This is What The 1940's Thought 2011 Would Look Like

May 29, 2011
dragongit said:
By the year 3013, I will be dead, and unable to care what happened in said time period.

I love the first image, if you get the answer wrong they have programmed automatic child beating machines.
I wonder if I could get me one of those "discipline robots" today.

I could throw it at my sister.

Japan, I demand that you make this! Right now!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Use_Imagination_here said:
Bertylicious said:
The internet and television will be replaced by a new thing, worse than both.
...Card games on motorcycles?
Theoretically that is something we have now. The sidecar would have to be radiclly expanded in order to allow you to get enough land down in order to summom Progenitus though.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Frankly, I'm amazed how people of the past were so far off with the future. I mean, it's 2013 already, where's my damn jetpack?!

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
There has to be a limit to human progress somewhere. We can't keep exponentially making new developments in science, for instance - the secrets of the universe down to a subatomic scale are very nearly unravelled already.

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
Steven Bogos said:
"Human legs will become too weak from over-reliance on elevators, chairs and cars, and degenerate into slug-like appendages."
They were off the mark at least ten years late. You see more and more of them everytime at your mall or Costco and see the grower numbers of people coming in SUVs and shopping on electric scooters and buying jumbo packs of Crisco while gorging on Food Court junk. We've evolved so far we no longer even need legs and cut them off.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
In the year 3013, we will no longer be using Jesus's birth as a reference point.
Technically, we already don't; "BC" has been changed to "BCE" (Before Current Era) and "AD" has been changed to "CE" (Current Era). Of course, nobody uses it because that's how it has been for the majority of time and there are still plenty of Christians in the world.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
so wait, what about strong jawlines and and muscular legs?
would these things really disappear if people found them attractive features in a partner? we'd just train them instead.


New member
Nov 21, 2011
Use_Imagination_here said:
Bertylicious said:
The internet and television will be replaced by a new thing, worse than both.
...Card games on motorcycles?
By 3013 the fad of Card Games on Morotcycles!!!!! Will have come and gone. The turbo dueling tracks will only remain as monuments to the old sport.
May 29, 2011
juyunseen said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
Bertylicious said:
The internet and television will be replaced by a new thing, worse than both.
...Card games on motorcycles?
By 3013 the fad of Card Games on Morotcycles!!!!! Will have come and gone. The turbo dueling tracks will only remain as monuments to the old sport.
Pffft. Weak willed fool.

YOU do not COMPREHEND the POWER of card games on motorcycles!!!!!!! Once the governments understand their significance their position will be made OFFICIAL.

EVERYTHING will be decided by

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Forget about the flying cars, I want my tie-dye jumpsuit.

Yuuki said:
"Human legs will become too weak from over-reliance on elevators, chairs and cars, and degenerate into slug-like appendages."
By the year 3000? Haha no, evolution doesn't happen anywhere near that quickly! It can take 100,000 years or longer for noticeable changes to occur, and keep in mind that evolution is almost exclusively driven by the NEED or REASON to adapt/evolve. It doesn't just happen "because it has to", which is why some species of lizard/cockroach haven't budged an inch on the evolutionary scale. They reached some sort of "ideal" design a millions of years ago, a design which allowed them to survive just fine through the ages without needing to evolve further.

Maybe by the year 20,000 or 30,000 humans may have undergone a slight change in terms of weaker legs. I can definitely see something like that happening over a longer time scale, our heads are getting bigger in proportion to our bodies and arms/legs are getting weaker. On the plus side, our fingers have becoming a lot more dexterous.
Even those are too extreme. Evolution only happens because those with beneficial traits can live longer and/or are more likely to breed, but amongst civilized beings that's a non-issue, because medical advances mean everyone can live long and breed (except those that are completely sterile, of course - but even partial sterility is only a hindrance). So people with stronger legs will not be less likely to have children, nor will people with nimbler fingers (wink wink nudge nudge). Even things that are considered to be attractive don't weight too much, as they change too fast to register for evolution - remember that less than 200 years ago the pinnacle of sexuality was considered to be fat people, and 200 years ago is nothing when we're talking evolution. (Don't worry, fat people, I personally still think you are sexy.) It's much more likely that a thousand years from now humans will look mostly like we do today, since the one thing that's likely to be considered consistently attractive is normalcy.

Tray Walter

New member
Mar 22, 2018
I feel that we will definitely evolve in a way that will enable us to be proactive without our legs, at least. Our irises will become the only way to make purchases and identify ourselves, other than our DNA. Perhaps even fluoroscopic brains scans will be enabled as the new "fingerprint." Jobs and other registries requiring personal data will be uploaded via our brains scans, DNA, and/or some other future biochem advancement, and it will be difficult to lie, making almost everything predetermined for us. Instead of our brains getting larger, like some propose, I feel that our brains will be naturally selected to revert, due to lack of use of communication skills. Women will most likely have no purpose of breasts for breast milk and will likely only remain as a sexual and retro type of body enhancement, for those who crave antiques. Most others will enjoy virtual lives, in which they can create whatever they want to satisfy their remaining human urges. People who remain full figured, with legs intact, breasts and all, will be considered low, backwoods, uncivilized creatures and will be hunted by humanoids for their DNA and reproductive organs. Empathy will be a scarcity, as the gene for being sociopaths will be favored by natural selection as well (mostly because they will most likely have a higher survival rate than non-sociopaths, and possibly due to much PTSD in such a post-apocalyptic world and confinement). America will have had it's 3rd Mexican rebellion and 5th consecutive civil war wave since Chelsea Clinton's great great great granddaughters 3rd term in presidency (it will feel like the equivalent of what the bible predicts as the Revelations and the end times). People will refer to the 2020's as the era in which all went to shame, because people no longer treated people like people, and just became so self involved, that suicide became a high fashion. The unaware individuals who run in front of cars on highways, and busy streets, thinking cars will stop for them, will be dealt with as simply roadkill, due to its high occurrence rate (of ignorance), and millions of deaths will occur every minute, every day and no one will care. We will most likely have discovered what the cure for AIDS and CANCER are, even though the government knew since 1892. The person who leaks this discovery will be executed via sources unknown. Whites will be considered a minority but refused refuge; similarly the blacks and Native Americans will receive the same, for being descendants of actual American citizens, which will also be extinct. Any minorities will be executed on site, so they all will move underground to safety. Sexiness will no longer be determined by weight or looks, it will be based on how much data, and which type, your backup AI second brain attachment can hold.