The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operatives Building: Rendezvous Conference Room Mitsuru | Fuuka | Yu | Rising Dawn Party

Mitsuru waited quietly as the party talked among themselves regarding varying ideas about how the drugs are related, but before she was able to answer anything, the Wanderer came back in his... "special" way, and the Shadow Operatives leader had to rub her temples before beginning again,

[color=95555]"Good to see you're with us again, Wanderer,"[/color] she said carefully, trying not to let her indigence show through, [color=95555]"Perhaps you could use the door next time, instead of disrupting proceedings. Now, I don't care to repeat myself, so I will leave it up to your party members to bring you up to date on the current events of the situation."[/color]

She turned back to the party and with Fuuka, began doing what they could to answer some of the questions the party had,

"Oh yeah, I remembered seeing a photo of her [Yamamoto's girlfriend] in his wallet, quite the looker if I recall. Best bet is to find her, she might just be the Skyler to his Walter White..."
Fuuka's shoulder's lowered softly, and she shook her head, [color=5F8B7F]"...I didn't want to outright say it, Deadshot, but what you saw in the photo of that bathtub, that's what's left of her. It looks like there were pieces of her flesh torn out via...."[/color] the young girl shuddered at the thought, and Mitsuru filled in the blank, [color=95555]"Cannibalism. Given the dental records we pulled from the deceased Yamamoto, they matched the varying lacerations on the young woman's body."[/color]

"Perhaps whatever was in those bottles could potentially be both the cause of their mindlessness as well as a cause of the virus? Or perhaps, more sinisterly, the pills were used to administer the virus to those unsuspecting of it, and the employee's seemingly lost thought process was some sort of side effect. My guess as only as good as anyone else, but perhaps the virus is being spread under the guise of a drug?"

She typed a few things on a PDA and looked up at the party again, [color=95555]"We were already going to sweep for any traces of the virus, which, as I mentioned in previous meetings, was made much easier on account of bringing in Akontia. With the virus sample that she had contained in herself, finding traces of the virus is a snap. However, we'll take extra precautions with looking into any sort of traces of drugs found on site; seeing as they may contain the virus as well. If whoever is distributing the drugs has the virus as well....I loathe to think of it."[/color]

Fuuka spoke up again, looking to her superior, [color=5F8B7F]"I could lead the tech team into looking in probable distributors as well? There are a couple of pharmaceutical companies that'd be close by within the region; and if their position as a distributor is being abused...."[/color]

[color=95555]"That's an idea.

Now, I appreciate the swiftness and tenacity all of you have put in today, so: You are dismissed for the evening. Please, take the time to relax and recuperate; a Shadow zone can be very tiring to the mind, body and spirit. You are free to roam the city as before, but I ask that you do so in groups; if only for your own safety. We don't need another kidnapping of our forces... However, I will ask that Deadshot stay behind, to give us a clear account of the events leading up to being thrown into the Shadow Zone."[/color]

And with that, the party was free to do as they pleased. In the meantime, Rugal noticed that a message appeared on his PDA from AI Vermilion (who he had sent that pesky analysis to earlier..)

After activating the message, an Audio file, as well as some text and a readout of a map accompanied the message Vermilion had to give Rugal:

"Captain Bernstein, on account of the message that you sent me to locate the coordinates for, I was only able to get a basic idea of where the locations origin lied. It was due north of the city you are now residing in, but the strange thing is; I ran into some cloaking technology on the way to it. While this is nothing new, the cloaking device should be something on par with military grade equipment; but I could distinctly tell it was not military issued... I think whoever did this was a private party of some sort; as one of the few things I could glen was a name:

'Kashihara'. Any searches for the name only brought up a company devoted to the production of pharmaceutical goods, as well as it's president, Akinari Kashihara [], upon which the company was named... I do hope this aids your work as of late. Dimitri hasn't been able to deliver the recent updates of your mission in a couple of days."


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Merlin, Violet, CAPS LOCK
Location: G-Corp, Floor 69 (Violet Systems)
Time: Early Evening.
"O-o-o-OKAYOKAY! I-I-I-REFUND YOU AND GET ANOTHER SENT OUT! JUS-...please...I'm not really to die yet, The Spring Sales will be starting up soon! I've ordered this White Waistcoat, I don't want to wear it at my wake!"

