The Escapist Presents: MovieBob Reviews Star Trek


New member
Aug 30, 2009
He doesn't even like the original! all he's doing is trashing the movie and then trashing the "beloved pop culture" good old star trek...typical he just doesn't want trekies(or whatever) to hate him because he likes the movie which probably is hated by the majority of the star trek original fan base because its glossing over or taking credit for all the support the trekies gave it by watching the original.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Hyper-space said:
Star Trek.....was good!

the original star trek had lame jokes, hilariously bad fight scenes, cool sci-fi concepts, extremely thin social commentaries and great acting.

the new star trek movie has FUNNY jokes, cool special effects and fight scenes, new and refreshing sci-fi concepts (i mean really, Red Matter is a cool concept) and great acting.

get over yourself, seriously, we all know that you're supposed to be some star trek elite who's sole purpose is to shun off anything relatively new when it comes star trek.

jesus f*cking christ...

EDIT: from above poster's reply

"While I generally agree to the points MovieBob makes (sometimes I feel he's focusing on the wrong things but reviews are never objective so who cares), this vendetta against the kid who took his lunch money and who somehow is directly or indirectly responsible for everything that's bad about today's movies has got to go.

I mean, come on. Saying a movie is moronic is one thing. Constantly complaining about how some vague idea of a stereotypical drooling moron is your personal version of Satan is just plain pathetic."

spot on.
I TOTALLY 100% agree, this movie made me LIKE Star Trek.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I haven't agreed with you so completely since...well Transformers 2. My hat would be off to you if I wore one.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Good review, he's more or less right the film is not bad but god....its cheap story wise....I hope the next film is worth while....

Oh.......... and Transformers sucked...hard core... sorry.... it just dose...get over it.... and the newer one was even worse........ but really I could not tell which was worse Star trek or Wolverine.... both were not utterly made of fail but both felt like a kick in the groin....


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Hyper-space said:
Star Trek.....was good!
The fact that you had to pause before being able to finish that statement leads me to believe you hesitated out of doubt.

the new star trek movie has FUNNY jokes, cool special effects and fight scenes, new and refreshing sci-fi concepts (i mean really, Red Matter is a cool concept) and great acting.
Red Matter was a terrible Deus Ex Machina plot device, and little more. I won't even bore you by going into the details of why creating not just one, but two black holes like that would greatly alter the face of our galaxy. Simply the fact that it's the only thing they could come-up with for how they got thrown back in time, and why the main villain is such a threat. They bit off more than they could chew, couldn't come up with anything decent to explain why the timeline is being reset, and just said "Fuck it, let's just throw some bullshit together about black holes."

I could go on and on about the bad plot in the movie. You enjoyed the movie, good for you. So did I, to be honest. That doesn't mean that Movie Bob doesn't have a point.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I personally enjoyed the Star Trek movie. There's one catch, however. You MUST turn off your brain. Everything I liked about it could be quickly nerfed by one simple problem. The whole movie is driven by a plot hole the size of the galaxy itself.

************SPOILER ALERT**************

If the whole reason the bad guy (who's name I can't be bothered to remember) is so pissed off and out for blood is because Spock didn't get to the planet fast enough to save it, but he KNOWS he's gone back in time, why bother trying to attack Federation ships and punish Spock when you could... Oh... I don't know... Go save the friggin' planet!

Other than that. Decent movie. Yes, it was "jocked" up a bit, but let's face it, Star Trek could always have gained by it being a little more watchable.


New member
Jan 27, 2008
I felt that the movie was a good series reboot. The new ship design I felt wasn't really needed.

They should have somehow added to the beginning of the movie, what was in the comic to help people figure out how Spock got to where he is in time now.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Haha. Most people on here who think moviebob is a hack are the people who liked transformers/wolverine/startrek/etc. And what's with comparing moviebob and zeropunctuation? Mr. Yahtzee focuses only on the bad things in a review, he even said that he got a lot of negative feedback when he actually reviewed a game and said it was good. Mr. Bob notes the good and the bad.... which are his opinions. Now, I don't even think of bob as a reviewer. I think of him as that friend you have who is really into a certain topic and analyzes everything about it, but even though he has his biases you still know most things he says are accurate. At least as far as the technical side goes. Like kirk being poorly acted, etc. You might have enjoyed the movie... moviebob said he also enjoyed it. But "enjoying" and "liking a good movie" are different things completely.

Also, people were actually offended by the cursing? I don't curse very often, but swear words are, in fact, just words. There happen to be other more eloquent ways to express your opinions.... but they are just words also. The word c%nt is the only word I would except as offensive. It just sounds offensive, though, doesn't it?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
I think this is probably the one thing that I've ever disagreed with Moviebob most about when it comes to things I am interested in. (Except for how much he hates on Halo. I've never played it online but I've thought the whole series has been a pretty cool sci-fi adventure, especially the second game)

Now, I'm not the biggest Trek fan in the world, but I do really enjoy the series, I've seen quite a lot of the original series, next generation, and enterprise and really enjoyed them. I've seen Voyager and that's pretty hit or miss, I'd say about half of the episodes have a net positive effect and when it's bad it's REALLY bad *cough*threshold*cough*, and I just have never seen DS9. Now, I've enjoyed a lot of Star Trek and the movies are no exception. Some of them are lacking of course. V comes to mind as just plain old silly, I is PAINFULLY slow, III suffers from just being OK between two really good movies, Generations is strangely low-key compared to how big and awesome the series got in some of the movies, and there's nothing really wrong with Insurrection other than that it just sort of feels like any old episode of the show and again being between the two really great movies.
Having said that, I enjoyed every single one of those movies. The closest one that comes to being bad for me is the fifth movie and even that has some pretty good character moments and insights, and as bad as the effects are for "God" I thought the conflict with him nicely illustrated the big Trek theme of "together, we can overcome anything". So maybe my standards for liking a movie aren't all that high?
Having said all THAT, I really enjoyed this new Star Trek movie. I went into the theater expecting it to suck pretty hard, like Bob said, the ads made it seem like they were aiming it at an audience it wasn't meant for, and was pleasantly surprised. I didn't really have a hard time accepting any coincidences because we know the end result has to be that the entire crew is together, so I just took it as a way to keep the story exciting given that tenant. Overall, I enjoyed the acting quite a lot, and didn't really notice any glaringly bad scripting. I guess as a serious critic, you've got to be a little more specific than I do, but I enjoyed the movie overall.