The Sinister Six Dated, Other Amazing Spider-Man Films Delayed

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
The Sinister Six Dated, Other Amazing Spider-Man Films Delayed

Amazing Spider-Man 3 & 4 pushed back two years and The Sinister Six premieres Nov. 11, 2016.

Sony has announced dates for its Amazing Spider-man films, adjusting previously stated dates for some and also revealing the premiere date for the [a href=""]Uncharted film[/a]. The Sinister Six will hit theaters on November 11th, 2016, with Amazing Spider-Man 3 slated for sometime in 2018.

The Sinister Six is a super-villain team-up film that unites a number of Spider-Man's enemies against the Wall Crawler. Electro and Green Goblin are expected to be in the evil league of bad guys, two characters already introduced in Amazing Spider-Man 2. The film included "easter eggs" that hinted at the other villains that may make up the super-villain sextuplet.

Originally, Amazing Spider-Man 3 was dated for June 10th, 2016 and the follow-up, Amazing Spider-Man 4, on May 4th, 2018. With the release of Sinister Six in the fall of 2016, Sony has decided to push back the third ASM film to 2018 (no news on the fourth film) and use the June 2016 spot for the Uncharted film base off the popular PlayStation franchise.

Our own Bob Chipman [a href=""]wasn't the biggest fan[/a] of Amazing Spider-man 2 (at the time it was "the movie that broke him"). Of his many problems with the film, MovieBob was critical of the blatant use of ASM2 to set-up for the rest of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise at the cost of the the movie itself. A major focus in Amazing Spider-Man 2 was setting up for The Sinister Six movie. Considering the [a href=""]poor[/a] [a href=""]reception[/a] of Amazing Spider-Man 2, this doesn't bode well for The Sinister Six

Still, Sony is [a href=""]supportive of the vision[/a] of Sinister Six writer and director Drew Goddard. While he penned the film version of World War Z that may not have lived up to expectations, [a href=""]Goddard has had some solid work[/a]. He wrote Cloverfield and numerous episodes of Buffy, Angel, Alias, and Lost. The only film he has directed and written was the awesome Cabin in the Woods (co-written with Joss Whedon). Hopefully, The Sinister Six will be better received with his contribution.

Source: [a href=""]The Hollywood Reporter[/a]



New member
Jul 9, 2012
So... What is the movie supposed to be about? Spider-Man vs the team? But then why isn't it just "Amazing Spider-Man 3: Punching the Sinister Six in their smug faces"? Is it the Sinister Six just wandering around doing generally villainous things? Because if so I'd like to trade it for a Secret Six movie instead.


New member
Oct 22, 2013
Great to see Sony keeping up such amazing work with this franchise.. Hey, let's make a movie no one asked for based on the undeveloped villains of Spider-man just so we can keep the rights and milk the shit out of it. Hopefully Sinister Six will tank hard and kill the future Spider-man movies. Then we wait til 2018 (am I being too generous? Let's say 2017 instead) for another reboot.

Fuck Sony


New member
Feb 2, 2011
...or even better, maybe Sony could wise up, dump Spider-man, sell the rights back to Marvel and then maybe we could get a proper Spider-man movie in time for Avengers 3.

Wishful thinking on my part.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
One of the reasons that villain team ups like the Sinister Six do not work beyond "wouldn't it be awesome if..." is because having to have 6 villains team up in order for them to pose a threat to the hero undermines their competence as villains. You're ultimately saying "these villains are so shitty that they couldn't take him on alone, and the only way they stood a chance is together." That works when you have heroes team up to take on a single villain, because it immediately raises the stakes: our heroes are supposed to be vulnerable, inadequate, and forced to dig deep in order to overcome the odds. It doesn't work that way with the villains.

It's like playing a video game where you fight a character that's a boss in level 1, and then they bring him back as a regular enemy in level 2. The only way that works is to then dumb him down, which eliminates any tension. We're not thinking "man! How is spiderman gonna survive this?" They already told us that they have plans for Amazing Spiderman 3, so there goes any suspension of disbelief as to whether or not our hero will triumph.

