Shadow Operatives Building: Parking Lot/Van: Jenny, David, Kalastryn, Wanderer, Devon, (Insert other Character's)
Caim and Angelus crawled into the car after Jenny, the pair looking reasonably more serene than before. Perhaps it was the way Caim extended his hand to help Angelus into the van, or the irritated-but-mildly-amused expression Angelus gave back, but the Shadow fights seemed to have lifted a small burden from the two, whatever it was.
Upon settling in, Caim cast his gaze to David, and began,
"I'm not one to get to get completely lost in a bottle, but a drink with friends after a victory... That is a good comfort to indulge in"
Pausing for a moment, he turned his head in the direction of his children and shouted,
"Ton Ton, Cadolbolg, if you're coming along, stick by Devon, as usual. Understood?"
A happy cry came from the Cuties, who were currently nestled on the bard's shoulders,[color=15650D]"Yes Sir!"[/color]
Following that, they continued to chatter excitedly about what they were going to do for the night,
"Mr. David said that maybe we could get sushi tonight!"
[color=15650D]"That'd be nice, certainly. But, I wonder what else they'll be on the town..."[/color] He looked around to the other party members, almost as if looking for an answer about what else they could eat while out and about.
Angelus gave the Gardevior a warm smile as she sat in the van as well, and spoke after Caim,
"Agreed. We could all use the chance to unwind, especially you; Jenny. I imagine our recent battles have been exhausting...
However, I do not see the little one (Melethia) around...? I suppose her mother must have pulled her aside."
In the midst of the hub-bub, Teri pulled Ella aside, and spoke quietly, her head bowed slightly as she began to speak,
[color=0E59e4]"Hey Ells? I wanted to say before we went out, I'm sorry. Ever since Dad got himself possessed by his Shadow and Jake died, I've really holed up in my head. That wasn't right, and I should have talked with you sooner about stuff that was bugging me, rather than letting it all build up and worry you. Maybe if I had taken my head out of my rear end, I'd have realized that you of all people had been working really hard to keep me and Devon in check."[/color]
Giving a sheepish smile, the Cleric added, [color=0E59E4]"Not to mention, it's kinda messed up to do all that when you just wanted a smile. Anyways, I'll make sure to be more open with you, okay? Now, do you know where that Jacket went off to? I kinda wanted to wear something aside from the robes while out and about."
"Wait, really? We're gonna wear normal stuff? BITCHIN!"
"Yup. I figured it shouldn't be too big of a deal. Besides, if we're going to relax tonight, gotta go the whole nine yards, right Sadei?"[/color]
-Insert Ella's response here-
After hearing what Ella had to say in return, Teri ran off to a spare bathroom and changed into some [] civilian [] clothes [] before hopping into the van with the rest of the party. With the lack of the uniform[footnote]Essentially, the robe, the cloak, and the circlet have been unequipped for this scene/night. Sadei is in her arm-bracelet form[/footnote], the Cleric looked like an ordinary college student again.
In the very back of the whole scene, a wolf wagged his tail as his Pup went to join her friends, and then turned towards the Canteen, seeking to fill a baser need while the group went to have their fun. Besides, a bar would only complain of his presence again. Sending a brief message over the rings, Garm let Teri know of his whereabouts before making his way to the Canteen.
Shadow Operatives Building: Canteen Rugal, Garm
After wandering into the Canteen, Garm wondered for a moment about how he was going to manage getting a plate of food whilst on four paws, but then spotted his Male Alpha taking in a meal of his own. Begging wasn't really the wolf's style, but perhaps a morsel could be gained, as well as some insight into the Alpha's condition. With a silenced gained from many wild moons, Garm snuck along quietly before placing his head on Rugal's lap (as he had done many times before with Teri) before pale blue eyes looked up at Rugal, [color=356D60]"It is good to see you returning to yourself. My Pup shouldered a great burden whilst you were 'away'. And yet, as Alpha, you don't keep a close eye on the pack. Why?"[/color]
There was a slight pause in the line of questioning, before a growl in Garm's stomach filled the air, and any tension that may have been caused by the wolf's questions was destroyed. With a small whine the wolf finished with, [color=356D60]"Also, I'm trying to figure out how to get a meal around here. Kinda hard with no thumbs."[/color]