Kazuya | Boss | EdgeThe AA-verse
Location: G-Corporation light transport: heading to Tokyo
Time: Early evening
Boss smiled. "Well, I don't like to brag, but-"
Suddenly, every sensor and piece of equipment on the transport went absolutely haywire. Kazuya's eyes went wide. [color=9f2b28]"Status report! NOW"[/color]
"The bogie seems to have gained a tremendous amount of energy." One of the pilots shouted. "And it's headed for Tokyo at an incredible speed."
"News feed says tens of thousands of people are missing from Fareast City." another pilot said. "Vanished into thin air. Authorities are in a panic, there's a state of emergency."
[color=9f2b28]"What do you mean tens of thousands of people are missing?"[/color] Kazuya shouted. [color=9f2b28]"We were just over there! Not an hour ago!"[/color]
"Where is it?" Boss asked.
"Still over the pacific, but at the rate it's going, it'll get to the site before we do."
Boss nodded. "I'll go head it off. Buy us some time. Edge, stay with Kazuya."
And like that, Boss was gone.
[color=9f2b28]"How much faster can we go?"[/color] Kazuya asked.
"All four engines are at max, sir. We're going as fast as we-"
[color=9f2b28]"Go faster."[/color] Kazuya said. [color=9f2b28]"Overclock the engines if you have to, and make sure there's a fresh transport ready on site. Our first priority now is getting that gemstone out of Tokyo."[/color]
Darkside | BossThe AA-verse
Location: Over the Pacific ocean
Time: Early evening
Darkside flew over the ocean with all his might-until he ran smack into what seemed to be an invisible wall. As fast as he was going, that hurt.
"You seem to be in quite a hurry." Boss said. He was floating about ten feet above the surf, one hand in his pocket, relaxed. "Goin' anywhere special?"