The Escapist Presents: Preview: New Xbox Experience

Team Hollywood

New member
Feb 9, 2009
Preview: New Xbox Experience

The Escapist previews the New Xbox Experience set to go live later this week, including Netflix integration, avatar customization and new dashboard themes.

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New member
Apr 15, 2008
It's true. I don't want to watch ghost rider.

That gears of war two layout looks badass though, gonna be neat to see other layouts people make for the new dashboard in the future.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Looks pretty good, dont see why many people keep bashing it so much, I personally think its going to be great. (But thats what it all comes down to, right? opinion.)


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I think this is a horrible idea. If it's not broken don't fix it. The avatars are alright but still look too childish, hopefully you can suit the up with game themed clothes (Power Armour :D). As far as still needing the disk for hardrive download; why not just put serial codes on games and either block current games or provide them via XBLM.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
I got into the pre-release for the NXE and it's not that impressive. The Avatar creator is pretty sparse and leaves much to be desired. As a UI, it works well but it's not what people are making it out to be.

Jordan Deam

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I sort of doubt hardcore gamers are the target audience for this firmware update. I'd be willing to wager there is a fairly large percentage of the Xbox 360 user-base who isn't aware of the consoles video capabilities (short of playing DVDs, that is). Compared to the old "blades," the new interface encourages exploration and looks pretty easy to navigate. The Wii may have won the console war, but Microsoft and Sony are still fighting the "all-in-one living room media center" war. Something tells me that this will either help Microsoft gain even more ground in this department.

And yes, as someone who actually does use his 360 as an all-in-one living room media center, this looks pretty sweet :)


#virgil { display:none; }
Jun 13, 2002
Uglulyx said:
If it's not broken don't fix it.
There is quite a bit 'fixed' in this update - it's just not all entirely obvious if you're not a programmer. For one, the new dash is significantly more expandable - they don't need to recode the entire layout to add new features like the old dash required. Second, these new features are no longer a part of the firmware, but (like Wii Channels) are applications that run off your system hard drive.

These two changes, above everything else, are big improvements in the long run. They definitely help speed up the dash - it's noticeably snappier than the old version. Personally, I'm hoping that this means more frequent updates than the current Fall/Spring versions.

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
Looks alright, still don't see why the Mii's are there. A shame that my theme doesn't work with it completely, but it still looked alright in the video (I have the Fallout 3 theme).


New member
Jun 13, 2002
From a design standpoint, I think it's much sharper than the original design. Which I disliked from Day 1.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Jordan Deam said:
I sort of doubt hardcore gamers are the target audience for this firmware update.
Though new functionality in the NXE, install to HDD, cross game parties, quick launch, etc. is very much aimed at gamers.

The only things that could bear to be improved on the NXE are the ability to set a level of transparency for the "floor" so you can see themes behind it, and the ability to select a default channel on startup. (My Xbox, rather than Spotlight, for most people.)

More avatar options as well. Especially if they're tied to games played/achievements unlocked would be cool.


World Breaker
Sep 27, 2004
My only wish is they would redo the profile system. I just LOVE not being able to sign out another controller easily when I have all 4 plugged in and the system decides to sign a random one that I'm not using to my main profile.

I usually end up have to quit to dashboard and then manually sign out and sign in my current controller. Oh and then there's the fun when I want to have a second player just sit down and start playing on any arbitrary game without having to deal with profile crap.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Kross said:
My only wish is they would redo the profile system. I just LOVE not being able to sign out another controller easily when I have all 4 plugged in and the system decides to sign a random one that I'm not using to my main profile.

I usually end up have to quit to dashboard and then manually sign out and sign in my current controller. Oh and then there's the fun when I want to have a second player just sit down and start playing on any arbitrary game without having to deal with profile crap.
What I did was make a couple of extra profiles on my 360; some for my friends, and one generic "guest" profile that anyone can use. Speeds things up a lot when getting multiplayer tussles going... though if you come up with a similar fix for handing off "first controller" among signed in profiles, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd share.

-- Steve


World Breaker
Sep 27, 2004
Anton P. Nym said:
What I did was make a couple of extra profiles on my 360; some for my friends, and one generic "guest" profile that anyone can use. Speeds things up a lot when getting multiplayer tussles going... though if you come up with a similar fix for handing off "first controller" among signed in profiles, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd share.
Yeah, I have extra profiles created, but it's issues like the game insisting another controller is signed in on my Live profile and refusing to sign me out until I find that controller and sign out or exit to dashboard and force it to sign out. Or just the general process of forcing people to sign into a profile when we don't particularly care if someone is signed in and just want to play a game.

All able to be worked around, but all terrible UI design that gets in the way of having fun. Along with things like tracking downloaded or partially downloaded content (yay for downloads stopping completely when certain games are started, and not always restarting outside of the game), or being unable to read descriptions in the marketplace without having to wait for the right panel to start scrolling. Really, you can't make the right stick scroll the descriptions?

Many many little details that make the whole experience using the dashboard sub-par and sometimes outright frustrating. But yet still better then dealing with the PS3 dashboard/store. Sony takes bad interfaces to a whole new level, even if it is pretty.

Edit: And oh the joys of using a wireless controller when the batteries die. Nope! Can't just switch to one of the wired controllers, have to completely restart! And other similar issues to the 'first controller' hand off that you mentioned. Ugh.

Captin Planet

New member
Aug 28, 2008
Ive just noticed its the 19th yet it still says on dashboard 2 days to go??? so whats the deal with that? oh yeah i live in Australia. Hold on.. it.. but... its not 2 days behind the states? I'm a confused little gamer. :(

Anyway this rocks for me simply because i can install to hard drive and my disc drive shouldn't burn out so fast again. Hopefully. Oh looking forward to the 8 people party to! and 1 vs 100 sound like a bit of a laugh.

Netflix i sadly will never get to see and its one thing i think has burnt allot of folks with this update. Some think its worthless without it.


Terrible, Terrible Damage.
May 21, 2008
Spinwhiz said:
I am really looking forward to it, especially the Netflix.
I'm sick of hearing about how great netflix is, it only works in one country and a large majority of people don't live there.