"WHY DO YOU THINK I'D KILL YOU? DO I LOOK LIKE A MURDERER? I'M JUST VOICING MY ANGER WITH YOUR POOR SERVICE AND SH*T. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME." The man then punched open the conviently placed fire exit, turning back to respond to Merlin, "THEY KNOW WHERE TO DELIVER IT. GOOD EVENING TO YOU". Despite G-Corp having no clue who he was, let alone where to deliver a pizza, the man was seemingly satisfied, and walked up the fire escape stairs to the roof.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
[color=9f2b28]"No, I call this: Get the hell off my building." :mad:[/color]
Merlin, Violet, [color=9f2b28]Kazuya ,"SOMEONE TELL ME WHO THE HELL THIS GUY IS!"[/color]
Location: G-Corp, Helipad
Time: Night.
After Mr. Pecs-on-Legs made his exit, Violet began to calm down as the fact that he WASN'T going to be smeared all over his lab began to trickle though his mind.
"....T-t-thank you, come again....uuhhhhhh..." He weakly said before he fainted, after all, that was a rather stressful situation.
Not long after the shirtless man left the room though, Merlin was about to move before an entire battalion of G-corp began to flood into the room, though a few of them tripped up on the junk on the ground in their pursuit of the intruder, it was starting to become clear that he was starting to be forgotten as this foreign knight seemed to have gotten everyone's attention.
The man was able to reach the Helipad (Holy Crap! An actual picture of the G-Corp building actually from Tekken! O.O) without much hassle thanks to the fire escape, but...

The next thing he knew, there were search lights blasting at him, strong enough to be blinding despite his sunglasses as a large Osprey Transport Helicopter hovered beside the building.
"...This is it!? This isn't Darkside! This is who the Intruder is-oh for the love of-WHAT DO I PAY YOU MORONS FOR!?....*Sigh*...
Attention, you are [u]Trespassing[/u] on private property. Get on the ground [u][b]NOW![/b][/u] Do NOT, I repeat, NOT test me!"
[/color] Shouted the pissed sounding Japanese man from the phone call, now more enraged then ever.
As if that wasn't enough, a about a dozen armed men had lined up along the path he used to get here, Man, these Pizza Joint guys don't take any shit, huh?


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Diablo1099 said:
Location: G-Corp, Helipad
Time: Night.
Icarus soon landed, That flight left him feeling heavy. But Darkside had to be stopped. His wings began to fade he didn't have the energy to maintain them. He started to look around.
"Hey umm Kazuya I hate to interrupt but Where did you evacuate the civilians to? If the city is abandoned Darkside may leave it alone which is fine for protecting the city, but he needs to replenish his energy more desperately than I do,
OH umm I should ve mentioned this but I can sense energy, so If Darkside is nearby I can sense it, but I can;t fly so I'm pretty much grounded." he Tried to think of something he could do he didn't want to think too much about Darkside, it was reminding him too much of what happened.....


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
[color=9f2b28]Don't go in the office, don't go in the office, don't go in the office... O_O;[/color]
Icarus, Merlin, Violet, [color=9f2b28]Kazuya[/color], Guy who isn't Darkside
Location: G-Corp, Helipad
Time: Night.
Icarus noticed as Kazuya seemed to be more on edge in relation to this lone intruder then when there was a monstrous mutant threatening the world, beads of sweat dripping down the side of his head as he laid down his warning to the shirtless man on the Helipad.
[color=9f2b28]"...The Civilian's are underground, we set up bunkers for wide scale attacks. If Darkside thinks he can break in there...Well, he won't. If you need to fly, take one of the jets, but for now, My priority is securing my building. I can't risk this nutjob damaging the secure containment area we set up for the Gems and allowing Darkside to make the most of it. I just lucked out he got to the...the *Ahem* higher levels of the building..."[/color] He said as he watched his men try to make a move on the target, though it was strange, while the situation with Darkside was pretty rough, there was something about this man getting to the top floor of his building that seemed to have him far more worried.
[color=9f2b28]"Don't worry, second I get this guy away from my office, I'm going to start finding the rest of those gems before Darkside does."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Rendezvous Conference Room Mitsuru | Fuuka | Yu | Rising Dawn Party

