They deserved to die


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
User banned for offensive content and insults aimed at forum members
So what do bystanders, normal people, and everyone typically do when the bully is bullying his victim?

They don't help the victim and instead laugh at him, mock him, and insult him.

Now do bystanders, normal people, and everyone deserve to die?

My answer is a BIG YES!

Now most of you will probably say that I am a psychotic sociopathic piece of shit freak for saying this and I understand.

But I stand with my logical philosophy that they all deserved to be ruthlessly and brutally butchered by school shooters.


First of all, you would probably say that they are innocent just because they never did anything physical against the victim and they never participated in the bullying.

But here's the thing.

Being active itself when it comes to harming others is not the start of evil. It's more like the belief in oneself that doing a certain evil is okay or that it absolutely should be done. That's the true start of evil.

Evil doesn't start with the act but with the mind(belief in evil). For example, when you think that a person deserves to be harmed or that it's okay to harm that person, that automatically means you are already evil. It doesn't matter if you didn't carry out the act. You automatically believing in such a vile ideology already makes you an evil person who doesn't deserve to live.

Think about this. Again, when the bully abuses and victimizes his victim, everybody just laughs at, mocks, and insults the victim. Then everyone ostracizes the victim like he's a plague while the bully becomes the most popular person in society. That's insane!

Do you really think that those bystanders and those normal majority would just laugh at, insult, mock, and ostracize the victim and also glorify and love the bully if the normal majority doesn't really hate the victim and truly think that the bully is wrong?

No! If the normal majority don't really hate the victim and if they really think that the bully is a bad person, then they wouldn't laugh at, mock, or insult the victim and also, the bully will never be popular.

Also, society mocks the victim in not just light ways but also in intense serious heavy hateful ways such as saying that the victim is a freak, a monster, a criminal, a worthless trash, that he should be killed, that he's a serial killer, etc. And society really thinks of him as that. They're not just saying those things to trigger him or get him butthurt for laughs. They really believe it. And honestly, saying that a person is a psycho freak, a monster, a worthless trash, etc. isn't even funny. It's so mean. And then again, you have ostracization where the victim is avoided like a plague even if it's absolutely necessary to be with him for some important tasks to be done.

So based on all of these things above, society really thinks that the victim deserves being bullied so society is evil to think that the victim deserves such evil harm.

Now why does society not actively participate in the bullying or do anything physical against the victim? Why?

First of all, it's highly bullshit to say that it's because they have remorse for the victim. THEY DON'T and I already elaborated and reasoned A LOT above why they don't.

So what is the reason why they are not active in the bullying?

But in order to explain this further, let's not just talk about bullying but also all forms of evil harm such as terrorism, crime, murder, rape, racism, imperialism, animal abuse, etc.

Why do certain people believe in committing such diverse evils but don't actively participate in those diverse evils?

3 reasons:

1. They are scared of the negative consequences of actively engaging in such evils.

2. They are not interested in actively engaging in the evil. This doesn't mean that they don't believe that the doing the evil is okay or necessary. It's more like doing the evil isn't something they enjoy. It's like how one person doesn't want to be a soldier but wants to be a painter. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't believe that the military is necessary for a country. He does. It's just that being a soldier isn't his dream job or something he enjoys.

Speaking of this 2nd reason, it is nonsensical to call yourself a moral person if this 2nd reason is who you are. Why? You believing that it's okay to do the evil or that the evil should be done is one thing. But calling yourself moral or innocent just because you don't actively enjoy it to the point that you don't actively participate in it is honestly cringe and delusional. You're just as every bit as evil as the person who actively engages in it so YOU DESERVE TO DIE.

3. Both reasons 2 and 3.


Now bullying bystanders who only laugh at, mock, and insult the bullying victim say that they don't really believe that the bullying victim should be bullied and these “innocent” bystanders also say that they would have ACTIVELY participated in the bullying a long time ago if they really believed that the bullying victim deserved it.

This is, of course, absolute nonsense from them. Because the truth is that people often lie to make themselves look innocent and not look like monsters and villains. And it's obvious that they also do not admit that they're shit immoral fucks even to themselves as individuals. I mean let's admit it in another example, and that example is that many people deep down are racist pieces of shits who do have prejudices against other races. I am pretty sure a large part of the USA's population do think that black people are unattractive dark jungle africans who are prone to criminality.

