The First Full Length Trailer for Netflix's Jessica Jones Has Arrived


New member
Jun 8, 2015
The First Full Length Trailer for Netflix's Jessica Jones Has Arrived

"God didn't do this, the Devil did. And I'm gonna find him."

We probably could have predicted that Netflix's Jessica Jones would enter some dark territory from the moment that the first images were released [], but now that the first full length trailer has dropped, we can outright confirm it. And then some.

In fact, between the heads Ms. Jones smashes through windows, the blood-soaked staircases/sheets, and the mind-controlled, suicidal cops, I dare say that Jessica Jones will make Daredevil the TV show look like Daredevil the movie. It's so dark that I even went ahead and grabbed a handful of the most depressing and/or ominous shots from the trailer and placed them in a gallery below for your convenience!


The official synopsis comes to us via Youtube:

After a tragic ending to her short-lived Super Hero stint, Jessica Jones is rebuilding her personal life and career as a private detective in Hell's Kitchen. It's time the world knew her name...

Translation: A whole lotta people are gonna die. Jessica Jones hits Netflix on November 20th.



Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Well, I don't know much of anything about the character but it looks entertaining. I generally have trouble with "super strength" when depicted as a power but this one looks much more psychologically focused so that may not be a problem. I have an issue with disbelief when seeing a girl punch a 250lb guy through a wall for the same reason I have an issue with disbelief when I see a scrawny man do the same thing (yep, even spiderman is hard for me to watch sometimes).


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
You know, people keep criticizing DC for being grimdark, but then they lose their minds over this and Daredevil...

Anyway, I haven't finished Daredevil, but I'll probably check this out. It looks interesting, at least.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I'm not making the same mistake with Dare Devil (coming late to the party) so I will be watching this on November 20th! Also who is the villain? Purple Man? He's the only one I can think of from the Marvel universe with Mind Control. Also if they going to take place in the same location as Dare Devil? How did the two not meet yet (prequel?).


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
It's so serious 'n' all. Looks like crap, honestly. But it's probably because I don't like the actress.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Scarim Coral said:
Also who is the villain? Purple Man? He's the only one I can think of from the Marvel universe with Mind Control.
Yes. David Tennant is going to be playing Zebediah Killgrave AKA The Purple Man. Reading a bit of his history and what I've seen of the trailers, I think David Tennant is going to knock this out of the park.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Fox12 said:
You know, people keep criticizing DC for being grimdark, but then they lose their minds over this and Daredevil...

Anyway, I haven't finished Daredevil, but I'll probably check this out. It looks interesting, at least.
I think the problem for most (or at least me) is that DC grimdarks everything, even characters that shouldn't be (like Superman). So far I'm ok with it, only 2 properties out of the entire MCU is grimdark... thats just fine. I will have issues if they fuckin do that to Iron Fist though.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Fox12 said:
You know, people keep criticizing DC for being grimdark, but then they lose their minds over this and Daredevil...

Anyway, I haven't finished Daredevil, but I'll probably check this out. It looks interesting, at least.
The difference is that DC likes to be dark... just to be dark. And shows no intent to vary from that. Marvel gives us good, well-written dark stuff like Daredevil (a story which could not be told in a not-grimdark way), as well as more lighthearted fare like Guardians to balance it out.


New member
Jul 27, 2014
bigfatcarp93 said:
Fox12 said:
You know, people keep criticizing DC for being grimdark, but then they lose their minds over this and Daredevil...

Anyway, I haven't finished Daredevil, but I'll probably check this out. It looks interesting, at least.
The difference is that DC likes to be dark... just to be dark. And shows no intent to vary from that. Marvel gives us good, well-written dark stuff like Daredevil (a story which could not be told in a not-grimdark way), as well as more lighthearted fare like Guardians to balance it out.
How does one define 'dark', though? If we're talking story, themes, etc, than something like Man of Steel certainly wasn't dark, though I heard many of the DC animated films have very mature content (I haven't seen any of them, so I could be wrong). I feel like too many people equate seriousness or realism (at least as realistic can be in a world with superpowers) with darkness and grittiness, and sometimes they should be, but painting a broad brush over DC's portrayals isn't fair.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Don't know anything about the character, but y'know what, I dig it. That looks legit interesting. I love the idea of a sort of 'broken' superhero and it's neat (And terrifying) to see a portrayal of mind control as being used by someone not constrained by a PG rating.

I mean seriously, if someone had mind control abilities and lacked a conscience, the sheer horror of what they could unleash is a scary thought.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
If The Doctor showed up at my house, he wouldn't need mind control to get in.

OT; I wonder if there will be any early crossover with Daredevil.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
008Zulu said:
OT; I wonder if there will be any early crossover with Daredevil.
We might see Matt and Foggy in a cameo, but Luke Cage seems to (for obvious reason) be the only one going full crossover for this one.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Okay, yeah. I'm convinced Ritter will be good in this now. Hopefully the series is good.