Rugal merely shook his head in distaste to Wanderer, not even wanting to know what he was talking about in relation to the bullet to the head business as he looked at the AI's report, namely the man who was in it.
...Golden Eyes... He thought as he heard Fukka go on about how they were moving the drugs
"...I think the rest would do us some good. As for your distributor, one of our AIs were able to get a lead on a massage that was sent to me after I took care of Mr. Skin. Traced it back to one Akinari Kashihara, head of a company called Kashihara pharmaceutical. This should speed things up a little..." he said as he uploaded the data on his PDA to the CPU the display was hooked up to, giving them all the information Vermilion had collected.
"Also, notice the Golden Eyes on that man. I recall Mr. Skin having similar eyes, right before he mutated that is. now, If there is anything else, you know how to contact me." He said before leaving the room, heading towards the Shadow Ops Canteen, though he kept an eye out for Slindis and Melethia.

Deadshot meanwhile, while he was happy at first at getting his Shadow Ops Credit Card back, he went rather pale when he heard about the fate of the girlfriend.
"....oh....I-i-is that right?...." He shifted a little uncomfortably, the meation of Cannibalism scaring him out of making a joke about him eating his partner out.
He seemed to retch a little in his mouth as Fuuka was kind enough to focus on the details on the display, zooming in a little on the bathtub.
"...Can you...change the picture-....Look...I...Don't really...remember what happened. I was PRETTY wasted by the time I got to Club..." He began to explain as he picture of the eaten corpse was starting to freak him out.
"...I-i-i gotta go!" He said before racing out the door, shoving Rugal out of his way as he ran towards the nearest restroom.

"...Mayyyyybbbe we could have used a "Not Safe for Work" warning there..." David remarked as Deadshot fled the scene.
"...Well, Got the Night to ourselves. I was thinking of swinging by and seeing out Jenny was doing. Might head out to the city for the night after. Who's with me?" He then asked the younger members of the group, needing to unwind after all that Shadow Zone nonsense.


New member
Jan 24, 2010

Location: G-Corp, Helipad
Time: Night.
Icarus headed down He needed a meal and some rest. He noticed one the security people
"Excuse me sir is there a cafeteria and maybe a barracks"
The guard Gestured to the elevator
"Food Court is on the 30th floor, I think there's some sort of Barracks on the bottom-most floors Just follow the signs"
Icarus nodded and thanked the guard who was mostly relived that he the person wasn't screaming like the last lunatic.

A few minutes later Icarus was enjoying a warm meal, In the Void he was used to a basic diet of vegetables, meat and tons of cooked rice. He was happy they took his credit card, though holding it felt heavy in his hand.
He took a small cup and had a small dose of Sake, it was significantly stronger than most common brands something his mother made she dubbed as a 'pick me up'. He went down a few stairs and headed to a spot that did in find a barracks. Using his soft wool cloak as a blanket.
Icarus wandered through Tokyo searching for Darkside when he heard a cruel laughter, he whirled around to find Darkside
"Now then boy hand over the gemstones or else" he was holding a young girl with brown hair and looked a fair bit like Icarus.
"Athenus, you bastard let her go or else I'll
Darkside began to grip tight on Athenus's neck
"You'll do what boy? I don;t have to work hard to crush this girl I can feel her bones will break soon, hand the gems over unless you want your sister to die."
Athenus struggled
"Icarus, don't-do-it,"
Icarus felt like he was being crushed himself.
"NO stop please I'll give you my gemstone." he raised his hand and teh red gem appeared from the void. he held it out
"Just let her go."
He heard a low pitch laughter.
"Sorry but I said all the gemstones" he said he tightened his grip
Athenus screamed
Icarus lunged forward trying to stop it "NO-

Icarus bolted awake gasping for breath. he looked around and realized he had been dreaming. He got up and took the elevator to the roof. once on top he activated his wings and took off,
I'll find him, I won't let the future be destroyed. Kazuya plans on destroying him, the best I can do is a get fix on Darkside's location.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Shadow Operatives Building: Rendezvous Conference Room Mitsuru | Fuuka | Yu | Rising Dawn Party

"I'd be more than happy to lay back a little after all that's gone on today, David. I'd like to see how Jenny is getting along too. Still though... from how I solved my shadow, and how I've grasped that they are a part of us... I worry about her destroying her's instead of making peace with it. Can that really be a good thing for anyone?" She pondered, hoping Jenny would fare well after she woke up.

