THAT FUCKING FORUM AFTER ALL IT DID TO ME!?!?!...No, I Don't know about those names. Hell, I only know about you because I read about it before...
...Look, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?! I'm trying to get euthanasia here, everything this retared brain of mind is worthless anyway!"
Obligatory Persona music. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8IwLZkdFVg]
Seeing the bolt hit it's mark, Yu was about to dare allow lightning strike twice upon the target yet he heard something important. "Freeze shot!"" Deadshot announced, firing his two icy projectiles to two sides of the battle. Hearing the phrase, Yu thrust his hand forward, the attack was fast and he could not dodge it. Izanagi though began to spin his blade fast, as it hit the spinning metal blade it instantly froze the metal and grew into a heavy ice-wall.
Seeing how they had not been frozen solid, Yu decided to stop his assault for now. The ice-wall had stopped on the blade, but Narukami could easily see it lightly cover Izanai. Upon seeing the frost, cold began to set it, Yu cursed for not being prepared for this mission. Looking at the battle, he looked over to the others, hoping to make sure they heard his cliche villain-ness. "He didn't ... n-need to say, his attack." Yu smiled.
Focusing on the important point of this battle, he needed to find Deadshot. Looking back to the buildings the Shadow Deadshot came from, he could only wonder where the real one was. The question was should he remain here or go to find him to settle this.
Her lips were pursed. She looked uncertain. His hate was clear. Deborah stood up, walked across the yard. Clean, barren. She stopped at the end and looked back. Darren saw the sun in her eyes. She milled for a time. Shortly she returned, quiet, holding in her hands a book. Plain, simple. Leather cover, soft brown. Worn and loved. She opened it. Soft white pages. Like snow. Cold, impersonal, but beautiful. Her lips curved upwards as she read. She stopped, hand hovering over one page. Her eyes distant and near.
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places."
She brought her hand together. The book closed. She looked at Darren and knelt beside him. She handed him the book.It was titled "A Farewell to Arms." "Look up, you cannot continue to wallow in times past." Deborah looked into the sky, "The horizon is beautiful today. Not a hint of darkness."
Darren was about to throw another fit. Deborah stood up and faced away. The world around them melted into white. There was nothing. There was silence. "Honestly I do not understand how you got here. The place you just witnessed shouldn't exist in your realm." There was silence. She turned again, to face Darren. "You are peculiar. But your wish is in vain. Red Mage is in the process of losing his sanity. He won't be able to help you." The world around the reappeared. This time it was more real. The sun shone right. The sky deep indigo. The mountains purple majesties. Deborah sat down, her legs crossed. It looked as if she was waiting for someone. They were on top of a high tower. the chill wind drew snow across their faces. It was the Willis Tower. The streets below and the lake afar were unmistakable.
"If you are done complaining and being sorry for yourself, I have some time before I meet someone here and could entertain the notion of answering your questions."
The heavy blood loss was quickly starting to affect Jenny, she was considered one of the most fragile members of the crew so suddenly losing a pint or two of blood wouldn't do her the world of good.
Her senses were quickly going dull as all the clamoring and shouting began to turn into an unknown mess of noise as feeling began to leave her injured limb.
What happened next was shocking to her as Gungnir more or less zapped her, reviving her senses for a moment. "...[sub]not...again[/sub]..." she weakly said, recalling the last time she "Died" as Akane made an effort to get her to a safer spot for fear of another arrow hitting her.
It was then that Ryan made his way over, though to her senses, it looked more like some horrible demon then...Actually, come to think about it, that was actually pretty spot on.
When he breathed fire onto that axe for the purpose of Cauterization, it looked more like the Grim Reaper was about to finish her off, causing to try and fight him off. "No....No, don't-" She protested before Ryan went about closing her bleeding leg, causing her extreme pain before she passed out from it, going totally limp halfway though the process.
The (Un)Real World Location: Harvard Square | Simulated reality
A numb look formed on Darren's face at the fact that Deborah seemed unwilling to help him, one of acceptance.
"...All...I want him to do...is-....*Sigh*...Forget it..." He was about to object, but what was the point, she had clearly made up her mind.
"...I'll....I'll see myself out..." He then said as he picked up his axe and seemed ready to leave, only to then find that he was in Chicago for some reason.
"...Okay...Last time I checked, I-i-i took a cab to Harvard...How and When?" He then asked as he looked off the edge of the building, clearly thinking of taking the short way down.
In the depths of The Dark Realm
There's exists a valley that few go near in the dark realm, Its full of Crystals that sprout like massive trees, rats, spiders small critter reside.
The Valley Has an air of danger to it. and it became more dangerous from an unknown new resident.
The Lone being sat by by a small lake in the center of the Valley resting against a tree, picking his teeth with a small Crystal.
"It's been too long since I had a decent meal, I think the last one was that fool who ran in here, was quite surprising to find one with such a high amount of energy, and on top of that he had a set of clothes that finally fit." he smirk and Shifted around The grey uniform he'd taken form the body was now in a sad state with small ears and filthy, The black mantle was tattered at the edges the only thing on good condition was the jeweled dagger at his belt.
