The Week in Review
The Week in Review, the only gaming news roundup endorsed by Mornos and Born-Again Lizards.
Of Brains and Bewbs
UAV, Airstrike, Helicopter. For players of Call of Duty 4 this is a familiar list, perhaps too familiar. Knowing that familiarity breeds contempt - and kidnappings [] - Infinity Ward have released video footage of their new unlock system, which allows players to customize their list.
I'd be surprised if they let you get something like an airstrike before you get something like a UAV, but the ability to call in an AC-130 should you get to a kill streak of 11, is a pretty nice addition. Hit the link for video-y goodness. (link [])
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The Week in Review, the only gaming news roundup endorsed by Mornos and Born-Again Lizards.
Of Brains and Bewbs
I'd be surprised if they let you get something like an airstrike before you get something like a UAV, but the ability to call in an AC-130 should you get to a kill streak of 11, is a pretty nice addition. Hit the link for video-y goodness. (link [])
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