Tim Schafer Wants More Brütal Legend DLC

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Red Rum said:
He wants more DLC?

I want a sequel!

Sorry... WE want a sequel!
Don't speak for me! I'd rather have a couple $10 downloads than wait for a whole damn sequel! DLC can be made with recycled facial animations and a couple weeks in the vocal booth, a sequel would require an act of god... a god willing to spend his time on EA of all people!

BehattedWanderer said:
Why not redo the damn singleplayer, make it an actual RTS with divided campaign strategy, and allow us to fucking play as the other two groups outside of motherfucking multiplayer?
That's a whole new game. That's the kind of game I'd like to see come to the PC. Schafer's always said Brutal Legend is meant only for consoles and that's the way I'd like it to stay. Outside of the little bit BL plays around with, RTS does not work on consoles. Have you tried playing multiplayer vs the computer? It's, well, kinda satisfying... sort of.

Gildan Bladeborn said:
Jonci said:
The game had Dragonforce music. Definitely some respect for some of the good modern metal.
I like Dragonforce well enough (owning as I do their Inhuman Rampage album), but they are seriously outclassed by a very lengthy list consisting of most other European power metal bands. Too much wankery (songs that are almost exclusively one big guitar solo) and not enough variety (all the lyrics sound like they're from the same song after a while). Still, they're so much better than 'nu metal' that it's not even funny.

300lb. Samoan said:
Gildan Bladeborn said:
depending on what you are actually discussing by the term 'modern metal'. If he meant the crap that passes itself off as metal in the States these days, then I wholeheartedly agree.
I'm positive that's what he's talking about. It's not like there weren't recent acts on the BL soundtrack, he's just picky about using tracks that represent the heritage of heavy metal.
Fair enough - I made the distinction because I can count on one hand how many American metal acts I deem worth listening to, while I'd run out of fingers and toes and have to start collecting other people's severed appendages to do that with European/South American/Not-American bands. Mainstream metal in America is bloody awful right now, thank goodness the rest of the world is picking up the slack.
Dude, the American metal scene is responsible for Avenged Sevenfold, Killswitch Engage, and the Sunset Strip circa 1987. If it weren't for Iced Earth, Slayer, and a few random others, using the words "metal" and "America" in the same sentence would be a fucking laff riot. Of course, there's no excuse to be listening to any of that aforementioned bullshit when Canada is so close and they have Propagandhi.

I'll say this in advance, I respect anyone who has an opinion about Propagandhi but regardless of what you think, Propagandhi is the only reason left to believe in the power of Rock and Roll. Knowing that Propadandhi is still out there making music is what keeps the blood in my veins from turning into chalk. In other words, Propagandhi kicks your fucking ass.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Stylish_Robot said:
Jonci said:
The game had Dragonforce music. Definitely some respect for some of the good modern metal.
pssh, you can drive one end of the map to the other and the stupid intro wouldn't have even finished :p

but what that game needs? a collectible map that shows WHERE the crap I already found is, I hate having 9 serpents or 3 solos left to find and the damn map never shows me where the hell the stuff I found is
Google is your freind, Rooster Teeth has a jpg with all locations. I just drive around checking stuff off with a black box in MS paint.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
300lb. Samoan said:
Dude, the American metal scene is responsible for Avenged Sevenfold, Killswitch Engage, and the Sunset Strip circa 1987. If it weren't for Iced Earth, Slayer, and a few random others, using the words "metal" and "America" in the same sentence would be a fucking laff riot.
So... we agree on that subject? That certainly reads like you were agreeing with me (my point being America fails at metal for the most part), but the tone of admonition makes me wonder if the use of "America" and "metal" in my post just triggered an automatic rant on the topic.

[small]If I was making a list of decent American metal bands it would include those two plus Kamelot, Symphony X and Todesbonden.[/small]

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
300lb. Samoan said:
Dude, the American metal scene is responsible for Avenged Sevenfold, Killswitch Engage, and the Sunset Strip circa 1987. If it weren't for Iced Earth, Slayer, and a few random others, using the words "metal" and "America" in the same sentence would be a fucking laff riot.
So... we agree on that subject? That certainly reads like you were agreeing with me (my point being America fails at metal for the most part), but the tone of admonition makes me wonder if the use of "America" and "metal" in my post just triggered an automatic rant on the topic.

[small]If I was making a list of decent American metal bands it would include those two plus Kamelot, Symphony X and Todesbonden.[/small]
yea we TOTALLY agree. metal is the kind of music cowboys would have made back in the industrial revolution if they'd grown up in cities. america doesn't have real men like that anymore.

edit: the 'aforementioned bullshit' was in reference to a7x and kse. that should clear things up. another band i'll add to that list is slipknot, once a band with great potential. now they're the nickleback of american metal, and that's saying A LOT considering how many bands are trying REALLY HARD to be the nickleback of american metal.


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
My only issue with Brutal Legend is that there was just NOT ENOUGH of it.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I know but in AC2, not only did they tell you what city was missing feathers, they told you the actual DISTRICT and Infamous had you press L3 to find the blast shards. You had to find the area of the map yourself but at least you got a radar, this game gives you nothing and for people who don't want to use guides from xbox360a.org or Achievement Hunter or something, it might bug the hell out of them

The Ultimate 2

Lord Of Madness
May 13, 2009
Just as long as the new DLC expands the story and fixes the fucking multiplayer rank disapearing bullshit and adds a new faction for multiplayer (Fleatus or even Lyonwhite) then I will be over the moon.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
there is no Iron Maiden in brutal legend currently right?...seems like some DLC should fix that huh?


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Bah game developers are leaving games half finished just so they can make extra money


All I really do is threadcrap
Mar 27, 2008
Carnagath said:
Uh-huh. So bands like Nevermore, Nightwish, Opeth, Mastodon, The Haunted etc suck, right? Okay.
They might not suck to you.

But they do suck to me. So I can see how they might suck to Tim Schafer.

It's, y'know, a matter of taste. (Looking at the Brutal Legend song list, I'm pretty sure Schafer and I don't have anything like the same taste in music, though.)

-- Alex

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
TsunamiWombat said:



You create a broken game and then add to the storyline with tidbits of more real gaming


$60 Brutal Legend

$20 Legend of Eddie Riggs

Etc Etc Etc Etc


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Jelekk said:
Please, no more multiplayer dlc. We need some more single player dlc badly.
Agreed. Give us something so that we can do it on our own and not have to rely on others for once!


New member
May 17, 2009
imahobbit4062 said:
DLC was on last gen games was it now?
The gameplay was tight and responsive and the whole "RTS" part of it, which isnt really like an RTS at all, so you can spawn troops.
You can fight on the battlefield aswell, So stop fucking complaining
Wow you are a moron and a half if I ever saw one. Its an RTS. There is no RTS part of it, but there is a hack+slash part of it, consisting of around 4/5 combo variations hence it is a very very very small part.

No-ones complaining because no-one cares about extra gameplay content because that is why the game is crap. Story content would be worth something though, as that is the only reason worth playing the game in the first place so more of it is needed. Game was way to short.