This is what I call as moral ego. This form of ego is also irrational and self-serving to the point that it causes others to stop committing deeds they perceive as evil for the sake of their moral image even though it's absolutely necessary to perform that deed. For example, some hypocritical adult American military soldiers don't want to shoot Afghan child soldiers even though the child soldiers absolutely have to be killed for the sake of the survival of the American squad but these same American troops are the ones who will commit mass killings against a huge number of Vietnamese adult farmer civilians.

Moral ego is not true compassion or morality. It's just another form of ego.

Moral ego is the real reason why normal people and everyone in highschool do not actively participate in the bullying. They know deep down that they truly despise the bullying victim as some subhuman that deserves to be oppressed but the normal majority doesn't do it and just laugh, insult, and mock the victim because the normal majority is one pile of cowardly bastards who are afraid to lose their innocence image not just in the eyes of the public but also in their own eyes as individuals.

This form of ego is also why most people mostly do moral altruistic acts without personal gain not because they really care about others but because they just want to feel better about themselves.

Humans deep down are selfish and this is also why the bullying bystanders laugh at, mock, and insult the victim because it's easier to enjoy getting laughs out of the bullying victim's torment and suffering compared to having empathy for them to the point that you don't laugh at, mock, or insult them. Being a good person takes a lot of self-control.

All bullying bystanders deserve to die.

This is why school shooters exist because they realize deep down that everyone hates them for no reason. The “innocent” normal majority might pretend to school shooters that they are innocent but the school shooters see through their bullshit.

That's why when school shooters go on a rampage, society hates them because school shooters are a reminder to society that the majority of humans deep down are selfish bigoted evil pricks who truly deserve to die for believing that those who are different or weak should be persecuted and also because school shooters are a reminder to society that if there will always be heavy consequences against society if their victim realizes the truth that deep down, most of humans are just bigoted selfish scum that deserve to die.

School shooters are perhaps the only real, effective, and solid form of revenge against the bullying of society.

Think about this. The “become successful in life as revenge against your bullies” motto is honestly a joke because:

One, it's all of society bullying against you so you have to be delusional that all of society will be less successful than you.

Two, you have to be delusional that all of society will be failures in life.

Three, no one in society cares about bullying victims succeeding in life because bullying victims are just ostracized losers in their eyes and if he is successful in an average way, why should people care about him when everyone is also successful in average ways? The bullying victim isn't special. Often, bullying victims who brag about their success towards their former schools get ignored or laughed at. It doesn't matter. The bullying victims will always be losers in society's eyes.

The “become successful in life as revenge against your bullies” motto is honestly very narcissistic and delusional because it makes it seem as if the bullying victim is the center of the world and the main character of the world when in reality, he's just an average mediocre person.

School shootings on the other hand is a real and solid profound form of vengeance because:

1. The bullies truly became losers because they're dead which means they can't get jobs, they can't get families, they can't make children, they can't travel, etc. They're absolutely nothing! They're losers. Worse for them is that they spent the last moments of their lives knowing that the school shooter would kill them. At that time, the bullies and the bystanders are full of regrets because they would imagine that this wouldn't happen if they didn't pick on the school shooter. At that moment, the most important person to everyone in the place of the massacre is the school shooter.

2. School shooters killed not just one person but multiple large amounts of people. This means that he truly turned many of his bullies and many of the enabler bystanders into losers. As for the surviving bullies and the surviving enablers, they suffer a different form of torment and tragedy from the vengeful mass killer and that is that they will spend their whole lives sadly thinking about the shooter and the dead loved ones because the dead bullies and the dead enabler bystanders are friends and romantic partners to the surviving bullies and the surviving bystanders. The survivors are forever traumatized by the event.