"Ignore my rambling if you would. I don't mean to worry anyone with my own speculations." She sighs "I would like to take a look around town if nothing else, hopefully tonight is a time we can actually enjoy instead of being swamped with problems. For once, the latter seems not to be the case." She stated, actually seeming surprised that there is actual downtime amongst the crew. After all, when you've lived on Eberron, and especially in Stormreach for as long as she has, there's never a dull moment where you can relax. Especially not least as a Tiefling in that city. How strange, she thought. She has so many fond memories of that place. She'd made many friends and allies Slindis and Mel only having been two of many.

So why then, does she always look back on the negatives?

"Negative really. There was actually only one problem. How wrong is it that simply being anything other than the simple elf, human, or dwarf where we come from puts you under suspicion? You've never blamed them for their prejudice, you say they've always had a right to it after what your kind did. Was that in part because you weren't entirely innocent yourself?"

"... Your right. I suppose though, that while at first I didn't have the best intentions, I still faulted myself even after I knew myself to have changed. I joined up with Slindis in the Expedition League, I did worlds of good for both the average citizen and on occasion even for the coin lords themselves. It's hard to love your job when everyone hates you for doing it. It spoke to me though, convinced me I had a soul worth trying to save from my simple "crime" of being a tiefling. Did they care? No."

"Be as angry as you want. Anger is an emotion any would feel in our situation. We never did anything wrong, even if we at first intended to. You don't have to act like you can't fault them. Anger is something everyone feels at some point, but half the city would kill you if they knew, and some tried. You need to stop being so damn reserved. Bottling things like that up is why I'm here after all. Next time you tell your story to someone, stop saying you can't fault them. Tiefling blood or no, it wasn't right how they treated you. An elf in the same situation would be angry, so why shouldn't you?"

Demi's lecture over, Kala actually felt a little more at peace, despite thinking about anger. She then said to David "When your ready to leave you'll find me in the med bay, I'm going to go check on Jenny." She said as she walked out of the room and went into the med bay, having a seat in a chair across from where she was currently unconscious.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Yu Narukami | Mitsuru | Fuuka | Rising Dawn Party and the latecomer Wanderer.
Location: Rendezvous Conference Room | Shadow Operatives Building | Personaverse.
"To be honest, I flew here because I didn't remember where the building is. Ehe~" The Wanderer giggled about himself while trying to act innocent, but as Mitsuru started talking once more, the Wanderer himself got into a more serious mood, where his fingers were touch typing on his Pip-Boy's keypad, presumably, taking notes about everything else. Looking to his sides, he saw Rugal and Kala, Wanderer did not know he was besides these people. Now he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

After the arrival of the latecomer Wanderer, Yu took a piece of paper and a pen and began to remember some of the previous points to give to the Wanderer later.

"Manners are always good."
Icarus, Merlin, Violet, [color=9f2b28]Kazuya[/color], Guy who isn't Darkside
Location: G-Corp, Lab.
Time: Night.
After the loud man left the room and gave a polite yet still loud goodbye, Merlin returned it with a courteous nod, acknowledging him. Shortly after, Violet fainted, Merlin got up from his chair but a flood of weird looking "Knights" ran in and ignored the two to go after the "Pizza" man. Baffled, it seemed that man possessed more danger then himself at the current time. "Lady luck blessed me today." He snickered before turning to the computer and searching up their current location with the voice command.

A map of Tokyo showed up and in the google search the keywords of "Japan, Tokyo" showed up. "Ja ... pan? Is this another land to England, surely I knew the globe was large and had many cultures ... but this is amazing!" Merlin said to himself as he looked out of the nearest window to see this newest and weirdest environment around him. Before leaving to follow the soldiers to the roof, Merlin gave Violet a slap, not hard nor soft. Waiting for a response, Merlin gave up and gave a shrug.

