The New Batmobile Pic Tease is All Tarp and Tires


New member
Feb 4, 2014
The New Batmobile Pic Tease is All Tarp and Tires

Zach Snyder teases the new Batmobile on Twitter. WARNING: This is almost content-free.

If you can muster up the emotional fortitude necessary to care about Man of Steel 2: Batman and Superman In The Battle For Who Is The Mopiest (or whatever it's going to be called), then you might want to know what a tiny portion of the new version of the Batmobile will look like in said film. Well people, today is your lucky day! Zach Snyder has posted a pic to twitter [] that reveals - wait for it - a tiny portion of the Batmobile as it will appear in said film. And here it is!

Snyder's tweet added "Could be time to pull the tarp...Tomorrow?" Since he isn't JJ Abrams, I think we can safely assume he will actually pull the tarp and let us see the whole thing tomorrow. Which... yay?

Obviously, it's difficult to tell from a coy photo that only reveals the back wheels and general outline, but I think it's safe to say this might just be the greatest Batmobile of all time. I mean, look at it! It's definitely a car, and it definitely looks like it might be Bat-related. Maybe even Bat-adjascent. Also, it kind of looks like the Motor Trends version of pornography from like 1910, so that's a win.

More seriously, I'm somewhat interested in knowing what the whole thing looks like. Big wheels aside, it's definitely a departure from the Dark Knight Trilogy's Tumbler. Could this mean the Batman we're getting in Man of Steel: 2Bat 2Furious will be entirely distinct from Christian Bale's raspy, bad-knees Dark Knight? I think we all know the answer: MAYBE.

Serious question: If this new Batman ends up being a wholly new take on the character, is WB making a mistake by introducing him in the Man of Steel sequel instead of a separate film somewhere down the line? Sound off in comments, and stay tuned tomorrow, assuming we get to see the full Batmobile.



[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
Introducing Batman in Man of Steel 2 is a smart move, gently introduce the public to the idea of a non Nolan Batman, while boosting sales for the under-performing Superman. I really want to see it but Man of Steel was such a borefest that I'm dreading to sit through more Superman.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Here's another shot of the new Batmobile...

Yeah, movies can now just cast insane Lambo one-off concepts without missing a beat.



New member
Feb 28, 2014
So... it's probably going to be as fuck ugly as the Tumbler was. Thanks, I'll stick with Burton version as the definitve Batmobile.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Sseth said:
I don't understand all the hate Man of Steel gets. It was an okay movie. It wasn't amazing but I thought it was vastly superior to the last attempt "Superman Returns". And what's with this whole "Zack Snyder is an awful film maker" band wagon that is going around between geeks? Watchmen and 300 were great movies. :(
Action-wise. Sure. Superman-wise? Hell no. Man of steel was awful. Just awful. Great effects? Sure. Awesome battles? Sure. But they missed the point of making a Superman movie. Superman is supposed to be the idol we (humanity) aspire towards. He was not. In any conceivable way. He was a US marine in a blue-red suit. Lame.

Captcha: Which one does not belong: Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, head of cabbage, George Bush, George Bush (yes he was listed twice) I honestly dont know captcha :s

OT: Eh. DC is a total mess on the movie front. I have zero faith in this project. It might be cool, it will probably be lame. We'll see.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Damn. I was really hoping this was more info about Arkham Knight.

tzimize said:
Captcha: Which one does not belong: Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, head of cabbage, George Bush, George Bush (yes he was listed twice) I honestly dont know captcha :s
Well there were two (different) President George Bushes.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Falterfire said:
Damn. I was really hoping this was more info about Arkham Knight.

tzimize said:
Captcha: Which one does not belong: Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, head of cabbage, George Bush, George Bush (yes he was listed twice) I honestly dont know captcha :s
Well there were two (different) President George Bushes.
Ah, right you are. I guess it makes a bit more sense then. And its less funny because of it :<

I'm not american, so I dont really know all your presidents.


New member
Jan 30, 2013
I find it difficult to get excited for this movie. Normally I'd be all over a tease like this, trying to decipher everything I can from what little info they've given, but I've found I just don't care. Man of Steel was a disappointment, and I don't see how continuing in that direction for Batman's re-re-debut will be anything more.


New member
Feb 12, 2014
Come on Snyder, any female looks good from the back... ¬.¬

(looks like a Burton-Nolan combo)


New member
Sep 5, 2013
if the batman character is a departure from Bale, he should get his own movie and not just be saddled with superman (least of all Snyder's Superman).


New member
May 1, 2014
There is a surprisingly large of amount of TTP [] being exhibited on this hot-rod.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
While I'm not going to be a pessimistic dick like a lot of people and just assume this will suck (I thought Man of Steel did what it set out to do), I honestly have a hard time giving a damn about a movie that is so far off. Also, as it stands, I'm not a huge fan of Snyder at this point. He is something of a one trick pony when it comes to his film work.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Hmmm... The outline reminds me of the Batman Forever Batmobile.

And... I honestly can't bring myself to care about this movie. I just can't. Which is strange, considering I seem to be one of the few people who liked Man Of Steel...

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Damn. Was hoping for some arkhum knight news! Guess ill just slither back into my cave again till something interesting comes along.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
I didn't like the Tumbler, and I don't like this. The best one is still the 89 Batmoblie


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Sseth said:
I don't understand all the hate Man of Steel gets. It was an okay movie. It wasn't amazing but I thought it was vastly superior to the last attempt "Superman Returns". And what's with this whole "Zack Snyder is an awful film maker" band wagon that is going around between geeks? Watchmen and 300 were great movies. :(
To that I have two links:


What the heck even Bob manages to make the same points;

Okay jokes aside, the film looked fine, but it was the plot that was a mess. Honestly I liked Jor El and Zod more than I liked superman. Really. I liked the villain more than the hero. Something is wrong when you feel more connected to the bad guy. Character wise Superman just comes out flat and boring. Big battle and explosions, but more brainless than a racing movie. You know the guy wins the race, but you still like to watch how he does it.

OT: It looks like that the batmobile is going to be a fusion between the older movies and the recent one. But I too am lacking in interest. I'll wait for the trailer before I get excited over this.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Looks the same shape as Keatons batmobile, just with chunky wheels from the newer movies.

Also read their are 2 bat suits in the movie, one normal and one armored. So looks like they may have Bats fighting Supes, which is stupid. I really hope Bats gets moody and punches Supes in his power armour and does zero damage until bats realises supes is a friend, not an enemy. Although i then would find it hard to believe that Batman would never have heard of Superman in their "shared" universe.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Cute tease Snyder. What else you got?

Can't seem to generate enough passion for this project. Maybe if they reveal the fully costumed heroes (emphasis on "maybe"). I just have this creeping fear it might turn into another Green Lantern fiasco where Entertainment Weekly showed off that dreadful CGI suit. And I highly doubt Ryan Reynolds speaking the Green Lantern oath will save it.