The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
tormut2 said:
The lego star wars series, I have no idea why i invested in that series twice
You kidding me? I love those games.

I guess this goes to show how few people here have really played properly terrible games.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Gizmo007666 said:
Mikeyfell said:
secondly higher level players get better guns and perks
what the fuck?
once you have proved that you're better than everyone else we'll give you some good guns and perks.
so the good get better while the bad get repeatedly slaughtered and demoralized?
(even if I was good enough to be a level 70 with the bullet-proof-infinite-ammo-double-damage-instant-kill perk I'd still think it was a bull shit system, a fair challenge is better than domination)

in Halo there are 7 perks and none of them are any better than the others. Which are "the best" comes down to player preference.
in CoD there are a shit ton of perks and about 5 or so that can totally make you invulnerable if you're good enough to have unlocked them.

anyway, I can't decide whether Modern Warfare is worse than Black Ops or not
I have no problem with you thinking either of these two are bad games and recon you must be pretty lucky for these to be you're worst two that you've ever played but please don't make up stuff. Higher players do not get better weapons or perks than the lower levels in any of the CoDs from 4 through Blops.
4 - Widely regarded as the best guns were M16 and mp5, both available from the start.
WaW - mp40 is available from level 10
MW2 - ump and scar available from start / early on.
Blops - famas and ak-74u both unlocked in the first 20 odd levels, so is a bit farther than the others but hardly unlocking the bfg's at level 65 or anything.
As for perks 4 and WaW the key ones were stopping power and juggernaut, unlocked from the start. MW2 was stopping power unlocked from the start. Blops, arguable which is best but as soon as you can create a class you can choose which perk to unlock.

OT: Croc 2 I guess... might be something worse out there that I've successfully repressed the memory of it.

EDIT: Oh FF2, wtf was that level system like? Really thought it was terrible.
you're talking about WAW and MW2
I'm talking about MW 1 and Black Ops

WaW had a (fun) zombie mode so I could play that on line after I finished the single player
and MW2 had the Spec Ops missions so I could play those after the single player
so I never even bothered to play the competitive multiplayer in either of those games

it's the myriad of only slightly different weapons that get on my nerves
it really doesn't matter if those 2 guns are the best because there are half a million guns that all look the same at a glance and when you're taking bullets all you have is a glance

(if you don't mind) in Halo the Needler is pink, the DMR is a scoped rifle
in Black Ops the AK-74u is shaped like a gun along with every other gun in black ops

if you try all the different combos to find out which works best for you you'll spend more time on the 'build a class' screen than you would playing
(or I would anyway, the way my head attracts bullets)
and that might all be worth it if they could match the skill levels appropriately
but I'm always up against people who can beat Veteran with their eyes closed

Ivan Torres

New member
Sep 27, 2010
tormut2 said:
The lego star wars series, I have no idea why i invested in that series twice
That can NOT be the worst game you have ever played. Come on, Superman 64? E.T.? Sonic Riders? Two Worlds? It has to be an actually bad game to count. Surely you have played worse.

Ivan Torres

New member
Sep 27, 2010
Mikeyfell said:
Gizmo007666 said:
Mikeyfell said:
secondly higher level players get better guns and perks
what the fuck?
once you have proved that you're better than everyone else we'll give you some good guns and perks.
so the good get better while the bad get repeatedly slaughtered and demoralized?
(even if I was good enough to be a level 70 with the bullet-proof-infinite-ammo-double-damage-instant-kill perk I'd still think it was a bull shit system, a fair challenge is better than domination)

in Halo there are 7 perks and none of them are any better than the others. Which are "the best" comes down to player preference.
in CoD there are a shit ton of perks and about 5 or so that can totally make you invulnerable if you're good enough to have unlocked them.

anyway, I can't decide whether Modern Warfare is worse than Black Ops or not
I have no problem with you thinking either of these two are bad games and recon you must be pretty lucky for these to be you're worst two that you've ever played but please don't make up stuff. Higher players do not get better weapons or perks than the lower levels in any of the CoDs from 4 through Blops.
4 - Widely regarded as the best guns were M16 and mp5, both available from the start.
WaW - mp40 is available from level 10
MW2 - ump and scar available from start / early on.
Blops - famas and ak-74u both unlocked in the first 20 odd levels, so is a bit farther than the others but hardly unlocking the bfg's at level 65 or anything.
As for perks 4 and WaW the key ones were stopping power and juggernaut, unlocked from the start. MW2 was stopping power unlocked from the start. Blops, arguable which is best but as soon as you can create a class you can choose which perk to unlock.

OT: Croc 2 I guess... might be something worse out there that I've successfully repressed the memory of it.