G-Corp | Roof.

Leaving in a good fashion, Merlin walked up to the roof via fire escape as well. Stopping several times along the way to see this technological ruled city, Merlin continued up to the roof. Once getting to the top floor, he could easily see blidning light and a very powerful wind coming from above. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he spotted the helicopter. "Metal flying carriages?" He only questioned before walking to the edge of the soldiers, hoping he wouldn't be noticed.

Soon to come a flying figure came across his eyesight, seeming like angel wings were in the sky. "Angels? Doubt it." He hummed to himself before thinking of his choice to stay here of use his magic to get off here. Waving his hand, his magical energy circuit began once more, just like a factory his aura surrounded a thick layer of his personal space and his gem necklace and crystal gauntlets and clothes began to glow once again.

"Maybe I should stay to help ... but these people don't seem the best." He mentioned as he looked at the black knights who seemed not hesitant to kill him on sight earlier with their projectiles.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Rendezvous Conference Room Mitsuru | Fuuka | Yu | Rising Dawn Party

Rugal was just about out the door when Kalastryn brought up the point about Jenny possibly "destroying" her Shadow.
"While I'm not an expert, perhaps it was more just a different manner of acceptance? Besides, it seemed like it's main gripe with her was her un-willingness to fight. Maybe because she was able to beat it, it accepted that she wasn't weak?...Though, that's just my opinion. Tell her I wish her well and I'll also come by with a meal for her. Hospital food wasn't never known for it's quality..." He said before he went out the door, leaving David to state:

"Cheers Blondi, see if they have those nice muffin-ish things she likes while you're at it." The sniper said before he turned to the others and added "Me and Kala will meet you down there. As for you Wanderer, you might as well come with, should be able to make some use of ya there."
Thus, he led the way towards the Medical bay of the Shadow Ops building, though he had to stop and ask for directions more times then he would be willing to admit.

Shadow Operatives Building: Rendezvous Conference Room: Jenny, David, Kala, (Insert other Character's here)

By the time David found the place, Jenny was somewhat awake as she laid in her bed, though still rather weak as the heart-rate monitor sounded off a slow heartbeat.
"Well J? Good to see you're still with us. Heard from the others you kicked some serious ass." He warmly chuckled as he pulled up a chair beside her.
"[sub] guys don't pay me enough for this...[/sub]" She weakly joked as she shifted slightly to sit up better, leaving David to wonder if she was either joking or he had seriously been missing out on checks to his bank account.
"[sub]...Kala?....That you?...Sorry about what happened....Just figured the last thing anyone would want to see would be the "Therapist" going crazy...[/sub]" She then apologized to the Tiefling, recalling the whole "Stabbing her in the throat with an arrow" thing.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
"As a person who's been to Xoriat, the plane of chaos and live to return, I know insanity pretty well. Don't mention it, everybody feels crazy at some point." She said, remembering that Xoriat could drive someone even of her willpower mad to the point of giving the one thing she went there to prevent falling into the wrong hands, directly into the wrong hands, when politely asked for it. Even after she literally had to delve into the stomach of a giant beholder to get it. Smooth move genius. Then again, it probably was mostly a hallucination. After all, an airship made entirely out of bookshelves and mattresses wouldn't actually work. Well, it wouldn't work anywhere except the plane of insanity, where she guesses reality is pretty subjective.

"Anyway, we came here to check on you since we were a bit concerned. You seem to be healing up okay. Just... I really hope you're going to be okay after you kinda... gave the "finger of death" to your shadow. Speaking of which... I might be able to help with you feeling so weak. Your not, you never have been. It takes a lot of conviction to remain a pacifist when you literally have the strength to turn your shadow into a pile of ashes. We can talk about it when your back up to snuff, but I might be able to help with more than just saying that."

She thought... remembering an old offer she made to David. She thought to herself that she probably wouldn't be the most masterful teacher as is... but if someone is smart enough to use psychic abilities...

