The Tyranids Finally Arrive in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest


New member
Jun 8, 2015
The Tyranids Finally Arrive in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

The first big expansion for the Warhammer 40,000: Conquest card game introduces the Tyranids to the Traxis sector.

Fans of Fantasy Flight's Warhammer:40K Living Card Game have been waiting since the game's announcement for of its universe's most iconic factions to join the fray. With the release of The Great Devourer, players can now build their own Tyranids deck.

For the uninitiated, Conquest is a two-player card game, where each player has a deck representing one of the game's eight factions. They battle over the planets of the Traxis sector with powerful warlords, units, spells and tactics. The first player to conquer three planets wins. We liked it quite a bit [].

The core set [] had seven factions, with the Tyranids, and pseudo-undead robots the Necrons, promised to come further down the line.

The big expansion launches the slavering terror of the hive fleet with an enormous amount of content. Two warlords for the new faction, complemented with dozens of new cards supporting a few different play styles. Each of the game's other factions also gets a handful of new cards to keep them on par with the biological menace.


FFG's "Living Card Game" products are quite a bit [] lately.

Are there any fans of Conquest at the Escapist? Anyone else agree the Tyranids are just a bit over-powered? Not that I mind - them not being able to ally with other factions keeps deck-building options just a little limited. Now - who's building a ridiculous, janky swarm deck with me?

Source: Fantasy Flight Games []



Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Wait, there's a 40k card game?!
I'm at my local GW or fantasy shop every weekend, and I've heard nothing about this. Ever.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Silentpony said:
Wait, there's a 40k card game?!
I'm at my local GW or fantasy shop every weekend, and I've heard nothing about this. Ever.
GW has nothing to do with it except licensing it out. It's by FFG. The same guys that were doing the WHF card game, and are currently doing most of the Warhammer RPGs.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
I'll have to look into this game at some point, sounds nifty.

By the way, aside from all of FFG's excellent W40k roleplaying games, I can also heartily recommend their XCOM board game. Brilliant stuff.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Silentpony said:
Wait, there's a 40k card game?!
I'm at my local GW or fantasy shop every weekend, and I've heard nothing about this. Ever.
FYI, Games Workshops sees licensed products as advertising they get paid for, period. They will never advertise a non-GW product, your local GeeDubs will never mention it because potential customers might decide to opt out of the Age of Sigmar starter set to buy a licensed product.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Gennadios said:
Silentpony said:
Wait, there's a 40k card game?!
I'm at my local GW or fantasy shop every weekend, and I've heard nothing about this. Ever.
FYI, Games Workshops sees licensed products as advertising they get paid for, period. They will never advertise a non-GW product, your local GeeDubs will never mention it because potential customers might decide to opt out of the Age of Sigmar starter set to buy a licensed product.
Which, given the current state of the miniatures pricing, is a pretty reasonable bet. At retail 240 bucks will get you a full playset of everything in the LCG at this point. Which is more than enough to set up a deck for each faction. Compared to looking at 200 bucks just to set up a basic army in 40k, last I checked.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Starke said:
At retail 240 bucks will get you a full playset of everything in the LCG at this point.
Depending on where you live, it should be a bit less - it's a fairly young game, after all. 15-20$ per pack x6, 40$ for the core set, 30$ for this expansion. Plus, if a new player is only interested in the Tyranids, they needn't buy anything but the core set and this expansion to have everything they need.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
PatrickJS said:
Starke said:
At retail 240 bucks will get you a full playset of everything in the LCG at this point.
Depending on where you live, it should be a bit less - it's a fairly young game, after all. 15-20$ per pack x6, 40$ for the core set, 30$ for this expansion. Plus, if a new player is only interested in the Tyranids, they needn't buy anything but the core set and this expansion to have everything they need.
You need three copies of the core set for 3 copies of everything. So that's $120, then $15 for each of the packs (6 total, so $90), and then $30 for the 'nid box. You can probably grab everything on Amazon for less than 200 bucks.

EDIT: For those of you who don't know what the deal with LCGs is. They differ from a game like Magic, in that the packs are non-random. So, for the Warlord cycle, if you buy one of each pack, you'll have a complete set of everything, rather than needing to lay out for four or five boxes of boosters (for a similar sized set in MTG). Which makes them stupidly cheap as CCG/TCG style games go.


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Starke said:
You need three copies of the core set for 3 copies of everything.
That's a very fair point, and really my only annoyance with LCGs. Netrunner is the best of them, as far as this hassle - you buy the Core set, and despite not having a full playset of every card, at least two players can play a good game right out of the box. Conquest requires a bit of fiddling if two want to go at it with just one box between them.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
PatrickJS said:
Starke said:
You need three copies of the core set for 3 copies of everything.
That's a very fair point, and really my only annoyance with LCGs. Netrunner is the best of them, as far as this hassle - you buy the Core set, and despite not having a full playset of every card, at least two players can play a good game right out of the box. Conquest requires a bit of fiddling if two want to go at it with just one box between them.
Actually, Star Wars edges out over Netrunner, I think. Since a second core set is a complete playset there, and you actually have enough cards to play the 2v2 format with it. (If you play with the 48 card starters, instead of the normal 60 card minimum deck size, and ignore that Hit and Run and Reconnaissance Mission are restricted to one per game in 2v2).

With Conquest, your waste on the third core is ridiculously low. Nearly everything in the core set is one copy per. There is enough to play starter games with one copy of the set... barely. Though, with two copies that should be enough to (barely) make a deck for each faction.

Honestly, even then, I still much prefer this to back when I was participating in CCG tournaments, where every new set was $200-$300 to get enough to stay competitive. Particularly Decipher and Precedence games. :\