Suddenly he felt it the crisp scent of another life form>
"excellent dinner." he said with a cruel smile he quietly skulked his new prey a young couple, they must have run here to hide.
"But this place is dangerous," the girl said worriedly"
"I'll protect you there's nothing greater than my love for you."
"what a sweet but ridiculous sentiment." they turned to see a nightmare sight, the person was simply wrong hey had a human body but seemed to be stretched out a slim torso and long arms and legs the fingertips seemed to stop at their knees, the skin was almost pure white, and sickly gray lips.
"Wh-who are you" The young man asked, this person was wearing a uniform that was only worn by the queen's trusted. But this... thing was unlike anything ever seen and the queen didn't allow non pure-bloods into her court.
"You may call me Darkside, but I shall call you dinner." he said a wide grin spread on his face, his eyes were dark and seemed like a shark's eyes, colorless with no emotion or mercy.
The young man drew a sword, a Family heirloom,
"stay back I won't let you harm the one I love."
"'Let?' that's rich, you don't have a choice in the matter" he advanced towards the two, The young man lunged sword raised high, but Darkside caught his right arm by the wrist, and with a hark kick the young man fell twitching, just one kick and he felt like he was hit by a falling boulder. He saw the monster was closing in on the girl who backed up terrified.
with a lunge they could barely see he held up the girl by her throat she tried to scream, her body shivered and skin turned pale, this thing was draining her energy.
"mmm not much but certainly a welcome meal" he smiled cruelly he drained her vital energy her skin started to die, becoming grey and stretching out revealing bones she gasped her hair turned white and brittle as her stomach seemed to cave in.
The young man was horrified but made a desperate lunge aiming for the monsters heart, But unfortunately the back ante may have appeared to be a fine silk but had metallic properties, the sword glanced off.
He turned dropping the hollow shell.
"OH I'm sorry was that supposed to hurt?" he advanced the man fell and scrambled away terrified.
Darkside laughed, and lifted him by the scruff of his shirt.
"This wont last long." he promised as the man felt Dark-side's hand pierce his gut the blood seemed to seep into it's hand, draining his vital energy he gave one gasp before he too became a hollow shell.
"Well that was a fair supply of energy. and this isn't a bad sword either." he took what few possessions they had and left their bodies for the rats and roaches.
As he walked away he felt a strange energy.
"Hmm it feels like some foreign energy perhaps its a weak point if I were to push I could see what on the other side, another realm perhaps."
He fiddled with his dagger it could cut through but usually these kinds of portals required to be opened from both ends otherwise a mass amount of energy.
Edge sighed, and shook his head. "This is a joke, right? You want us to go all the way back to The Rising Dawn...because you think you lost your beer?"
"That was not just any beer!" Boss said. "That was Billy Beer, the greatest beer in the history of mankind!"
Edge and Boss were about a mile off of the ground, heading east. Boss was flying, and Edge was using one of his Metal Arts to summon small blocks of metal to run on. He had decided he needed to get his stamina back up to what it used to be, and this was an easy way to do it.
"It's thirty years old and tastes like piss." Edge shouted over the wind. "I know I say all beer tastes like piss, but I really mean-"
"I know!" Boss said, incensed. "They don't make it anymore!"
"Because they came to their senses." Edge said, snickering to himself. Boss didn't reply. "Did you-BECAUSE THEY CAME-"
And suddenly a cold chill crept up Edge's spine. Stopping in midair (a very difficult thing to do when you're essentially trying to run fast enough that you don't fall) he turned around. Boss sure wasn't tailing him anymore. Whatever it was that Edge had felt just now, Boss must've felt it, too. It was probably best to follow him.
A few minutes later, Edge landed on the ground, a bit harder then he meant to. Boss was sitting about ten feet away from a silver disk, about five feet around, floating in midair. "I don't know what that is." Boss said.
"It's a portal." Edge said, rubbing his knees. "Come on, Boss. You've seen portals before."
Boss nodded towards the portal. "This one's different."
"It's...just a portal." Edge said, sitting down next to Boss. "Probably opens up into empty space. They pop up in dynamic universes from time to time. Nothing-" Edge looked a bit closer. "Well I'll be dammed. You're right."
"What is it?"
"It's a dormant portal." Edge said, getting up. "Something's trying to get through to here."
Boss looked at the portal again, and nodded. "I'm not sure that's the case. I mean, it's like one of those-"
"Well, they occur naturally, but it's really rare." Edge said. "I've only seen two. It's much more likely some piece of advanced tech malfunctioned and tried to open up to random coordinates."
Boss got up. "What do we do?"
"Activate it." Edge said. "If we don't, the static energy could cause...some damage." Edge looked to the city about half a mile away. "And we wouldn't want that." Without hesitation, Edge placed a hand on the glowing silver disc. Electricity crackled around his hand, and the disc slowly began to fade away, showing...nothing. A five-foot wide hole into nothing. Edge smiled. "Well I'll be. A natural dormant portal. You don't see those often, Boss." Edge walked away. "That was fun. Come on, let's go."
"But the-"
"It'll close in about a week." Edge said.
"But what if something comes through?"