Ah but she was getting ahead of herself. "Anyway... I had a question... it's perfectly fine if you choose not to answer, and I wouldn't tell a soul if you'd prefer it that way but..."

She thought the last bit, seeing as how Jenny could read minds. The thing that most spurred you to rage at your shadow to the point of obliterating it as you did... who... who is Bruiser? If it's too sore a subject you needn't recount it to me at all... I just thought I could help you find solace if I knew.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Medical Bay: Jenny, David, Kalastyrn, (Insert other Character's here)

Jenny was smiling slightly as she answered the Tiefling, "I don't think you could call me a pacifist, I...just don't like fighting...Though, I now know that I can if I need to." she said before before Kalastyrn asked her mentally about Bruiser, her expression souring a little, more at the question itself then the fact she asked it.
"...Someone from my past and one of the reasons I am who I am today. I won't go into the details, but needless to say, Bruiser is the last person my shadow should have used as an example..." She answered out-loud, much to David's confusion.
"...Eh?...Where'd that come from?...Wait, you did the mind reading thing, didn't c'ya?" He stated the obvious, Jenny giving him a somewhat annoyed look.
"...What? It's not like in Video Games where that shit is clearly marked out for ya!" He defended himself, enough to get a chuckle out of her.
"and since when did you have time to play those?"
"....Shut up!" He playfully answered as he checked out one of the charts on her bed.
"Alright, Doc, What say you?" He then asked Wanderer, wondering if he had a little "Pick Me Up" or not, not a instant cure but something to get her on her feet again.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Yu Narukami | Mitsuru | Fuuka | Rising Dawn Party and the latecomer Wanderer.
Location: Rendezvous Conference Room | Shadow Operatives Building | Personaverse.
When David looked over to the Wanderer to ask him to come with him, he saw the Doctor still in his armored clothes with his feet kicked up on the conference table and a book over his face which only says "How to pick up girls" on it. Hearing David, a low groan came from the book covered man, sweeping his legs across the table to get them off, he almost side-swiped Rugal in the face. Not knowing the fact the Wanderer simply acted as nothing happened.

"Fine ... I'm coming." He said as the book disappeared as it fell to the ground. The Wanderer started to gracefully follow them wondering what to do.

Scene skip!

Wanderer, Jenny, David and Kalastyrn.
Location: Medical Bay | Shadow Operatives Building | Personaverse.
"Okay, lets see what I can do." the Wanderer said, casually walking up to David and taking the charts from him. In under five seconds he threw it away as it looked like he knew what to do. "I have no idea whats going on but I'll try my best!" The Wanderer said, as it looked like he knew exactly what not to do.

The few next things that happened, were that the Doc changed into his Doctor's clothes to bring more of the atmosphere back. Shortly afterwards he skipped in the medical bay, looking at what all the other Doctors were doing and screwing with their work, ultimately making it better, you could even hear the angry Japanese words they yelled at him. "No problem good sir!" He yelled back, not hearing the tone.

Coming back in front of the Pokemon, Sniper and Tiefling. Wanderer began to lay out numerous amounts of instruments of his practice, from blades, guns, food and then the chemicals, they all were laid out on a large tray. The blades were mostly noticeable since they were shining yet somehow still bloody.

If Jenny saw what was inside of the Doctor's head, it would only be this.

Looking over his work partners, the Wanderer came across the chemicals, which seemed to be better then the others.
Picking up two injection looking devices, he looked to David West. "Okay, so I have either bootleg Morphine, aka Med-X, it will get rid of most of the pain. Or we have Stimpak, my favorite, something that truly gets rid of the pain eventually and it can heal you, not completely but for bullet wounds, broken bones and slashed flesh it is great!"



Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Medical Bay: Jenny, David, Kalastyrn, (Insert other Character's here)

Jenny wasn't exactly aware of Wanderer's medical skills, nor how good they were, but the vast array of blades, guns and a collection of junk that contained (But was not limited to):
-Jars of Mutated blood
-A Golf Ball
-Something glowing and Radioactive looking
-and a strange disk that had "Sexbot for Shawn" written on it.
David was understandably concerned with the direction that Wanderer's treatment might go, his skin starting to turn to a shade not unlike Jenny's snow white skin.
...I have make a huge mistake he thought to himself as Wanderer "spoke" with the other doctors.
"Yes you have, David. Yes you have..." She then answered outloud, revealing that she was in his head and making him retreat into his chair a little more.

