The flat-out worst game you have ever played. EVER.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
E.T. for the atari... it was and is as bad as the you've heard, then again how good can a game be when the dev team is given less than a month to make it, so it can be in stores by Christmas.


New member
May 21, 2010
satokenji said:
Fuckin Damnation. Can't believe i bought that game. hated it
I second this motion! You can't see anything! Why? it's all the same colour and texture as what it's in front of. And then good luck aiming at it. God it was bad


Feb 22, 2009
rayen020 said:
Joshimodo said:
MulticolorCharizard said:
Joshimodo said:
CoD series past #3.
Oh fuck off.
Aside from CoD4's decent campaign, name one redeeming feature or anything remotely interesting/not broken.

Can't? Didn't think so.
What you mean aside from the multi-player challenges, interesting maps, great level design, Attention to detail, and story? What was broken?

And honestly the single player campaign is the entire game! it's an military FPS! If the Campaign is good, its a good game.
Just ignore him. He's being a troll. Thinking his opinion is always right. It's probably not even his opinion, he's just like "I'm going to hate COD because it's popular and I'm different."
Jun 11, 2008
GrizzlerBorno said:
Glademaster said:
Don't agree with the bit in the spoiler.
If the guy hadn't of helped them out and given them tactics and shown them how to actually stop the humans machines they either would of lost or of taken very heavy casualties. I am sure another smurf could of tamed the big dragon and united the people but win with the humans when they have no concept of how to destory it is doubtful but possible. So I don't think it is saying they are stupid and incapable in anyway.
I'm sorry, but what you say would've made all the sense in the WORLD, if the "tactic" you speak of, the one that the ingenious humans came up with in all their glory (praise to the white master race, and all that)....wasn't CHARGE with Alien Horses, and CHARGE with Dragon thingies! What Tactic?
Ok fine, there was that bit with throwing grenades into the engines, but they could've just as easily have thrown rocks in and gotten the same effect.
They probably wouldn't of thought to go straight for it which is why I said they could of either lost or just taken more casualties. It has nothing to do with some white Aryan master race. Also those machines are different from the one we use now how do you that the rock wouldn't of just been chewed up and spit out if it was small enough. I am sure when they made the movie they weren't thinking of a proper battle scene with real life Sun Tzu tactics. I really think you are just way over stating a white supremacy vibe you find in the movie.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Some Spy Kids game for the GBA, it only had two short levels and they both sucked.

Wild arms 4 should get an honorable mention for many reasons I've stated before.

Dr. Feelgood

New member
Jul 13, 2010
Joseph375 said:
I'm going to have to go with Call of Duty 3. One of the worst games ever in my opinion.
Hmm, I actually happened to enjoy that game very much, even more so than Call of Duty 4. If you don't mind, why did you hate it?

OT:I don't think I can actually decide on one game that I hated the most, but I suppose if I had to go with one it'd be Kingsfield for the Playstation.
Jun 11, 2008
imahobbit4062 said:
It's a tie between COD and Halo
(thats any COD and any Halo)

I'm not even trolling here, these are the worst things to ever happen to the fps genre.
What would you consider to be a good FPS then?
Something with innovation, and something without a fan base that gives everyone else a bad name

Section 8 (yes it was flawed), Unreal Tournament, Quake arena, Deus Ex
Deus Ex is not a FPS it is an ARPG or RPS. FPS games don't have the level of RPG levels Deus Ex does.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
I downloaded desert bus for the PC off my old friend. It really didn't work since he practically had to remake the game itself, seeing as how it never was, is, or will be for the PC and he really really screwed up getting the data off the old Atari game and copying it to a computer don't ask me how, i was surprised that he did it.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Wow, the worst game some people have played is CoD? Or Half Life? Or Mass Effect?

Well, I guess you've all been playing some pretty damned good games for your whole life. You've never been dissapointed at Christmas when your mum gets you Lego Creator: Harry Potter. You've never had your innocence ruined when you picked up Too Human.

And it's damned funny when you say 'I'm not trolling but...', because you always are. Still, y'all best be getting back on your bandwagons.

Liquid Ocelot

New member
Nov 6, 2010
ZippyDSMlee said:
PeePantz said:
RAKtheUndead said:
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600. Call it schmuck bait. I had to see whether it lived up to its reputation.
I played this game as a wee lad. Awful, just awful. Its hatred has made such a strong comeback in recent years, and gained a cult following. I remember being very little and knowing that game is utter bullshit.
I love it for it's shittyness! It's just hilarious!
OT: worst game...hmm...World Super Police. Oh or Futurama.
I can say the same abotu Bethesda games.

Liquid Ocelot said:
savagecam said:
Final Fantasy XIII.
This, a thousand times this.

