Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Stephanie Myers ruined the Twilight series.

It was awesome before she, you know, created it.

Edit: I am being extremely facetious. This is a particularly egregious example of being facetious.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Simon Cowell has ruined music for everyone.
Not sure if that's been said yet.

Any reality show has ruined 'celebrity'.
'Celebrity' ruined having a good reason to be famous.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
No, stephanie meyer did ruin vampires. Now vampires are extremely creepy stalkers who sparkle in the sunlight instead of die like every other vampire has. That's not looking at them from a different perspective thats ruining them. The whole forbidden romance novel category type that twilight is has never been good, so at least she didn't ruin that. Also, she ruined countless relationships because the guy wasn't "enough like Edward." And her book is a travesty in terms of writing there are multiple grammatical errors and it's filled with pointless cliches and it teaches young girls that they should look for a dangerous boy who could kill them, but if they keep him from doing that its good because they've "saved" him. She's potentially ruined the lives of thousands of girls.
Nov 25, 2009
General Vagueness said:
Firstly, I haven't read The Da Vinci Code but I have read Angels and Demons and it's a pretty good book and as pointed out, one person can't ruin literature.
I wouldn't bother reading the Da Vinci Code, this may just be what I got out of it but both The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons were so similar to each other that reading both seemed like a waste of time

OT: Every generation of Pokemon games after the first (red, blue, etc...) for ruining pokemon games.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Amnestic said:
Lord Thodin said:
World of Warcraft ruined MMOs. Not that WoW is bad, but it made it impossible for just about any other MMO to be popular, or successful.
Debateable. The general bar for MMO success has been raised, no doubt about it, but EVE is both a popular and a successful MMO in that it is making money and staying afloat, as well as helping to fund the development of that new Dust MMOFPS they're making. LOTRO and WAR are still afloat as well, last I checked. Admittedly not all have been so successful - Tabula Rasa and Hellgate: London have both shut down along with some others, but with any genre there are successes and failures.

I haven't mentioned the City of Heroes/Villains series because I honestly know absolutely nothing about their status/numbers. Same with Champions Online or whatever that new super hero MMO is/was called.

Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
Spoken like someone who never had to study F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'Great Gatsby' for English class.
The Great Gatsby wasn't too bad. It was better than the alternative at my high school. Which was the dreaded Stone Angel.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Can't name specifics right now, but a disciplinary strategy I've seen is punishing the whole class for one student screwing up.

Also, more on what this topic is about, really crazy fangirls who spout utterly random, incorrect Japanese. In good part because of them it's now cool to complain about how anime and even Japan are horrible and perverted, and anyone who follows me (why you're following me is another issue) would know how much that annoys angers me.

On another note, thanks to Trivium for telling off the "Twilight ruined vampries" crowd. No it didn't. I don't like Twilight either, but you're giving it too much power if you think it ruined vampires.

HE Starwind

New member
May 14, 2009
Thebearjew said:
mrdude2010 said:
No, stephanie meyer did ruin vampires. Now vampires are extremely creepy stalkers who sparkle in the sunlight instead of die like every other vampire has. That's not looking at them from a different perspective thats ruining them. The whole forbidden romance novel category type that twilight is has never been good, so at least she didn't ruin that. Also, she ruined countless relationships because the guy wasn't "enough like Edward." And her book is a travesty in terms of writing there are multiple grammatical errors and it's filled with pointless cliches and it teaches young girls that they should look for a dangerous boy who could kill them, but if they keep him from doing that its good because they've "saved" him. She's potentially ruined the lives of thousands of girls.
So true.
So so true.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
DarkRyter said:
faceless chick said:
You have to tell who ruined Wizards.

Wizards can't ruin themselves.

Oh wait, yes they can.
I didn't want to say it, since I know I will make 99% of fanboys butthurt, but- Harry Potter.
It's just too blah..the idea behind it is so cliche and the chars look like an abridged version of the real deal to appeal to kids-it's like the naruto of the wizard world.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
popdafoo said:
miracleofsound said:
True, but Autotune is still the bane of music in the last few years.

Akon... nuff said.
What gets me upset is that one person got popular who did that and then everyone else followed. Now every song you hear on the radio has that stupid autotune effect on it. Plus, they basically take over the radio leaving no room for genuinely talented artists who don't feel the need to take advantage of a crappy effect for a cheap buck... Really I could go on and on but I will spare you and the rest of the forum from my silly nerd rage soapbox speech.
I share your rage.

It means that talentless fuckwits can be more and more successful.

I see more and more acts miming to blatantly autotuned backing tracks... I'd love to see em try and sing that shit live.

Though they can even autotune live performance. I've seen it happen.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
The first guy to decide a Led Zeppelin cover band was a good idea. I refuse to listen to Stairway to Heaven anymore, I'm sure plenty of Zep fans feel the same way.

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
The first troll, whoever he was, ruined Internet for all future.
And oh, my favorite; improper use of fission. (I.E. Nukes if you didn't pay attention at science classes)

Guitar Gamer

New member
Apr 12, 2009
SmartIdiot said:
The first guy to decide a Led Zeppelin cover band was a good idea. I refuse to listen to Stairway to Heaven anymore, I'm sure plenty of Zep fans feel the same way.
actually I've never heard a Zepellin cover band so I'm good (don't for the love of God send me anything)

that aggressive Canadian, you know who you are

I kinda just came into the picture of giving a toss about politics around the time we got involved in that one middle east war. Making me believe that that Steven fellow screwed our reputation of peacekeepers