EDIT: Oh FF2, wtf was that level system like? Really thought it was terrible.
you're talking about WAW and MW2
I'm talking about MW 1 and Black Ops

WaW had a (fun) zombie mode so I could play that on line after I finished the single player
and MW2 had the Spec Ops missions so I could play those after the single player
so I never even bothered to play the competitive multiplayer in either of those games

it's the myriad of only slightly different weapons that get on my nerves
it really doesn't matter if those 2 guns are the best because there are half a million guns that all look the same at a glance and when you're taking bullets all you have is a glance

(if you don't mind) in Halo the Needler is pink, the DMR is a scoped rifle
in Black Ops the AK-74u is shaped like a gun along with every other gun in black ops

if you try all the different combos to find out which works best for you you'll spend more time on the 'build a class' screen than you would playing
(or I would anyway, the way my head attracts bullets)
and that might all be worth it if they could match the skill levels appropriately
but I'm always up against people who can beat Veteran with their eyes closed
BLOPS has zombies.....


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Legion IV said:
Engage in hyperbole much?

OP: Portal, Halflife 2 and big rigs but hell at least big rigs was hilariously bad. i regreat buying portal and halflife.
Thank you. Someone that actually shares my opinion that portal and halflife 2 were shit!

And for anyone that said Two Worlds, you'll be getting a piece of mail soon. Have fun with that anthrax :D

Just kidding, its a cookie.......That explodes

Seriously though, Two Worlds is not the best game, but come one, it was hilarious!


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Joseph375 said:
NeedAUserName said:
Turok or Haze, in that they had such hype, and both were just complete pieces of shit. Hell, calling them that is an insult to shit, they were everything wrong with the world squeezed onto two CDs.

Cookie for the reference

I've never tried Haze, is it really that bad?
I liked Haze...

Anyway, Sonic Unleashed, I rarely touch my PS2 now.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
roger moores eyebrow said:
Stalker Clear Sky was a crapfest as well, especially disappointing seeing as I love the orginal and Call of Pripyat.
Totally agree.

Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat have both been good enough for me to re-visit them. I un-installed Clear Sky after getting about halfway through the story. They ruined the horror, they ruined the interface, it ran even worse, and most of the maps were shameless re-hashes of Shadow of Chernobyl maps.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Joshimodo said:
SextusMaximus said:
CoD4's multiplayer, CoD5's campaign + multiplayer + zombies, CoD6's Spec Ops + CoD7's Campaign + Zombies.
CoD4's multiplayer was fun for about 10 minutes, then you realised it was just a grind to get overpowered weapons to beat people who didn't have to time to unlock it. Too easy, and unbalanced.

WaW's campaign was a joke, and while zombies was ok, other games did it better, first. No redeeming features or interesting parts.

Spec Ops was dire. Same problems as all of the CoD campaigns - Linear, set occurrences, dull AI and pretty much only one way to do things. Yawn.

Black Ops campaign is better than MW2 and WaW's, but it's still retarded. Terrible. Zombies has the same problem as before, with no real improvements.

Terrible series.
I played CoD4's multiplayer and only got to level thirty-something, I had an absolute blast on it personally.

WoW's campaign was respectable and fun - if anything else - and co-operative zombies - whether original or not - was superbly done and great to play.

Spec Ops were original and interesting - sure there may have been few ways to do things, but it's about the challenge.

I enjoyed Black Ops a fair amount too.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
My worst games are Halo Wars, really did not enjoy it and probably, and with out a doubt Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow was one of my favorite Sonic character, and this game was just awful, it made me feel physically sick


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Mikeyfell said:
Gizmo007666 said:
Mikeyfell said:
secondly higher level players get better guns and perks
what the fuck?
once you have proved that you're better than everyone else we'll give you some good guns and perks.
so the good get better while the bad get repeatedly slaughtered and demoralized?
(even if I was good enough to be a level 70 with the bullet-proof-infinite-ammo-double-damage-instant-kill perk I'd still think it was a bull shit system, a fair challenge is better than domination)

in Halo there are 7 perks and none of them are any better than the others. Which are "the best" comes down to player preference.
in CoD there are a shit ton of perks and about 5 or so that can totally make you invulnerable if you're good enough to have unlocked them.

anyway, I can't decide whether Modern Warfare is worse than Black Ops or not
I have no problem with you thinking either of these two are bad games and recon you must be pretty lucky for these to be you're worst two that you've ever played but please don't make up stuff. Higher players do not get better weapons or perks than the lower levels in any of the CoDs from 4 through Blops.
4 - Widely regarded as the best guns were M16 and mp5, both available from the start.
WaW - mp40 is available from level 10
MW2 - ump and scar available from start / early on.
Blops - famas and ak-74u both unlocked in the first 20 odd levels, so is a bit farther than the others but hardly unlocking the bfg's at level 65 or anything.
As for perks 4 and WaW the key ones were stopping power and juggernaut, unlocked from the start. MW2 was stopping power unlocked from the start. Blops, arguable which is best but as soon as you can create a class you can choose which perk to unlock.

