Times you added roleplaying elements to your video games


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So I tend to invest myself in the protagonist when I'm playing, and trying and make them behave in a way that I think is consistent with whatever morality I've adopted for the character. Some games let you do this by design, but there are also layers of roleplay, that I've found myself injecting into the game myself, simply because it made it more fun for me. So I thought I'd share some examples, and let others do the same.

Both of my examples are from Skyrim, mostly because I just had a lot of fun playing various concept runs of that game.

The first was the Son of Skyrim Thor. Big, burly Nord-boy, heavy armor, two handed hammer, destruction magic specifically of the lightning persuasion. I think there was a shout that was storm/lightning too? I forget.

Anyway, I played him as your stereotypical viking. Loved to fight, tried to be honorable about it, didn't do shady stuff. So I would never loot any crypts I went into, as those were the dead of the previous generations of Skyrim's people! You do not desecrate that!! He also would challenge all people when fighting, by way of doing a quick single syllable FUS! To just basically declare his presence and thirst for battle! The funny thing about this strategy, was it made dungeon runs REALLY fast. I'd walk into the dungeon, go like maybe 20 feet in, and let out a FUS! This would instantly agro every badguy near the entrance, and bring them all to me for a grand melee. I'd stomp them, then move past them, ignoring all the jars and bodies for random pocket loot. Go 100 feet into the dungeon, and FUS! again, to agro the next wave. I noticed that dungeons that took like an hour or so with my Thief character, got shaved down to like 10 minutes.

He would also, every time he killed a dragon, I would make him angle his head to the sky, and let out a full FUS RO DAH!! To declare his victory to the heavens as he devoured the dragon's soul. He would always charge into any open melee, and basically just did everything up front and in your face. He was incredibly fun.

The other example, is the above mentioned thief. I basically made Garrett from Thief, and played him as such. I never killed anyone, and would simply steal from those who I thought deserved being brought down a peg or two, or who directly insulted me. I'd then sneak into their house, and rob everything that had any value, to make a point. And then, like the Wet Bandits from Home Alone, I would leave a calling card. A quill pen, dropped on the welcome mat just inside the house, so they knew I had been there and struck!

So what layers of roleplay have you added to characters, that didn't have any game mechanic/practical aspect to them, but that you felt was a fun addition for your personal enjoyment?

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
I do this anytime I play an MMO
I like to imagine my character with a full backstory, their personality, what drives them.

My WoW main was a female draenei death knight, who came from a family of light worshipping paladin when Draenor became Outland, crossed into Azeroth, died in Northrend and after losing her connection with the light and her sense of self, decided to open her own brewery. She's not good at it and tries to pawn off "free samples" to people in Stormwind.

Lots of budlight and bad beer jokes.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Yeah, the Bethesda FPRPG's always end up with a degree of RPing.

Skyrim: Heavily modded so there's a load more RP/immersion type stuff you can do.

A thief who doesn't kill people and started out as a homeless beggar. Occasionally reverse pickpockets beggars a nice bit of jewellery or gem

An alchemist. They make potions to sell. Also clothes and food. No fighting. Recruited Mjoll as a follower to do the white phial quest.

There's a couple that only use only a specific armour/weapons because I like the look of it or I think it fits the character despite being too low tier for the current level. That is a gameplay effect but I think it sort of fits your criteria since it's actually detrimental.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
In Far Cry 5 I play a psychopath who's triggered into a murderous rage whenever the dude at the arcade tries to plug the multiplayer.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Unless keeping killing to a minimum in games that allow it counts I don't think it's something I do very often, my main example being Niko in GTAIV who I believe has a line that indicates that he doesn't really like killing near the beginning so I tried very hard to not have him kill anyone that wasn't necessary to kill, but you know also every singe stealth game ever, I just use the Niko Example because GTA IV isn't a game in which you would expect to do that, nor is it designed to.

The other examples I have are from WoW too, just like Eclipse Dragon one was my drunken cleric, who was sort off a running gag that he was always drunk, as such I always had a bag full of liquor and made sure he was always in a drunken status, since he was a healing cleric the altered running pattern and the blurry filter didn't actually have any effect on gameplay so everyone was more or less OK with it.
I also had a Rogue who was a merchant, by which I mean I used him to collect rare loot to sell, the only relevant part is that he was always dressed as a bandit and as such I would play him like both a bandit and a scammer, often gaining access to small guild's vaults emptying them of anything valuable and leaving, under the pretext of roleplaying a bandit though I think that was mostly just me being an asshole but the administrators bought my excuse of it being roleplay so I guess it counts.

I'd mention PC RPGs but TBH in those game I tend to go more for my gut instinct rather than actually roleplaying.