Unless this sinister 6 movie won't involved Spiderman, and be a bunch of anti heroes and/or villains coming together to eventually take on spiderman. Which itself could be interesting, but you have to give them all valid reasons to want to take on spiderman. Let's face it, Superman spiderman is not. So having a bunch of guys say "first spiderman, and then the world" seems rather corny considering spiderman is no where near the god required combined forces in order to conquer that superman is.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
tdylan said:
We're not thinking "man! How is spiderman gonna survive this?" They already told us that they have plans for Amazing Spiderman 3, so there goes any suspension of disbelief as to whether or not our hero will triumph.
Well yeah, but was there ever going to be any? I know suspention of disbelief requires you to...suspend your disbelief, but they're not going kill him. The only reason these movies exist in the first place is because Sony doesn't want give to rights back, not because someone wanted to tell a story, it's just because they want to keep the rights and some Avengers cash.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
On one hand, I really hate the new spiderman series and a lot of the stupid ideas and executions behind it... I'm genuinely excited for a Sinister Six movie. Mostly because it (hopefully) won't feature any Spiderman in it. Granted, these villains (or these incarnations of the villains) aren't great, but perhaps this is a step needed to get me SOMEWHAT excited for ASMan4 or 4M4ZING Spider-M4N.

Also... indifferent on the Uncharted movie. More interested in the progress of that Sonic movie Sony was saying they'd do. Trainwreck or not, I fully intend to see that because I think it'll be enjoyable either way. :D


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I guess I am one of the few who actually genuinely liked The Amazing Spiderman 2... well, more than Spiderman 3, but I suppose that is not exactly saying much. It's like when I try to explain how Temple of Doom was worse than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

At any rate, the movie handled the villain bloat better than I thought it would, though the ending felt a little too tacked on for my liking. The idea of a Sinister Six movie just doesn't sit well with me, though. It seems like a really roundabout way of (presumably) developing the villains so that the third movie (assuming it even gets made) could feature better established characters.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
The big issue I have with any movie like The Sinister Six is that they are introducing six characters in the frame of one movie and unless they are going to go a route they haven't in the past and not dedicate time to explaining why they are super villains and then why they are going to group up and just have them pre-established and being a menace, I could see myself getting bored with the movie very quickly. Its why to me the first Avengers movie worked as well as it did for all the previous Marvel movies did all that back story and you weren't drowning in it.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
eyu86 said:
Great to see Sony keeping up such amazing work with this franchise.. Hey, let's make a movie no one asked for based on the undeveloped villains of Spider-man just so we can keep the rights and milk the shit out of it. Hopefully Sinister Six will tank hard and kill the future Spider-man movies. Then we wait til 2018 (am I being too generous? Let's say 2017 instead) for another reboot.

Fuck Sony
You know you can post on your regular account MovieBob you don't have to use alt accounts.

OT:So that means that the next movie will likely have Doctor Octopus then since he is a og member of the S6. Too bad it seems like they will be pulling him and others out w/o much build up or background.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Falterfire said:
Hooray for typos! Title is currently "The Sinester Six Dated..."

So... What is the movie supposed to be about? Spider-Man vs the team? But then why isn't it just "Amazing Spider-Man 3: Punching the Sinister Six in their smug faces"? Is it the Sinister Six just wandering around doing generally villainous things? Because if so I'd like to trade it for a Secret Six movie instead.
Hit on all sixes there, mate. "What the fuck is this movie going to be about?" is the question I keep asking and I don't see any answers.

Good. And when the Sinister Six movie bombs, they reboot the franchise again.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I predict that the "Sinister Six dated" title is extremely appropriate.

The formula Spiderman is working under would have been great in the early 2000's. Before the Marvel movies and First Class raised the bar.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Oh good. If there's one thing Spider-Man 3 was lacking it was an excess of villains with little to no proper introduction or motivation.

Glad to see they learned their lesson.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Mike Hoffman said:
Sony has announced dates for it's Amazing Spider-man films,

Anyway, I definitely agree with MovieBob. I really don't care for the way that they threw an entire movie under the bus in order to build-up the next movie. Marvel's been doing that just fine over the course of several movies without needing to sacrifice the quality of the movies themselves in order to do so. Then again, no one has yet to disprove my theory about Marvel being the only people who know how to make comic book super heroes work on the big screen.
Dec 16, 2009
have 6 bad guys been fleshed out enough in the new films? i've only seen ASM1, n didn't pay much attention. Origin stories sell comic movies, so Sony are gonna throw 6 Origin stories into one film. 6 times the box office goodness


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
So... Is this movie going to act like a prequel to ASM3 and/or a sequel to ASM2? OR is it going to be like what 300: Rise of an Empire was to 300?