Needless to say, they were both relieved when it seemed that all Wanderer planned to do was give her either a shot of Morphine or...whatever was inside a Stimpak.
"Go for the Stim. Deadshot tried a few of them before, he seemed to be okay." David suggested as Jenny eyed it up.
"...O-okay...Just...There aren't any "Side Effects", is there?" She asked the "Doctor", keeping an eye on his mental activity in case he decided to with-hold something important.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Kala was just about to ask the same thing with side effects, but was beaten to the punch. "Are you sure either of them would be a good idea? With the limited medical knowledge I've obtained in how worlds of this "Era" work, Morphine can make certain people have terrible reactions and be pretty sick... and the needle for that "stimpak..." the rust on that just can't be good for you can it?" She said, recalling a time when medicine at her old world was actually pretty top notch. Occasionally, you'd be able to find an alchemist able to make potions for almost everything a cleric could do save bring you back from the dead. Which actually reminded her of something...

"Hold on... I think I might have something better than a rusty needle or a pain killer..." She said as she took out a small bag, probably no bigger than the average wallet. As she reached into it however, it was able to envelope her arm up to her shoulder. Digging around in it, after a good 10 seconds she pulled out A vial with blue liquid in it. []

"This is probably the finest potion I've come across for anything other than injuries. They seem to have you well enough patched up here so I don't think we'd have to worry about healing up whatever is left of those. This should eliminate any exhaustion you might have and get rid of the pain to boot. Best part is, it doesn't taste bad either." She says as she uncorks it and the room starts to smell a little like blueberries, she then puts it down upright next to Jenny if she would decide on that instead.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Wanderer, Jenny, David and Kalastyrn.
Location: Medical Bay | Shadow Operatives Building | Personaverse.
The natural smell of Blueberries began to fill the room, yet a hissing sound came from a certain person. It was Wanderer holding a can of air-freshener holding down the button, introducing the smell of a sterile lab once more. "This is a medical lab, not a forest. Even introducing such smells in the air can contaminate experiments ... or even worse, viruses." The Wanderer said while giving the Tiefling a stink eye look. "I would have brought my "Angel formula", but that is still experimental, but it is my "Cure-all" to say." The Doctor gave a weird smile.

"But that is something that can be changed to each person and race, my medicine and ... that 'potion' may not work on her." The Wanderer said while holding Jenny's charts once more to pinpoint what he should use. "Hmm, I have something that will get rid of the pain until they are fully healed ... but we don't know if it will work. You may as try it." The Wanderer said while getting rid of ... well, more absorbing his equipment except two things.

"This is the one I said about, it had a large does of healing toxin which repairs the body as I said before ... also fully rid of rust and sterile. If you want to rely on more traditional and less scarier means, I have a power made by some tribes, spread it on a body, put it in a wound, mix it with water. It works many way, tastes like flowers weirdly enough." A bag was placed on the medical table with a soft thump.

The Doctor would rather leave this up to his methods, rather then foreign ones that may become a threat to anyone in the lab or building ... until he had experimented on it at a microscopic level that is. ("Not letting that weird ***** steal your thunder I see.") A familiar voice called out within the Wanderer's mind, his Shadow it was.

In real life, the Wanderer only shook his head in a weird way as if he was denying something. Sighing to himself, he could only tell the truth. "I don't trust magic or any means of that stuff, for all we might know it can kill us all!" The Wanderer looked towards Kala with a tiny sense of hostility. "Ahh, only if we had someone on the ship who knew this race ... or a book about her kind." A look was focused upon Jenny, even the good Doctor knew nothing about what she was.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Medical Bay: Jenny, David, Kalastyrn, Wanderer, (Insert other Character's here)

This sudden contest between Kalastyrn and Wanderer was making Jenny and David rather uneasy, the former giving a annoyed stare to the latter.
[sub]"...Hey, I just figured he could help. I heard you, like, nearly bled out or something.
Lets just hope these two don't put each other in the hospital in their bids to get me out of it...[/sub] The two spoke quietly as the Doctor and Tiefling exchanged words and mixtures in front of them.
"...Umm...Maybe I could just use both?...Besides, it might, er, make me...Twice as Healthy?" She nervously suggested, knowing that, from a medical standpoint, it was the foolish way of doing things.