Edge shook his head. "Look. There's nothing there. It's empty space. There's a chance, a far off distant chance, that a piece of space debris can get through, but only for the next hour or so.
Boss...couldn't shake the feeling that he felt something on the other side. But it was probably nothing. "Yeah. Let's go get my beer."
Ornstein turned around and looked at Ryan, thunder running down his spear. His helmet bode empty vengeance against the Dragon Disciple. He growled an unearthly song, his deep voice ringing hollow through his armor. He was different from Artorias, his voice was not the same melodious amiable existence that the great knight embodied. Ornstein had the harsh voice of a giant, not a true giant, but a lord.
A flash of silver caught Ryan's eye as Ornstein turned to leave, it's sharp metal shining in the blue moonlight. The mysterious figure stared back at him. At a glance it was clear he was a son of Astora, but his robes were nothing like any of the armors that Ryan had seen lying around in Lordran. He had a strange air around him, as if he was from a distant land. Perhaps... Carim? It would explain his aristocratic air. He held the blade at ryan's throat and gave him a deathly glare. Those powder-blue eyes sharp int he darkness. "Do not think it an act of kindness Dragon Disciple," he spat as he spoke, "I hate dragons as much as my persona over there. Ornstein died a long time ago. This is his visage bound to me."
"Then why...?"
Lucieon sheathed Estoc and turned around. "I was under orders."
Another wave of shadows approached and Lucieon drew his black card again. [color=dark gold]"Ornstein!"[/color] The Dragonslayer leaped forward, with his lance and swept the wave up into his blade, shocking them and launching them outward.
Cz stared at them silently, entranced by the spectacle of power. Is this the power of human spirit...?
The (Un)Real World Location: Willis' tower | Chicago | Illinois Time: 3:55 PM
"You really are hopelessly stupid aren't you," Deborah gave a sigh and looked outward into the cityscape. "If you had listened to a word I said, you'd be more at ease right now." When Darren continued to look confused, and indeed, very hopelessly lost, Deborah found the only course of action left was to explain again dutifully what was going on.
"That Harvard was simulated. Simply created from a book I was reading, pieced together by me, understand? That place wasn't real. Which is why I was VERY confused when you managed to find me. Now here," Deborah motioned tot he city of chicago, with it's swirling winter time snow and fading afternoon sun blanketing the city in a warm yellow light that betrayed its harshness, "this is real!"
She stood up now, "Are all men this short-sighted and pig-headed! It's absolutely irritating!" Deborah walked over to Darren and grabbed him by the scruffy collar of his scruffy shirt. "Listen to me you idiot sonofabitch, there is no help for you except the help that you create. Did you learn nothing from the entire episode in your world!? Did you not see what Red Mage was actually going on about!? CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW GOOD YOU PEOPLE HAVE IT HERE!?"
Her voice was stern and cut through the air, "Deborah enough. We have guests."
Deborah let go of Darren and turned around, her black hair flying in the breeze and her red eyes open wide in surprise. Titania was standing on the rooftop now, wreathed in a winter coat and covered with a light layer of snow. Her white hair blended into the grey sky, but her green eyes shone bright nonetheless. Next to her stood a middle-aged woman, and eye patch over one her right eye with long red hair that bent around her hips to accentuate her curves. She was strikingly pretty, Deborah saw.
"And drop the Jane Austen act," Titania said bluntly.
Deborah frowned and shook tossed her copy of Pride and Prejudice off the side of the tower, hoping that it would strike someone on the head before it reached the ground.
"I do hope you know who this is Deborah, but I'd like to introduce Darren to her." Titania paused and walked forward, her small delicate frame hidden by a thick winter coat made her look somewhat like the michelin man. "Darren, this is the Emerald Silence, or as she was called here, Kyre Cwanuld." She turned around and motioned to Darren, "Mrs. Himura-Cwanuld, this is Darren. He is an associate with the person we are trying to find."
"Nice to meet you," Kyre said before giving a small bow. She was shorter than Darren would have expected, more well-mannered too.
"And I would have you to stay alive for a small while longer Mr. Darren," titania smiled knowingly, "I have a job for you yet..."
As they weighed up the possibilities of what could behind that portal, Boss and Edge where about to turn back on their merry way until a pair of custom black hawk helicopters zoomed past them, baring the logo of the G-Corporation as they did.
They watched as they hovered about level with the portal as 2 detachments of armed men roped down from them before taking position, and aim, around the portal.
After they were in position, another man straight out leapt from one of the helicopter's unassisted before nailing the landing and walking away as if it was nothing.
[color=9F2B68]"Strike team, maintain visual with the portal at all times and whatever decides to come out of it. Suppression team, encircle it, leave no exit available. Pilots, I want a no fly zone, All weapons hot. Dr. Violet is working to remotely close the portal. Until it's close, maintain heightened alert. No one fire until fired upon or unless I order it... [sub]urg, swear if this is another false alarm, I'm finally going to fire that flaming idiot...[/sub]"[/color] Kazuya ordered his men, it was clear his wasn't his first time confronting such a rift, nor was he showing up short handed.
Thus he waited for anything to come out of the portal...
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