The first videogame you ever played

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
I don't know if it was the very first, but the first one I recall having fondness for was Depthcharge.

I seem to have a fondness for rotating knob games. Tempest is another favorite. I liked the more patient style of shooting in Depthcharge. You shoot and then have to wait to see if your aim is true or if you miss or if a lower-valued sub suddenly gets in your fucking way. I must've been kind of odd as a kid.

Alex Graves

New member
Aug 16, 2012
GeneralBigG said:
Little Gray said:
...a long as fucking time ago... a town called Kickapoo....

Sorry, saw that and couldn't resist :D

OT: Some bike racing game on the master system. Might have been Road Rash, not sure. God, that would've been nearly, if not, 20 years ago now. Fuck, I feel old...
Hahah! References!

OT: The fuck if I now...can't really recall much of my life before I was 9 and I started gaming at 3 it was most likely one of the mario games since I had an SNES at the time. For the first one I still remember playing it would be final fantasy adventure, which for those who don't know is not part of the FF series but a part of the mana series and the first in a long chain of sweet under appreciated gems(as far as I know anyways people never seem to know the series it sort of slid in under the radar). Of course somewhere in between those two I got the sega genesis and sonic 1-3 and sank a lot of time in there...ah the good years of childhood.

Edit: Also in there somewhere is paper boy....motherfucking paperboy, and frogger but who didn't play frogger.


New member
May 8, 2013
The_Echo said:
My very first game was Kirby's Dream Land 2, which was released when I was around a year and a half old. For all I know, that's how old I was when I started gaming.

No, I don't still play it. I sold my copy (among other games) years ago while trying to raise money for the original Nintendo DS. Little did I know that I would one day want them all back.

My only memories of playing it back then were getting to King Dedede for the first time in the car as my mom pulled out of our driveway, and feeling like the black fire miniboss showed up way too often. Oh, and not knowing what the hell Gooey was or why he was there instead of an animal buddy sometimes.

I'd love to have that game again.
Really like Kirby music. Of course I think Kirby has the best music of all time. Do think the games are just a joy to play. Know the Fountain of Dreams on Smash Bros Melee, best song in the game. Never get sick of playing Kirby Super Star. Every single song from Kirby Super Star kicks ass. You know I have praised Kirby enough.


New member
May 3, 2009
If I remember right the first game I played was DOOM II at the age of 8. I still play it today. And of course the game had no negative effect on my childhood.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to wash the blood out of my clothes.

Ix Rebound

New member
Jan 10, 2012
The first Far Cry game.

I had always used to just watch my dad play it all the time but i never thought to ask to have a go. my dad asked if I did when he had almost finished the game. I was hesitant at first cause whenever I saw him die I got scared (I was 6 or 7 at the time) So he put the god mode cheat and sat me on his massive chair and told me what the controls were.

The first thing i did after the game was unpaused was spin around over and over, firing the machine gun wildly until all organic life had ceased to exist. Then immediantly jumped out of the chair and ran away.

Who would have thought that that was the moment that would set me on the path of gaming life to where I am today *sheds manly tear*


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Methinks it was some Sonic game on the Sega Dreamcast/Genesis.

"Played", I was so young I just kind of held the controller and continued watching my brother while Tails incessantly checked his watch. Or so I'm told. It's weird that that may have been the first because I've always hated the playstyle of Sonic, since.

First game I actually played? Probably one of these: Super Mario Land, Pokemon Red and Metroid 2.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
I don't truly remember, but one of the first games I played was the very first GTA which was released in 1997.

Kill people and steal trains! Drive around in cool cars!

... I didn't like killing people, though. It made me uncomfortable, but, hey, in what other game could you hijack a bloody train? I loved to control it and act as if I was the designated train driver and stopped at train stations, let people out and allowed them to go in and then I drove to the next station. It was awfully fun.
Mar 19, 2010
Well first game I ever remember playing was Doom or Quake I am not sure. It was at my neighbours a looooong time ago. I remember seeing your avatar's face on the hud and that i shot badies with some weapon and that they exploded into tiny bits and I liked that very much I think i was not even ten years old when that happened.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
The very first? That would be Coleco Telstar pong in 1977 when I was 6. If you mean more traditional consoles, then that would be Space Invaders on the Atari 2600 in 1980.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Game was called Scramble, on a console (if you could call it that) called a Vetrex. Either that or Frogger using cassette tape on Commodore 64. (Push play on tape. LOL) Feeling old now :(.

Dirge Eterna

New member
Apr 13, 2013
Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Centipede and Moon Patrol on the Atari 2600. I was about 5 or 6 and I got bored of them fast. Then I got into the NES with Super Mario. Our family was too poor to buy a NES so I would ride my bike to a Walmart nearby and play on the demo game until the 10min timer went off and reset the game. 1st PC game was Command & Conquer, I was hooked on RTS from then on.

Chris Tian

New member
May 5, 2012
My first Game? I am not 100% sure, but I think it was Prince of Persia (the very first). I played it on my mothers PC back then.

Oh boy, I still remember little me cringe, when the Prince fell on those spikes.

As to how it aged... well, I can't compare it to newer games. Thats feels like comparing a good drawing of a 8yo to a painting of Bob Ross.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Pong. I barely remember it though. The first game I owned was a 3 way tie between SMB, Duck Hunt and Excitebike as I got them for Christmas when I got my first console, the venerable NES. Which I still have and it STILL RUNS.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Warlords 3. See now I had no idea what I was doing but as long as I was clicking on stuff I was happy.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Age 5, Wolfenstein, in a gas station car garage right next to a hoisted car and a tray of oil. And this is the exact reason why I'm always drawn back to this series each time a new game comes out. I just can't help myself.