It was better then having the Demonic Zombie get into a fight with the Mutated Doctor in her mind so against better judgement, she both injected herself with the Stimpak and downed the potion, figuring it was the easiest way to defuse the situation.
The effects seemed clear as she shuddered a little afterwards, though it was unclear if it was the contents of the Stimpak or the Potion that caused it.
But she more or else hopped out of the bed afterwards, again, leaving it extremely ambiguous which concoction was the reason for it.
"Ahhh...Much better. Thanks Guys, I needed that." She then kindly said, giving the pair of them a little bow while glancing over at David, as if to say "Next time, just get Teri."
"...Well, that was fun. Who wants Grub? I know Bondi (Rugal) is in the canteen." The Sniper then suggested to shift the topic, hoping that Jenny didn't just give herself something by mixing and matching her drugs like that.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Location: Tokyo Rooftops
Time: Night.
While Kazuya was trying to deal with the intruders quest for Pizza, others were making the most of the chaos in the city as the troops wandered around, confused both by the lack of Darkside and by the attack on G-corp.
A lone figure watched as it hung from a radio tower, frowning at the sight at he pulled out a tablet and began to type something onto it.
Tablet said:
Kazuya's men are in disarray, it seems like your Sat Counter-UAV is working.
I can easily slip though, but without the target's location, The mission is impossible
He then held it up to his face before a line of text scrolled down his POV:

Stand By. Co-ordinates will be sent soon.
Grumbling slightly, as if he wanted them to fail to find Darkside, he put the tablet back before resuming his recon of the area.
He wasn't happy about this mission, he wasn't happy about his new handler, but he didn't have a choice in the matter, they were kind enough to remind him of that whenever possible.

Target located. Coordinates on screen. Go get them, Son.
Reluctantly accepting his mission, Hiryu leapt off the tower and began sprinting across the Tokyo skyline.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
After seeing Jenny down both the potion and inject herself with the stimpak... well if something happens there wasn't much Kala could do. She seemed ok for the moment though. Answering Wanderer's look of hostility, she simply gave a sigh. "Magic is a funny thing, it's hard to learn, and twice as difficult to master... but when you've used it as long as I have, what you already know won't hurt you. I could argue the point with you for hours, but seeing as how this is perhaps the only break we'll get while working for Mitsuru, I'd like not to spend it that way."

She said to Wanderer hoping that their dispute on medicine and magic would rest. Then turning to David and Jenny.

"Sure, I haven't had a bite to eat in a while, and I sure as hell wasn't going to grab anything at that damn "Wild Duck Burger." Sheesh if that place is closed down today it won't be soon enough. Anyway, glad your feeling better Jenny. [small] Let's uh... let's just hope you stay that way..." [/small] She said, muttering the last bit to herself. It was simply only the same concern David had. Her potion didn't have any side effects for sure, but she was hoping that Wanderer's stimpak didn't "spoil the batch" so to speak. Of course, it could be bad vice versa too.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Merlin, Violet, [color=9f2b28]Kazuya [/color],"DO YOU DO DELIVERIES?"
Location: G-Corp, Helipad
Time: Night.

"...This is it!? This isn't Darkside! This is who the Intruder is-oh for the love of-WHAT DO I PAY YOU MORONS FOR!?....*Sigh*...
Attention, you are [u]Trespassing[/u] on private property. Get on the ground [u][b]NOW![/b][/u] Do NOT, I repeat, NOT test me!"

From Kazuya, it took the shirtless man five seconds to form his response. He threw a grenade at his feet and leaped towards the helicpoter, the ensuing explosion propelling him across. Grabbing a handlebar beside one of the doors, he swung about, the force dragging the helicpoter to the right and opened the doors. He walked behind Kazuya and tapped on his shoulder.