Fox12 said:
You know, people keep criticizing DC for being grimdark, but then they lose their minds over this and Daredevil...
Daredevil still takes itself less seriously than MoS.

Also, Daredevil's been fairly dark since the 80s. They tried to make Flash and Superman edgy. That would be like making a Spider-Man who never cracked jokes...oh, right, Tobey Maguire.

Marvel has its own issues, mind. Th tone always being set to "dark" is not one of them.
Scarim Coral said:
I'm not making the same mistake with Dare Devil (coming late to the party) so I will be watching this on November 20th! Also who is the villain? Purple Man? He's the only one I can think of from the Marvel universe with Mind Control. Also if they going to take place in the same location as Dare Devil? How did the two not meet yet (prequel?).
There are a ton of people with mind control in Marvel. But this is the Purple Man, which they allude to with the flashes of purple and use of the name "Kilgrave." While this takes place in New York, Daredevil's antics were mostly limited to Hell's Kitchen, and this doesn't look to be in the same portion.

008Zulu said:
If The Doctor showed up at my house, he wouldn't need mind control to get in.
I'm convinced this is actually a Dalek trap.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Lightknight said:
Well, I don't know much of anything about the character but it looks entertaining. I generally have trouble with "super strength" when depicted as a power but this one looks much more psychologically focused so that may not be a problem. I have an issue with disbelief when seeing a girl punch a 250lb guy through a wall for the same reason I have an issue with disbelief when I see a scrawny man do the same thing (yep, even spiderman is hard for me to watch sometimes).
I am normally annoyed by that too, Lightknight, but in a superhero universe, it doesn't bother me like it does in films such as Salt or the MIseries - if the boys can have super strength on a super-hero level, then I think it's fair that the girls can too.

Can anyone fill me in on how she got her superpowers, by the way?


Dec 24, 2011
Fox12 said:
You know, people keep criticizing DC for being grimdark, but then they lose their minds over this and Daredevil...
Grimdark can be done well, and it can be done poorly. Whether someone likes the style as a whole is purely down to personal taste. People seem aware of this with other genres, such as fantasy (Goerge R.R. Martin) and sci-fi (Alien, Bladerunner) and crime dramas even have a whole subgenre devoted to it (film noir). Yet for some reason there's been a backlash against superhero films even ATTEMPTING to go into the same direction. Nevermind the fact that the popularity of comicbook movies was sparked by movies like Blade, X-men, and Unbreakable, which were all distinctly dark in tone.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
the December King said:
Can anyone fill me in on how she got her superpowers, by the way?
The car she was in with her family hit a military truck carrying radioactive chemicals (of course). Her family died, she spent a few months in a coma, and when she woke up she had super strength, toughness, and flight. Her comic canon backstory intersects with Spider-Man, since she had a crush on Peter Parker for awhile as a student, and seeing Spider-Man inspired her to be a hero at first. Then things went wrong with Purple Man, she was enslaved for a good long while until he told her to go to the Avengers mansion to beat up Daredevil. He didn't live there, so she attacked the first red-dressed hero she found (Scarlet Witch). The male heroes kicked the crap out of her until Carol Danvers realized what was going on and flew her away to save her. She was in a coma for a bit after that, and when she woke up she was disillusioned from the combination of being enslaved by Kilgrave and having the crap kicked out of her by her idols.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Often said:
the December King said:
Can anyone fill me in on how she got her superpowers, by the way?
The car she was in with her family hit a military truck carrying radioactive chemicals (of course). Her family died, she spent a few months in a coma, and when she woke up she had super strength, toughness, and flight. Her comic canon backstory intersects with Spider-Man, since she had a crush on Peter Parker for awhile as a student, and seeing Spider-Man inspired her to be a hero at first. Then things went wrong with Purple Man, she was enslaved for a good long while until he told her to go to the Avengers mansion to beat up Daredevil. He didn't live there, so she attacked the first red-dressed hero she found (Scarlet Witch). The male heroes kicked the crap out of her until Carol Danvers realized what was going on and flew her away to save her. She was in a coma for a bit after that, and when she woke up she was disillusioned from the combination of being enslaved by Kilgrave and having the crap kicked out of her by her idols.
Woah, that is a dark origin. Interesting set up, thanks for the info.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
the December King said:
Lightknight said:
Well, I don't know much of anything about the character but it looks entertaining. I generally have trouble with "super strength" when depicted as a power but this one looks much more psychologically focused so that may not be a problem. I have an issue with disbelief when seeing a girl punch a 250lb guy through a wall for the same reason I have an issue with disbelief when I see a scrawny man do the same thing (yep, even spiderman is hard for me to watch sometimes).
I am normally annoyed by that too, Lightknight, but in a superhero universe, it doesn't bother me like it does in films such as Salt or the MIseries - if the boys can have super strength on a super-hero level, then I think it's fair that the girls can too.
I literally said in the very same post that I also have the same problem with small male heroes with super strength. For example, I cited Spiderman in instances where they revisit the fact that he also has super strength (then somehow go back to the dangers of falling from a skyscraper even though that would mean nothing to an individual with the sort of magic super strength he has since terminal velocity spread out around his entire body doesn't mean crap compared to faster-than-terminal-velocity spread out across the surface area of a fist). Every time I see it depicted in film it is entirely unbelievable. It is far worse when the person doesn't have super-powers, sure. I mean, if Rousey can't do it then no mousey girl or weak-ass man can. It's a shame they so regularly go with slender and beautiful for those super strong female leads. While I certainly enjoy slender and beautiful, it ruins those kinds of movies for me. At least Black Widow generally messes them up with her agility and precision, just like lightweight fighters have to in order to compensate for size disparity.