3. Compared to the “become successful in life as revenge against your bullies” motto route where bullying victims are contemptuously forgotten, the school shooter during the school shooting is the most important person to the soon-to-be-dead bullies and the soon-to-be-dead enabler bystanders. His face is the last face they will see. Not the faces of their friends, their future children, or their future spouses. As for the surviving bullies and the surviving enabler bystanders, they will forever remember the shooter and will forever be haunted by how he butchered their friends and their romantic partners. He will always live in their minds. He will never be forgotten. His ghost will always haunt them in their heads and in their sleep for the rest of their lives. He will trigger shame, regret, sadness, depression, and trauma in them for all eternity. He will always be an important person in their minds no when and where they are forever. He will live rent-free in their minds for the rest of their lives. As for the parents, children, and spouses of the dead bullies and the dead enabler bystanders, the school shooter will also always live in their heads and haunt them for the rest of their lives. Also according to research, many school shooting survivors have been reported to be less successful in life such as not going to college, ending up as bums, ending up as drug addicts, ending up as alcoholics, having broken future families, being depressed, having PTSD for life, having bullied children, etc. due to the trauma of school shootings. So school shooters accomplished what other bullying victims couldn't achieve and that is to be remembered forever and be obsessed over forever by a large number of people especially the people who wronged them while most of the people who wronged the shooters are losers who made nothing of their lives.

The school shooter finally gained immortality. He finally became the “most popular” kid in society in a way that the popular gridiron football captain star player prom king wasn't able to.

And the more society hates the school shooter for his brutal ways. The more they will remember him and the more he will live rent-free in their heads. The more they hate him, the more popular he gets in society.

For some unknown vengeful resentful bullied school shooters, they say that “being not hated but forgotten by your oppressors is a cruel fate compared to being hated but forever remembered by your oppressors for committing brutal vengeance on them”.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I sense a reddit copy/paste.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
I sense a reddit copy/paste.
Oh yes, Reddit. You just hate Reddit because you think it's full of eccentric introverts even though Reddit is a popular site like facebook. Why do you assume that normal conformist extrovert can't use the Internet? Use your brain. Reddit is full of different kinds of people and not just introverted eccentrics. Reddit is full of normal people.

Also, why do you hate eccentric introverts? You're just proving to me that most people indeed hate bullying victims especially eccentric introverts.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
For example, when you think that a person deserves to be harmed or that it's okay to harm that person, that automatically means you are already evil.


You automatically believing in such a vile ideology already makes you an evil person who doesn't deserve to live
Believing the latter would mean the believer is also evil, according to the former.

Anyhoo, it's not particularly true that school shooters are bullying victims out for revenge. I imagine it happens, but there's no evidence, IIRC, that it's the norm.

IIRC, the idea started with bad media reporting of the Columbine shooters, about how they were in an ostracised group dubbed the Trenchcoat mafia. While such a group did exist in the school, they were amongst the victims, not the shooters.

The massive, overwhelming amount of shooters are male, most likely with a known history of violence. About half the time it's due to personal relationships, the shooter kills their family and keeps going, or the shooter was rejected by a girl they fancy, so murders them and anyone else nearby. Not a reaction to being bullied, but the ultimate example of being a bully.

I'd also dispute that most bystanders are secretly supporting the bully. Now, one could argue that their actions are enabling them, but that's not the motive.
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Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
The massive, overwhelming amount of shooters are male, most likely with a known history of violence. About half the time it's due to personal relationships, the shooter kills their family and keeps going, or the shooter was rejected by a girl they fancy, so murders them and anyone else nearby. Not a reaction to being bullied, but the ultimate example of being a bully.
First of all, that's entirely bullshit and baseless!

What I despise about most people especially you people is this forum is that you are utterly hypocritical.

You call yourselves as nerdy, geeky, eccentric, and introverted yet all you do is take the side of conformist extroverts and the popular kids. You come off as insecure losers who just want introverts to be sidekicks and inferiors of extroverted conformists against other eccentric introverts.

You see eccentric introverts as vampires while conformist extroverts and normals as the only humans which is why you want real-life to be like some generic horror movie plot where a protagonist eccentric introvert/vampire is heroic for turning against his own kind to save humanity/conformist extroverts. That's how you dehumanize eccentric introverts. You disgusts me.

Basically, you self-proclaimed introverts and eccentrics are just normal people masquerading as eccentric introverts because it's trendy. I despise you. You make me sick. It's an ultimate insult to the real eccentric introverts who went through so much bullying.

