The Perfect Apolitical/Politics Free Video.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Unsubscribed years ago. Talks about upsetting stuff that would obviously be upsetting for most people, usually when it's already news. Just seldom find him insightful, nor his persona funny. Actually, that's probably in some part how he is.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Unsubscribed years ago. Talks about upsetting stuff that would obviously be upsetting for most people, usually when it's already news. Just seldom find him insightful, nor his persona funny. Actually, that's probably in some part how he is.
You made that pretty clear in the past posts and threads, so I do not know why you bothered even posting here and bringing it up again. I don't agree with everything Jim says, but he is on point. Jim has grown a lot from how he was in the past, and the dude has admit plenty of his own screw ups. I use to dislike him up until about 2011/12 when he went to the Escapists at the time. He's basically the good or better counterpart to Movie Bob.

Back on topic, it is not my fault people want to act like politics don't exist in games or anywhere, and try to act like pussies or b#tches when it's brought to the forefront. Apathetic, lazy, cowardly bastards want to think nothing matters as long as it does not affect them personally. Yet happily suck corporate dick not to feel guilty or to not think about anything like a mindless automaton. Which is what a lot of top jerk offs in the AAA industry want.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
You made that pretty clear in the past posts and thread, so I do not know why you bothered even posting here and bringing it up again.
I don't even remember that. Have I been on version 2 longer than I thought?


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
"I want Jim to stop talking about politics in video games! Now here's a nine-thousand-word screed about how The Last of Us 2 is SJW trash because it portrays a woman as being strong enough to not need to be rescued by a man!"
I'm pretty sure they want folks to stop talking about politics specifically because they don't want to have to write an essay about politics and should be able to simply dislike a char like it's normal, but in the current climate if you dislike a char like it's normal and the char happens to belong to certain select groups, political accusations will be levied against you and besmirch your character, merely because of your taste which is subjective and can't be said to be wrong.

Due to this charged climate where people are hyper-focused, criticism and dislike which would have taken a more neutral tone otherwise is also becoming political as a response, but the idea is that if you didn't initially politicize something, such a state of affairs would have never come to pass in the first place.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I don't even remember that. Have I been on version 2 longer than I thought?
I'm pretty sure he's talking about V1
Both. Though not as much in the V2 board.

I'm pretty sure they want folks to stop talking about politics specifically because they don't want to have to write an essay about politics and should be able to simply dislike a char like it's normal, but in the current climate if you dislike a char like it's normal and the char happens to belong to certain select groups, political accusations will be levied against you and besmirch your character, merely because of your taste which is subjective and can't be said to be wrong.
Which is pathetic on both extremes part. Not ever person is going to hate on you for disliking something, unless spend your whole life on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. But the ones that don't want to see politics in anything, intentional or otherwise, do not want to think because it's inconvenient for them. They want to be mindless sheep without actually admitting it, despite saying otherwise.

Due to this charged climate where people are hyper-focused, criticism and dislike which would have taken a more neutral tone otherwise is also becoming political as a response, but the idea is that if you didn't initially politicize something, such a state of affairs would have never come to pass in the first place.
Which is just a fancy way of saying "It's not my fault!" or "Never my fault!". They never want nor believe they should take any responsibility or accountability. How childish can people like that get? Rhetorical, so no one answer that.

There will always be politics in something. Even the simplest things:
  • Sonic - Environmentalism.
  • Metal Gear Franchise - Militarism, nuclear weapons, and how war is hell/bad.
  • Missile Command - The threat of WWIII and nuclear armageddon.
  • Resident Evil - Corporate greed and biological and viral weapons and warfare.
  • Oddworld - Corporate greed and treating employees exactly like slaves.
  • Ghost of Tsushima - The samurai and the old Japanese cast system.
  • Streets of Rage - Police corruption. Especially in the 4th game.
  • Final Fight - The mayor taking vigilante justice in his own hands.
  • Catherine - Marital and relationship commitment.
  • GTA - Gang warfare, criminal empires, prostitution, and police corruption.
I can go on all day.

My dislike for TLOU2 is because it's your typical, cliche revenge is bad, so it's boring. Male or female, all of the characters are terrible people with almost no one to root for nor hold sympathy for. It's grim dark misery porn that acts like it has something important to say when it wastes over 14 hours of the player's time. While the people in charge are hyping it up because it has "strong female characters" and act like it should be showered in praise for doing nothing. When other games, before, during, and after, have done a better job in all categories. Also, those in charge try to silent others for criticizing those complaints, whether legit or not.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I'm pretty sure they want folks to stop talking about politics specifically because they don't want to have to write an essay about politics and should be able to simply dislike a char like it's normal, but in the current climate if you dislike a char like it's normal and the char happens to belong to certain select groups, political accusations will be levied against you and besmirch your character, merely because of your taste which is subjective and can't be said to be wrong.
How is that not just insecurity? And who the fuck is making you write essays?


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
I wasn't really a fan of this one. I agree with the sentiment but I think the joke goes on too long. He should just have done a few minutes of ''lol apolitical review'' before switching and explaining why it doesn't work. Making the joke the whole episode gets really boring really fast. We all got the point 10 minutes ago.