Some brute like the Juggernaut, Hulk, Ironman or Colossus being strong just doesn't phase me. But when it's a tiny person it might as well be a wickle baaaaby knocking people out of the park with their magic rattle.

I'm particularly frustrated with how female "super strong" heroes are depicted because they always give them mental issues and emotional instability as their weakness which is trite at best and offensive if thought through too thoroughly as the typical "kryptonite" society already labels regular women with. Though, I am personally tired of the mentally unstable/suffering heroes. At least heroes like Daredevil have other weaknesses and their internal struggle ends up being something more along the lines of morality rather than how little control they have over their emotions. Physical limitations I can put up with, extreme emotional instability I just can't. It's like having a police officer walking down the sidewalk crying while waving their gun around. I've only been OK with it a few times. Like with Hancock, the dude was messed up emotionally but they depicted it in a non-offensive way. But his thing was that he was deadening the pain and as such had trouble caring about others or himself. That's a long shot from being actively tormented by the pain in a way the vast majority of humans aren't. Yes, in our dark times we remember things we've said or done and grimace at the foolishness of our youth. But writhing around in public and exhibiting no filter between such thoughts and our physical visage? *sigh*


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Lightknight said:
Some brute like the Juggernaut, Hulk, Ironman or Colossus being strong just doesn't phase me. But when it's a tiny person it might as well be a wickle baaaaby knocking people out of the park with their magic rattle.
You mean like that shot of baby Superman lifting the truck off Uncle Kent? And why is Colossus ok? He's not very buff at all. Certainly not buff enough to flip cars realistically. Hulk I can understand, as he is inhumanely proportioned, but Colossus is ok with you? He's just a dude who looks like he's been lifting weights for a bit. Why is that ok to be a superstrong person, when his musculature is nowhere near enough to actually pull off the physical act? Are you talking about comic book Colossus or movie Colossus?

I don't know, I mean, there is no way to realistically reflect the musculature that you would need to lift superhuman size loads. So unless you just don't want them to ever show humans being superhuman, how are they supposed to represent these impossible abilities in a way that would be satisfactory to you? I'm genuinely curious how the entertainment industry could satisfy your issues on this subject. Because none of it is at all possible, unless you just CGI every person ever, because you couldn't find actors that physically look anything like what they would have to look like, to actually pull it off.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Lightknight said:
I literally said in the very same post that I also have the same problem with small male heroes with super strength. For example, I cited Spiderman in instances where they revisit the fact that he also has super strength (then somehow go back to the dangers of falling from a skyscraper even though that would mean nothing to an individual with the sort of magic super strength he has since terminal velocity spread out around his entire body doesn't mean crap compared to faster-than-terminal-velocity spread out across the surface area of a fist). Every time I see it depicted in film it is entirely unbelievable. It is far worse when the person doesn't have super-powers, sure. I mean, if Rousey can't do it then no mousey girl or weak-ass man can. It's a shame they so regularly go with slender and beautiful for those super strong female leads. While I certainly enjoy slender and beautiful, it ruins those kinds of movies for me. At least Black Widow generally messes them up with her agility and precision, just like lightweight fighters have to in order to compensate for size disparity.
Sorry, Lightknight, I wasn't attempting to accuse you of anything, I was just saying I think I see where you are coming from. And yeah, it's bothered me with little men taking out bigger, or at least apparently more capable opponents, that are clearly taking dives or poorly staging the fight. But I usually turn off my brain after someone says 'superhero' or 'magic powers' or what not.

For some reason, maybe it is my own issues and I was projecting a bit, I always have more of a problem buying such actions when it's a woman easily defeating a man or men, and no super powers are mentioned.