"This Is Gonna Suck" Moments In Games


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Sniper Team 4 said:
Doing Veteran runs on any Call of Duty game, but especially the ones where there's a timer. I hate timers.
I still have nightmares of the grenade spam in World at War, my grenade indicator once made a full circle, a full freaking circle, how on Earth can they throw that many grenades?!


In God Hand the game had a terrible way of sucker punching you with these special demon enemies. To give some background, some enemies may turn into a demon (literally) when you defeat them, and they are freaking hard to beat. I've had countless times where I got near the end of the stage (the game kicks you back to the start if you die), barely won a fight with any health left and the last guy starts convulsing, indicating a serious beating is en route with a nice helping of "oh boy this is gonna suck".


New member
May 13, 2010
Fucking Jetstream fucking Sam, with no healthitems.

I had somehow managed to not pick anyone up on the last level, and there I was. Raiden versus Sam in an epic Samurai duel, tumbleweeds mocking my foolishness as they come tumbling past.

Of course, when I finally did manage it I felt fucking rad!

But ugh, it took me so many tries. So maaany trieees..


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Playing Mount and blade with the Prophecy of Pendor mod and having an army of 50 or so but most of them are still poorly trained and armed. Then you get caught by a group of 12 adventurers fully kitted out in platemail with armoured horses and lances.

**** those guys. Nobody likes adventurers in that game.


Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009
"We don't go to Ravenholm"

Also when you first encounter Burnouts in Bulletstorm. Fast, strong enemies are frustrating enough in most games, but then you remember you have to kill them in creative ways in order to still have enough ammo to keep on killing them.

And those levels in Warcraft 3 when you don't build a base, you just keep going through whilst picking up units along the way. You knew it was going to be pushing shit up hill when that happened.


New member
May 14, 2011
When I got to the tadtones fetch quest in Skyward Sword. No, fucking, thank you.

If you're talking about moments faced with extreme difficulty, then that would be playing through F-Zero GX's story mode on the highest difficulty to get the AX machines. That was a pain in the arse to do, but so rewarding at the same time so I never thought "This is gonna suck."


New member
Mar 2, 2009
The moment they announced NeverDead. The idea of the game was that the character would lose limbs instead of health, and couldn't be killed. So, that means that, a) anything short of "full health" would mean the character was crawling, jumping and limping with one leg, and b) in order to create tension, he had a sidekick that COULD be killed. The way of getting a game over was if she was killed.

So, they made a game where the entire point was to escort an NPC while moving clumsily and loosing limbs left and right. They weren't even hiding it, everything in the game talked about these "features". The moment I saw that I said "OK, this is gonna suck"


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
whenever there is a custscene and character enters a stance with clear tendency for hand to hand combat in what otherwise is a shooting game. especially when i got a backpack full of weapons on my back. i hate hand to hand combat and will easily pick up rifles all the time.

when i just threw whole my army in some civilziation game at the enemy and it turns out his main army was actually on vacation sea cruise and is now landing on the other side of my civilization.

when the games tutorial seems to know better than me what im doing and decides to completely annihilate any progress i made and restart the mission because i didnt follow the precise points he told me to in that order.

the third time i tried to complete campaign in STALKER: Clear skies (the game is great but so full of bugs to the point of currupting saves i never managed to finish it) saving 5 seconds before game crash. i reloaded that save like 20 tiems trying to go to different regions enter shop mode or anything to stop the crash but alas no. i also learn that sun setting at swamps = automatic crash in that game. because they couldn't even bugtest time change in the area you spawn in.

wheelchairman2 said:
2. Most of the later missions in Homeworld 2.
thats interesting, i always found the later missions to be much easier in homeworld series since by then you can just do the management superiority due to how unorganized enemy fleets are, while at the begining you simply dont have the manpower for that.


New member
Oct 14, 2013
Anytime a non-stealth centric game imposes a forced stealth section upon you. It always sucks, it never makes sense gameplay-wise, and it's just disingenuous to the player.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Not since the 8-bit console era. Games just have not been as hard since then. Like finally beating Super Macho Man in Punch-Out knowing all I won was a one way ticket to getting my clock cleaned by Tyson. Maybe the Redemption Scenario in X-Wing, it's hard to keep that corvette alive.