But anyways, back to the school shooter part.

First of all, most people love to make fun of school shooters by calling them losers, beta males, weaklings, etc. It seems like people don't really hate school shooters because they killed people but because they are either timid, shy, eccentric, introverted, or weird. You normal people just love it when they shoot up schopls because now, you feel justified in ostracizing and hating those weirdos, beta males, eccentrics, introverts, and shy timid males. You're finding reasons to hate them. You're disgusting.

Last time in a message board, someone called highschool athletes and college frat boys as rapists at parties so some butthurt loser got triggered and responded by saying that introverts are school shooters and serial killers.

You see! That's how you stigmatized eccentric introverts!

You don't hate school shooters for being killers! You're just finding reasons to hate them for being betas, weaklings, shy people, eccentrics, and introverts.

Be real! It's obvious that school shooters are mocked all over the Internet and the real world as betas, incels, virgins, introverts, eccentrics, bullied weaklings, and ugly awkward nerds. But you would never see people mocking gangsters, serial killers, and ISIS terrorists as betas, virgins, weaklings, weirdo loners, etc.

So it just shows that school shooters are indeed bullied shy weirdo eccentric introverts.

What makes this even more disturbing is that gangsters and serial killers are not hated but loved while school shooters are hated.

It seems like for most people, being a weak timid shy awkward male is far worse than being a vile rapist or a vile killer.

Get the fuck outta my face! No one has ever thought of school shooters as badass alpha males while people glorify serial killers and gangsters as alpha males.

For the whole world, being a shy weakling male is much worse than being a criminal. This is why assholes in highschool become popular while the shy timid ones are ostracized.

This is disgusting!

Just admit that you hate school shooters because you don't like nerds and eccentric introverts to be able to stand up for themselves. Fuck your popular kid and conformist extrovert hierarchy!


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
No one has ever thought of school shooters as badass alpha males
As an aside, I remember a question from someone who'd bought into the alpha male rubbish, logically concluding that being a school shooter must be the most alpha male thing many female students have experienced, and expecting them to thus be the most turned on they've ever been while he was trying to kill them.

Which isn't that unusual for being who talk about alpha males, TBH, just an extreme case of saying the quiet parts loud.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
I'd also dispute that most bystanders are secretly supporting the bully. Now, one could argue that their actions are enabling them, but that's not the motive.
That's just one of your ways of making the enablers get away with their bullshit without them getting punished. You're just finding ways to justify bystanders for them enabling bullying.

Anyways, my point is not that. My point is that most bystanders deserve to die because them laughing at, insulting, and mocking the victim and also loving the bully is a CLEAR OBVIOUS message that they don't respect the victim's human rights and really thinks of him as a subhuman. Plus, most people ostracize the bullying victim which is ultimately unnecessary. You only do that to evil people or highly dangerous people such as criminals. You have to be so fucked-up to treat a person as some disease just because he is a loner, a gay, a deaf kid, or can't stand up for himself.

You see people defending a woman when he is being beaten by her husband but people laughing at, mocking, and insulting bullying victims and also avoiding him like a plague is a clear sign of discrimination fueled by strong venomous hatred. It's serious shit.

I am not forcing people to be friends with the bullying victim. The problem is that they avoid him like a plague and when he talks to them, they yell at him like what the fuck is that? It isn't necessary and is just a clear sign that they really hate him as if he murdered their families.

Do you really think they sympathize with the bullying victim? You are delusional. That clearly doesn translate to empathy for the victim.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
As an aside, I remember a question from someone who'd bought into the alpha male rubbish, logically concluding that being a school shooter must be the most alpha male thing many female students have experienced, and expecting them to thus be the most turned on they've ever been while he was trying to kill them.

Which isn't that unusual for being who talk about alpha males, TBH, just an extreme case of saying the quiet parts loud.
Again, you are delusional. Most people in the Internet and the real world do not think of school shooters as tough guy handsome alpha males and instead mock them as beta male bullied kids who are weird shy loners ostracized by everyone but not one mocks gangsters and serial killers as beta male weaklings loner weirdos.

Be real. No one in the Internet and the real world glorfies school shooters as heroes and rugged macho tough guys except incel forums.