OT: Croc 2 I guess... might be something worse out there that I've successfully repressed the memory of it.

EDIT: Oh FF2, wtf was that level system like? Really thought it was terrible.
you're talking about WAW and MW2
I'm talking about MW 1 and Black Ops

WaW had a (fun) zombie mode so I could play that on line after I finished the single player
and MW2 had the Spec Ops missions so I could play those after the single player
so I never even bothered to play the competitive multiplayer in either of those games

it's the myriad of only slightly different weapons that get on my nerves
it really doesn't matter if those 2 guns are the best because there are half a million guns that all look the same at a glance and when you're taking bullets all you have is a glance

(if you don't mind) in Halo the Needler is pink, the DMR is a scoped rifle
in Black Ops the AK-74u is shaped like a gun along with every other gun in black ops

if you try all the different combos to find out which works best for you you'll spend more time on the 'build a class' screen than you would playing
(or I would anyway, the way my head attracts bullets)
and that might all be worth it if they could match the skill levels appropriately
but I'm always up against people who can beat Veteran with their eyes closed
I was talking about all of them actually. The point you made was that the best perks and weapons are available only for the highest levelled players and I was pointing out all the overpowered/overused weapons and perks are those that are available from the start.

As for weapons all being basically the same Blops (Black Ops) is worse for that since a great deal of the guns have very little between them, however there is the option to play against bots so you can learn the layout of the maps which may help if you were to try online play.

4 by this stage you'll have difficulty finding anyone at a low level and doesn't know all the tricks and frag spots by now. Even if there was a low level server available I would guess at it being empty, besides they tried to implement a low level tdm option in WaW and it ended up having the higher levels sneak in through different methods.

Don't really see the flaw in having multiple weapons on offer which all look like guns though seeing as that's what they're based on. Obviously theres more option with how sci-fi weapons look but there's not much that can be changed about actual weapons. Plus sorting by skill level is fairly difficult to do considering level is no indicator of skill, neither is k/d ratio, w/l ratio or anything else measurable.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
nomis101uk said:
OT: Final Fantasy 9, I guess. The game's story was bland and ridiculous, the art style was.. Horrid, and the characters were nothing but irritating twats.
:O OMG. I just died a little inside! That's my favourite game ever!! And I didn't actually play it until 2010, yet it still managed to impress me that much, that it knocked Deus Ex off the top spot.
Seriously, I think for so many people FF7 was their introduction to the series or least what defined it for them, so that when 9 came along, for them it wasn't what Final Fantasy was about. But in reality, 9 was a throwback to what Final Fantasy was supposed to be in terms of world and characters. The creator of the series said after making it that 9 was the game that most captured what he felt Final Fantasy was always meant to be, and therefore was his favourite. The sci-fi settings of 7 & 8 were actually the real deviation from series, not the other way round.
Also I think because 7 was such a quantum leap, by the time 9 came around it was just more of the same. A "safe" game that didn't change anything. But for me, it was perfection.
*Standing ovation*
When I read that post, I immediatly got really sad! FF9 is my 2nd, if not tied 1st, favourite game of all time - like you, I only played it a couple of years ago and I thought it was perfection (aside from the graphics but what're ya gonna do?). The story was not bland and ridiculous, it was downright incredible and the characters weren't irritating twats, they were inspirational!

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
John-Doe said:
The worst one i can remember playing from recent memory was a game called legendary. Just absolutely god awful mess of a game.
It had a good concept going for it...

Shame the gameplay didn't live up to it.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Gizmo007666 said:
alright so there are good perks at low levels
I was wrong about that

but the whole system is still bunk

player skill should determine the winner and not who can choose the best combination of perks and weapons

in case you haven't guessed I have no skill to brag about in FPS games
but if you put a DMR or a Needler in my hand in Halo I can hold my own against any leveled player
CoD does not have balanced gameplay and it's the fault of the weapons and the perks system


New member
Feb 2, 2010
hmmmmmm, Turok...Turok...Turok, i couldnt play it for more than 30 mins....its almost impressive how bad it was


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Ivan Torres said:
Mikeyfell said:
WaW had a (fun) zombie mode so I could play that on line after I finished the single player
BLOPS has zombies.....
yes BLOPS did have zombies but it wasn't fun

the first Nazi Zombie level in WAW was the best 3 rooms, a random weapon box, and you and 3 friends vs the Zombie Apocalypse

nothing about turning on the power
I just wanted to run around and see how long I can survive
now I have to get all the way to the power room before I do that

I have a sneaking suspicion that Nazi Zombies was put in WaW as a joke
then it took off so they made it suck

if they put all the effort then put into making Zombie maps in to the single player mode CoD might not be the worst game I've ever played.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Final Fantasy 2 was the worst game I ever played. The characters had as much depth as a sheet of tissue paper, the dungeons were awful, the gameplay was horrible, and it was just a bad experience overall.

The only good thing about it was the music.