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Mar 5, 2008
TheMadDoctorsCat said:
Coming across an underground ravine with a network of abandoned mineshafts, together with a cave spider nest or two, in Minecraft. Especially when you're trying to clear the area to build something underground.
There are some real horrors in that game. No wonder a lot of people play multiplayer. It's just nice to have the company.

The last time I played Minecraft I was running the Yogbox mod pack. It adds all sorts of wacky enemies, items and locations. Clearing out a pirate ship or a necromancer's mansion is a challenge, but what I ran into down a random ravine just destroyed me. I had a diamond sword with "Sharpness V" and a full set of diamond armour (the 24 diamonds found in a chest after a particularly hair-raising battle with the ancient guardian of a desert pyramid helped with that particular loadout), all with fairly hefty enchantments as well.

I parked my airship on the floor of a crevasse and started wandering, looking for the usual ores and whatnot. I found a tunnel that led deeper and deeper. I was almost out of torches when I broke through into a brightly lit area. There was grass and flowers and mushrooms and everything looked like daytime, but with no visible source of light. I figured it was some sort of fairy grotto or something from the mod pack and started nosing around. Unfortunately I missed a platform and fell about 15 blocks to the chamber floor. My boots had feather fall so I was relatively unscathed.

Then a short green creature in a full set of armour burst out from behind a grassy knoll and charged at me, sword flailing.

Then another one hit me in the back.

Then five more appeared.

They were goblins, according to the HUD. The armour made them tough as nails- even with my fancy-ass sword they each took five or six strikes to lay out. I must have killed a dozen as I murdered my way to the nearest spawner. I took it out. They kept coming.

After the third spawner I realised the sheer depth of my folly. The chamber was lined with spawners- at least 8, several on random raised platforms or hidden by foliage. With my armour in tatters and health running low I bricked myself up and hid as I ate the last of my food to recover my health. After a few desperate yet doomed escape bids I managed to reach a fourth spawner and destroy it. I had to brick myself up again and contemplated digging for the surface. I had no idea what direction would lead me out of the weird underground forest maze and I wasn't carrying enough blocks to make a tunnel. I tried to make a break for what looked like the way I came in, but the thick greenery hid another gap in the surface and I dropped to the floor again. The goblins poured in, the only part of my armour left was my trousers, and as I hit XP level 56*, my sword broke.

That was my moment.


*For context, when I entered the goblin nest I was on level 7. Each goblin gave as much XP as a normal mob despite being twice as tough.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Meeting the Starchild in ME3. I was right.

Final Boss in any fighting game ever.

Opening a door in L4D to find a tank on the other side.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Been playing starbound lately and was digging around. I decide to dig through a wall of sand as I saw some coal off to the side. I smack that sand and the entire cave collapses. It goes pitch black. I figure, no big, and yank out my flash light to find myself falling down a -massive- chasm. "Oh... well fuck. This is going to suck." -SPLAT-


New member
Aug 14, 2012
L4D2, Every single time I am teamed up with trigger happy morons, co-op or vs, on the Dead Rain map. "oohh witches lets shoot them all".


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Tanis said:
Final boss of Warkhammer 40k: Space Marine.

Barely got him on Easy/Normal, still haven't beat him on Hard.

Just...annoying as hell of a fight.
This.. As soon as I saw him my exact words were "Awww this is going to suuuuuck"


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Offworlder said:
And those levels in Warcraft 3 when you don't build a base, you just keep going through whilst picking up units along the way. You knew it was going to be pushing shit up hill when that happened.
Hell yeah.

I'd add those "defence" levels though, where you're stuck in a barely-started base with hordes of enemies attacking you from all sides. You can bet that the moment you focus on one side, you'll get attacked from the other one.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
That one level in MW2 on Veteran, right before Shepard shoots you and Ghost, running away from those hounds of enemies on Veteran with no more flash grenades.

I think I played it about fifty times before turning off my xbox and not touching the campaign for a solid two years.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
In Don't Stave, I once left a cave in an insane state. It was almost night time. As I neared by base, I got the warning that hounds were about to attack. My armor had been destroyed in the cave and my health was low, so I spent the night running in circles around my campfire, while being chased by hounds, fire hounds, and hostile hallucinations, while hoping the fire would not run out before the night ended.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
I just started Spec Ops the Line on steam and as soon as I clicked start I groaned and I knew it was going to suck. Not the bad kind of suck, mind you, but the kind where it's like 'oh man this game is going to destroy me mentally with feelings' suck.