As for the girls who are "turned on" by school shooters, those girls are rare and deep down, they still think of school shooters as awkward loser shy beta losers.

It's just that it's built in female carnal biology to be attracted to assholes and criminals but that is separate from their intellectual consciousness.

No one thinks of school shooters as badass alpha males.

Seriously, just admit that you despise real eccentric introverts and real nerds which are basically the harmless but awkward shy beta loner weirdos. It's the same reason why most people hate others who wear fursuits or carry anime bodypillows even though those are harmless hobbies.

The "nerds" and "eccentric introverts" that you like are the highschool popular kids who look attractive and wear glasses. That's just cringe! 🤣🤣🤣

You really love the highschool hierarchy which is why you hate nerds and eccentric introverts being able to stand up for themselves. You delude yourself into thinking that school shooters are not nerds or eccentric introverts but psychopathic sociopaths because you hate the fact that nerds and eccentric introverts accomplished real effective revenge against their tormentors(the whole world/the whole school).

Seriously, you're a hypocrite. You people love Carrie White but hate school shooters because school shooters are real while Carrie isn't even though Carrie White and school shooters are exactly the same. Hell, Carrie White was more brutal than school shooters.

Normies are hypocrites and selfish pricks.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
No one in the Internet and the real world glorfies school shooters as heroes and rugged macho tough guys except incel forums.
There are a great many incels around, sadly.

EDIT: But, ok, yeah, they aren't greatly lionised by society as such, though they are often made famous/infamous, and media reporting on them can paint them in a less unflattering light than they deserve.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
I'd also dispute that most bystanders are secretly supporting the bully. Now, one could argue that their actions are enabling them, but that's not the motive.
This way of thinking is so ridiculous and is exactly how kids and teens get manipulated and betrayed by so-called "friends".

Bullies getting you naked, yanking your underwear, dunking your head into an unsanitary toilet, brutally beating you up, breaking your bones, breaking your arms, breaking your legs, putting you into comas, extorting you, committing theft against you, saying hateful SERIOUS shit to you(like freak, worthless, psycho killer, and monster), vandalizing your laptops, and all vile things while all of the school laughs at, mocks, and insults you?

Make up your mind! You have to be such a fucked-up animal to laugh at, mock, and insult someone going through that shit. How is that even funny? Only a sociopath finds that funny. People who laugh at other people being murdered typically extremely hate the people being murdered in a way that they believe the victim deserve to be murdered. Like how bigoted ISIS fanatics laugh at infidels getting burned alive.

Again, humans are just evil animals. That's it.

Also, a bully is typically successful in mobilizing an entire class in ACTIVELY tormenting and physically attacking a victim. Fucked up! Very fucked up!

By the way, most of the WW2 Nazis who participated in the WW2 Holocaust of Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies aren't thugs or fierce warriors but normal people.

Yes, the same mob mentality that a bully use in mobilizing an entire class against his victim is the same element that dictators and tyrants use in commanding an entire nation to genocide minorities.

Fuck humans.

I am a misanthrope.
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Regular Member
Oct 31, 2024
But, ok, yeah, they aren't greatly lionised by society as such, though they are often made famous/infamous, and media reporting on them can paint them in a less unflattering light than they deserve.

Look around you! The show Criminal Minds portrayed a school shooter as some narcissistic psychopathic highschool wrestler with a girlfriend. Most posts, answers, and comments in Reddit, 4Chan, and Quora typically see and say that school shooters are sociopath animals who deserve to be dehumanized. No one intentionally glorifies them! Don't be delusional!

YouTubers also say that school shooters are the bullies and are psychopaths.

Give me a link that shows that school shooters are indeed intentionally glorified as heroes by the mainstream media. I dare you!


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Also, why do you hate eccentric introverts? You're just proving to me that most people indeed hate bullying victims especially eccentric introverts.
You're reddit since you are wall of texting as your first posts here. Either you are a redditer or a channer.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
The only one here connecting shool shooters to introverts is you.

Additionally no one here defended bullying.

As for bystanders, introverts, trying to minimize non necessary social interaction, are most likely to not notice when someone else gets bullied.
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