In general those who shout the loudest about not wanting politics in games are either disingenuous or just really selective. They are usually silent about how a decade of shooting brown people in the middle east during the brown military shooter phase might have been political. A common argument they make is that politics by themselves is fine but having an ''agenda'' is not. But who gets to decides when politics in games are just normal or when they are an agenda?
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Ah ok, I didn't see the video but it's probably sjw simpcuck Jim Sterling coming to take away our games again.

Anyway, I'll watch it later. Got games to play.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Jim makes some really good points, he usually does, he seems to have a genuinely great grasp on the problems in the industry. But my god, I wish someone would just take him aside and tell him he's not funny.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
You made that pretty clear in the past posts and threads, so I do not know why you bothered even posting here and bringing it up again. I don't agree with everything Jim says, but he is on point. Jim has grown a lot from how he was in the past, and the dude has admit plenty of his own screw ups. I use to dislike him up until about 2011/12 when he went to the Escapists at the time. He's basically the good or better counterpart to Movie Bob.

Back on topic, it is not my fault people want to act like politics don't exist in games or anywhere, and try to act like pussies or b#tches when it's brought to the forefront. Apathetic, lazy, cowardly bastards want to think nothing matters as long as it does not affect them personally. Yet happily suck corporate dick not to feel guilty or to not think about anything like a mindless automaton. Which is what a lot of top jerk offs in the AAA industry want.

The solution to this is of course to start by simply not buying big publisher products where the obvious goal is simply to churn out regurgitated yearly crap full of monetization, but seeing as how that’s unrealistic, not sure what viable alternative there is that will have a noticeable impact.

Jim makes some really good points, he usually does, he seems to have a genuinely great grasp on the problems in the industry. But my god, I wish someone would just take him aside and tell him he's not funny.

The problem there is humor is in the eyes and ears of the beholder. There are...people out there that must actually get a kick out of those retched Progressive commercials for example, or they would’ve killed off “Flo” years ago.

I mean, I also would never purchase Geiko insurance, but at least that outfit has a charming lil’ Gecko.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I wasn't really a fan of this one. I agree with the sentiment but I think the joke goes on too long. He should just have done a few minutes of ''lol apolitical review'' before switching and explaining why it doesn't work. Making the joke the whole episode gets really boring really fast. We all got the point 10 minutes ago
This video is basically a call back to his non-biased review video he did I think in 2012. Albiet, that video was more shorter. I wassn't laughing crazy on the floor, but I did laugh. I do admit it went on a little long, but not to the point of aggravating me.

Jim makes some really good points, he usually does, he seems to have a genuinely great grasp on the problems in the industry. But my god, I wish someone would just take him aside and tell him he's not funny.
Ymmv. I never laughed at every single joke he's made, but the man has made me laugh plenty. More so when he had gotten a better attitude adjustment. Not his best humor, nor his worst. His worse attempts at humor was when he was just starting out and in his early days.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Jim makes some really good points, he usually does, he seems to have a genuinely great grasp on the problems in the industry. But my god, I wish someone would just take him aside and tell him he's not funny.
Humor is subjective, and varies wildly based on background and cultural upbringing. Like, british humor generally doesn't do it for me, but some flavors of it are my favorite in the world. I personally find the humor of SNL, of any generation, absolutely anti-comedic, and despise the works of the people who gain fame on that show. But millions love it and the cast. Regarding Jim, I'm sure I've found isolated episodes of his funny/amusing, though I can't recall any episodes that had me rofl'ing or anything.

I think he mainly just likes to wind people up when they criticize him for stupid reasons(note I said stupid reasons, not valid criticisms which he often addresses and agrees), and he knows doing stuff like that, will get under their skin.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Ymmv. I never laughed at every single joke he's made, but the man has made me laugh plenty. More so when he had gotten a better attitude adjustment. Not his best humor, nor his worst. His worse attempts at humor was when he was just starting out and in his early days.
I think Jim belabors his bits a little, but he's good for raunchy and absurd comedy. The Surprise Mechanic was one of my favorite characters he made.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
The editing has made noticeable improvements. And I am highly curious where these slo-mo clips of randos reacting indiscriminately all come from. Is there a library of royalty-free expressive slo-mo people or are they all eager friends/acquaintances of the show? The craft is appreciated, but it's one of those that basically says everything i've already known and agreed with for some while now, so maybe it's more directed for those dug further into the trenches of interweb dramas.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
There will always be politics in something. Even the simplest things:
  • Sonic - Environmentalism.
  • Metal Gear Franchise - Militarism, nuclear weapons, and how war is hell/bad.
  • Missile Command - The threat of WWIII and nuclear armageddon.
  • Resident Evil - Corporate greed and biological and viral weapons and warfare.
  • Oddworld - Corporate greed and treating employees exactly like slaves.
  • Ghost of Tsushima - The samurai and the old Japanese cast system.
  • Streets of Rage - Police corruption.
  • Final Fight - The mayor taking vigilante justice in his own hands.
  • Catherine - Marital and relationship commitment.
  • GTA - Gang warfare, criminal empires, prostitution, and police corruption.
I can go on all day.