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Anything that as a silent and blank protagonist. People used to rail on it for being shallow and I was like where have your imagination gone. Skyrim was not my favorite game but I did enjoy it mostly because I made a my character a skooma addicted Argonian as a big fuck you to the random sampling and picking destiny uses for the whole chosen one thing.

That game became 100 times playing as character causes havoc and some how solving problems mostly as unintentional concenquences of searching for my next fix.

Dragons Dogma big time. I know by lore the pawns are not suppose to have personality
Fun fact they technically do and can grow a personality which makes the mindless slave trade more awkward
. Playing the game and sometimes the AI just loses it mind. I still remember having this one sorceror I rented cast tornadoes and summoning meteors in caves yet we get out into the open wilds and she runs half way across the map to grab an explosive barrel to throw at a single goblin. My Arisen was just dumbfounded and losing his mind at pawn shenagins and asking the dragon to take them.

I have had Arisens who were mercenaries in my headlore, some were that bright eyed fisherman, others were an adopted meta human race who discovers their lost lineage on their journey and so on.

DragonQuest IX big time made my party gave them backstories and had internal dialogue among them that did not exist in the game.

If anyone has any recommendation of games that just give you a blank slate party to make and work with that would be greatly appreciated.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Anything that as a silent and blank protagonist. People used to rail on it for being shallow and I was like where have your imagination gone. Skyrim was not my favorite game but I did enjoy it mostly because I made a my character a skooma addicted Argonian as a big fuck you to the random sampling and picking destiny uses for the whole chosen one thing.
Not sure why but this reminded me of the one time I actually finished New Vegas, it required me roleplaying as Doctor McNinja. I wore a lab coat, a particular Legion helmet (closest I could find to a ninja mask), and ran around using a katana and heavy science skills. that was particularly fun, and the only playthrough of that game that I actually found fun and engaging enough to finish


Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Not sure why but this reminded me of the one time I actually finished New Vegas, it required me roleplaying as Doctor McNinja. I wore a lab coat, a particular Legion helmet (closest I could find to a ninja mask), and ran around using a katana and heavy science skills. that was particularly fun, and the only playthrough of that game that I actually found fun and engaging enough to finish
Not going the lie the Bethseda rpgs were always boring to me. They had a lot going on but the gameplay wise were so unengaging. But I like to find the good and everything and that freeform of expression they allowed me to take the piss out of it while also enjoying the games.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Not going the lie the Bethseda rpgs were always boring to me. They had a lot going on but the gameplay wise were so unengaging. But I like to find the good and everything and that freeform of expression they allowed me to take the piss out of it while also enjoying the games.
New Vegas was Obsidian, not Bethesda. I know the whole gaming world considers that game liquid orgasms spread over the second coming of jesus or something, but I found it boring as fuck, and couldn't stay invested after multiple attempts to restart and play again. Finally had to pretend I was an insane ninja doctor, going around "diagnosing" legion soldiers with a katana to stay invested enough to finish it.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Mass Effect is already an RPG, but I always play Fem!Shep as if she’s Grunt’s mother. He’s her giant reptile space test tube baby and it’s shotguns and spacing for anyone who says otherwise :p


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Just recently in Ghost of Tsushima.

The last act of the game takes place in the snowy north so I switched to the Kenshi armor because it had a far of animal fur to keep Jin warm. Its also thematically fitting to forgo the Samurai armor in favor of Ronin attire after Jin is
branded a traitor.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I find it hard to... roleplay so to speak. I always play in a way that maximizes benefits and if choicemaking is involved, I make choices in a way that allows me to experience most of the game as possible. For example in Fallout 4, I'll always take the game as far as possible that allows me to do any of the endings. Rather than go and eliminate any one faction early and lock myself out of their stuff. Even if I personally might think a faction is dumb and require extermination - cause well I do want to see what their quests are about and what the game has to offer from that angle.

I had a friend who played Skyrim who refused to join the Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild cause that's how he chose to roleplay. In my eyes, he was not experiencing some of the better faction questlines the game had to offer.

I did operate on some sort of moral compass when playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I tried to nonlethal my way through most of it, not because I particularly wanted to or anything. I just thought well, a lot of these guys don't really deserve to get killed. Later on in the game when the gold masks came out in full force, I did not hesitate to gun them all down cause I thought they were just basic villainous pricks. And I was perfectly fine with gunning them down. Also the added experience from non lethal takedowns at that stage in the game wouldn't have had much impact and I really wanted to stretch my legs and spam the shit out of all my crazy augs. What's the point in having a fully upgraded Typhoon system and a multi lock Tesla arm if I'm just gonna snoop around knocking people out?