Okay, it wasn't the worst game I have ever played, but it was definitely one of the worst final fantasies.. Nah, 9 topped it in terms of fail.

OT: Final Fantasy 9, I guess. The game's story was bland and ridiculous, the art style was.. Horrid, and the characters were nothing but irritating twats.
You mean 12 right? 9 was simple but had the best world/gameplay of the lot.

In current memory Jericho and FF13 are just bad, FO3 and Bioshock are just highly mediocre
Nope, I mean nine.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Liquid Ocelot said:
ZippyDSMlee said:
PeePantz said:
RAKtheUndead said:
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600. Call it schmuck bait. I had to see whether it lived up to its reputation.
I played this game as a wee lad. Awful, just awful. Its hatred has made such a strong comeback in recent years, and gained a cult following. I remember being very little and knowing that game is utter bullshit.
I love it for it's shittyness! It's just hilarious!
OT: worst game...hmm...World Super Police. Oh or Futurama.
I can say the same abotu Bethesda games.

Liquid Ocelot said:
savagecam said:
Final Fantasy XIII.
This, a thousand times this.

Okay, it wasn't the worst game I have ever played, but it was definitely one of the worst final fantasies.. Nah, 9 topped it in terms of fail.

OT: Final Fantasy 9, I guess. The game's story was bland and ridiculous, the art style was.. Horrid, and the characters were nothing but irritating twats.
You mean 12 right? 9 was simple but had the best world/gameplay of the lot.

In current memory Jericho and FF13 are just bad, FO3 and Bioshock are just highly mediocre
Nope, I mean nine.
What you thought of 9 I thought of 8 and 10 0-o and they had worse gamepaly to boot. ><

13 is the worest flat out FF wise, next worst is is is 8 or X they both are mehy and meander about alot with poorly contrived romance, tho FF8 has better characters/story. FF 12 is next in line bad equipment/skills and poor cast make everything else fall apart even if the combat and level layouts were good. FF7 is a bit limited and lose FF9 while having a crappy story and iffy cast the world and gameplay just washed all the bad stuff away ad made it a the last of the classic style FFs and the best of the 3D ones for me.

Play any other Jrpg as bad as FF13/FF9 for you?

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
TomLikesGuitar said:
Legion IV said:
OP: Portal, Halflife 2 and big rigs but hell at least big rigs was hilariously bad. i regreat buying portal and halflife.

It only took until your post for you guys to forget that this thread is about the "worst game you have ever played", and is not about the games that make you angry because you're one of the few who don't like them.

Either that or you have one of the smallest game libraries of ANYONE on this site.
I have a HUGE game library. BUT!! Am a smart person and i dont buy games i know i'll hate ( i common thing most people on the site do) I only buy games i know i'll like.

Then one day my friend wouldnt Shut up about portal and halflife.

Here we are. if i have to pick one as you say. Halflife. Its the truth to. you'd be suprised how peoples oppinions vary. Everyone hates FFX-2 and FFXII and i love em. So why cant i think halflife is the worse? Well i can and i do. terrible fing game.


New member
May 20, 2009
PurpleLeafRave said:
rayen020 said:
Joshimodo said:
MulticolorCharizard said:
Joshimodo said:
CoD series past #3.
Oh fuck off.
Aside from CoD4's decent campaign, name one redeeming feature or anything remotely interesting/not broken.

Can't? Didn't think so.
What you mean aside from the multi-player challenges, interesting maps, great level design, Attention to detail, and story? What was broken?

And honestly the single player campaign is the entire game! it's an military FPS! If the Campaign is good, its a good game.
Just ignore him. He's being a troll. Thinking his opinion is always right. It's probably not even his opinion, he's just like "I'm going to hate COD because it's popular and I'm different."
I know i just like to throw back into the face of troll their trolling lies. anyway he's not different he's the same as all the other people who try to be anti-conformist by hating everything popular. ironically conforming to the very stereotypes they are trying to escape.

Mr. Fahrenheit

New member
Mar 16, 2009
Antonio Torrente said:
And it was made by Bioware, goes to show that what ever developer handles any Sonic game it still fails.
I really have no idea Bioware dropped the ball that hard.

I don't think that it should be that hard to create a good Sonic game, but...they just did.

It was too easy...the EBA/Quendan-style touch controls were just the same every time and really only ended up becoming a mandatory chore. The bosses were incredibly disappointing too. Most of the time, they were literally just recolors of common enemies with more HP and more damaging attacks.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Baroque. On the wii.

Beautiful to look at, fun for the first hour, and it had so much potential. There was a great underlying was just never exploited. Sad to say, it was a very pretty dissapointment.