Hmmm... Something tells me the more I will find out about this movie, the more I would wish I could have just taken the ignorance route and just "winged it" like I'm watching a general popcorn flick in my own living room...


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Even among the comics fans, how much clamoring has there been for a "Sinister Six" movie? I mean really it has been a pile on gimmick for years. No one associated with the Sinister Six has ever had any real chemistry or cohesion with the others. None of their stories revolve around character development or even depth. About the best that can be said of them is they are traditionally slightly less lame than the Frightful Four (if used sparingly). This is not a group that anyone really wants to watch for 120+ minutes.

If they want to give us a movie about a team of villains won't somebody please make a movie of Thunderbolts or Sinister Six? How about a Suicide Squad?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Makabriel said:
Odd.. I could have sworn I read that the Sin Six movie was canned..
You read a bunch of speculation from people who didn't read the interview it supposedly originated from.

eyu86 said:
Great to see Sony keeping up such amazing work with this franchise.. Hey, let's make a movie no one asked for based on the undeveloped villains of Spider-man just so we can keep the rights and milk the shit out of it. Hopefully Sinister Six will tank hard and kill the future Spider-man movies. Then we wait til 2018 (am I being too generous? Let's say 2017 instead) for another reboot.

Fuck Sony
Unfortunately, you just touched on why this movie tanking will mean nothing. They'll wait a couple years and reboot it again. And it will almost certainly sell, and people will still likely be dissatisfied for whatever reasons they can nitpick this time.

tdylan said:
One of the reasons that villain team ups like the Sinister Six do not work beyond "wouldn't it be awesome if..." is because having to have 6 villains team up in order for them to pose a threat to the hero undermines their competence as villains. You're ultimately saying "these villains are so shitty that they couldn't take him on alone, and the only way they stood a chance is together." That works when you have heroes team up to take on a single villain, because it immediately raises the stakes: our heroes are supposed to be vulnerable, inadequate, and forced to dig deep in order to overcome the odds. It doesn't work that way with the villains.
Well, you're assuming two things here:

One is a strict progression of power. Spider-Man rarely beats the Sinister Six by raw power anyway, and he almost never wins when he takes them on head-to head. The fact that they can school his ass as a group does up the stakes, and it hasn't weakened the characters in the comics. If anything, the thing that's weakened the characters in the comics is how often members of the various S6/12/whatever are used as throwaway villains.

The other is that this is going to be a Spider-Man movie, where all indications are it won't be. Or, I should say, most. According to Kurtzman, it's questionable as to how "shared universe" these movies are.

It's like playing a video game where you fight a character that's a boss in level 1, and then they bring him back as a regular enemy in level 2. The only way that works is to then dumb him down, which eliminates any tension.
Or, you know, power up the hero. Or they're simply not as threatening now that you know how to beat them.

We're not thinking "man! How is spiderman gonna survive this?" They already told us that they have plans for Amazing Spiderman 3, so there goes any suspension of disbelief as to whether or not our hero will triumph.
See, this strikes me as nitpicking, because I doubt you've spent a lot of time wondering if the heroes would lose, let alone in a superhero movie.

Unless this sinister 6 movie won't involved Spiderman,
Only quoting this because I know if I don't, someone will tell me I didn't read the post. I did. The previous argument was still based on the assumption.

Mahorfeus said:
At any rate, the movie handled the villain bloat better than I thought it would, though the ending felt a little too tacked on for my liking. The idea of a Sinister Six movie just doesn't sit well with me, though. It seems like a really roundabout way of (presumably) developing the villains so that the third movie (assuming it even gets made) could feature better established characters.
The third movie will most likely get made. The second made too much money for it to not, and Sony doesn't want to give the rights up.

But on that note, you know what would have been a better way to develop the villains?

Develop the villains.

The Sinister Six strikes me as an awesome movie idea, but there's been so little time devoted to most of the villains and dropping it here seems to waste its potential. Combine that with the fact that it may not even feature Spider-Man, and you've got a host of potential issues.

I mean, they could have had like two villains a movie, done three movies, and led to a S6 movie which bridged 3 and 4 (assuming they didn't just reboot after 3 movies again), and it could have been awesome. Two villains a movie could still allow for enough characterisation and depth to make people care. Even a stand-alone movie dedicated mostly to them would work, but this? Can Sony pull off a movie full of bad guys the public may or may not care about with little introduction? I see this as possibly doing more harm than good.

And this is coming from someone who doesn't hate the franchise or want it to fail or whatever.