Titans: Britain (Teen Titans RP) (CO-GM'd by BoosterGold) (Started) (PM if you want in)


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Standing there as Mordecai drives off "....well that hurt." But sniffing the air for his scent "Yep....I'll follow him once night hits." Heading back inside and up into the lobby, nearly stumbing on himself as he went in "Well...the last of the attackers left." then slowly walking back into the med back and looks in a mirror to see his injuries "....they'll heal..." slowly heading on back into his room and falling down on his bed. Finally getting that rest he so well needed.
Jun 26, 2009
That night
Cat-girl slept soundly in her bed. A man in a robotic suit stood over her. "You always sleep so soundly... You shouldn't be here... You should be at home... But everything is sorted now, all the things are set up. I can make you act how you shoulf. For your own safety." He grabbed her and she awoke.
He quickly injected her with a serum. "Yes, now sleep..." He walked out the front calmly with no problems with security. After five minutes of traveling he arrived at an abandoned warehouse. He walked into a hole at the side and strapped her into an operating table. She awoke.
"Fagure?! What is your obsession with me?!"
"I only want to protect you..." He picked up another syringe. "Even if you don't want it. But you'll thank me soon, when you at least act normal. I'm sorry I couldn't make your body normal, I found that it was impossible..." He flicked the end of the needle. "Now just hold still, Fagure's gonna make you normal..."
The next morning
Cat-girl awoke, smiling. "Thank you Fagure..."
Fagure smiled back. "Its no problrem Cat, now you go into the city and have some fun. I have money..." He untied her and gave her a pile of notes. She
walked outside of the warehouse and headed into the city, thoughts of clothes on her mind. While back in the T tower, the alarm just went off manipulated to be late
[HEADING=1] Episode 4: Catnapped, the 'Normal' syringe [/HEADING]
Booster is unable to do this episode, so for better or for
worse, you got me again.


New member
May 1, 2010
Cassandra woke to the alarm, cursing silently
INFERNAL THING!!! If only I could turn it off, and just sleep...
She sighed, looking around the room, noticing the lights were off.
Of course... The lights are out, and I can't do a bloody thing about it.
She noticed the lights flicker on, and Velicia standing over her, with a smile on her face.
"Good morning baby sister."
She said, with a smirk on her face.
"I don't have the time to get annoyed by you Velicia, just leave me alone an-"
She found herself stopped by Velicia's hand, and noticing she now had a some what serious look on her face.
"Listen, someone will be here soon, otherwise, everyone will mobilize to look for cat girl"
Before Cassandra could repeat the fact that cat girl was missing, and shoved a pacifier in her mouth.
"Honestly... You are still a child... Don't you know that i'm trying to not be seen by your friends, they would consider me an enemy, plus, they don't need to know yet."
She said, removing the pacifier from her mouth, and Cassandra nodding her head.
"Good girl! Now stay here, i'll be back soon, mainly because you seem to be in a sick state."
Sick? I don't feel... Ugh... Nevermind, she's right.
She thought, feeling her uneasy stomach.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Gallant stepped out of bed, yawning. He'd been out all night searching for clues, but nothing about his father had come up. He had considered giving up, but decided a few more nights of searching couldn't hurt. He got out of bed and made his way down for breakfast, to find he was the first one there. Shrugging to himself, he got to work on a batch of pancakes. Isn't Cat Girl up by now? Wonder why everybody's sleeping so soundly.


New member
May 1, 2010
Velicia turned away from her sister, noting that someone else was now awake.
Sorry dear sister... But i'll be back soon.
Velicia then waved to her sister, before she disappeared, and left Cassandra in a dark room again.
Cassandra said, before sighing, and turning her head to the ceiling, letting her eyes adjust to the dark.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Getting out of bed after a great 8 hour sleep, he gets up and heads outside into the lobby...but there was something different in the air. "....." shaking his head as just some random smell from god knows where. "Hello Gallant," waving to him "are you feeling well?" Gallant looking at him and shrugging and going back to his cooking. "I think I'm gonna head outside." Heading out of the kitchen and down and out of the Tower, taking in a breath of the morning air. "Ahh....that clears up the sinuses." but he smelled the scent again. "Thats new..." sniffing the air again for the scent. "Residue of the last battle...?" Heading back inside and looking at the security com. "Doesn't look like anything's wrong..." Feeling a bit assured...but still keeping the doubt in his mind. He heads back outside and sits down and meditates under the transition from night to day.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Dartor on the other hand seemed to still be asleep. The sheets of his bead thrown off during the fitful night. He had long ago slept through his own alarm clock, but when the delayed Tower alert engaged it wasn't something he could ignore. Loud klaxons roared through the tower and Dartor's eyes shot open. A second later he rolled out of bed, grabbing his glasses of the nightstand and putting them on in one fluid trained motion.

Looking around he could see no immediate threat so he grabbed his watch off the stand and hit a small hidden key on it. It only took a few moments before Dartor was teliported into the central computer room for the tower. He was still wearing his striped pajamas but he didn't care as he sat down at the security terminal and began working the keyboard in a blur.

Suddenly Dartor remembered something that stroke a bad cord. The system shouldn't have activated at all. After yesterday's defense Dartor hadn't taken the time to set the system back to automatic, he had figured that the team could get one nights good sleep. So why was it going off on it's own now?

Dartor confirmed that the alarm was artificial, and it was child's play to track the command back to the middle of the night. Dartor keyed the communicator and spoke out. "Cat-Girl. Are you there? Do you know what's going on?" However, he got no response. Dartor then watched in horrer as he played back the security footage from the night. A robotic figure entered Cat-Girl's room then left with her in tow. No wonder she wasn't responding.

Dator keyed at the com again. "Misfit. Are you there misfit?" Once again no response, but in her case you could never know when she was here or not.

Dartor then keyed into the general channel, one that all the local Titans would pick up. As he did so he thought furiously about who was left. Himself, Fira, Frost Knight, Gallant, Lycanthrope, and Cassandra; no wait, Cassandra was in no shape to go out today, not unless she had miraculous healing in her bag of tricks too.

"Titans Britan! Calling all Titans Britan! If you can hear me respond. Cat-Girl has been kidnapped." Dartor thought furiously, with both Cat-Girl and Misfit missing who could lead the team? Well... Dartor kept thinking as he spoke. "Lycanthrope, do you think you could track her scent?" Dartor still didn't know the new member well, but he wouldn't be surprised if such a feat was within his abilities.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Misfit called in on the the communicators.
"Titans sorry, something real big came up. Had to go to Coast City, seems some kind of swirling dimensional portal ate the All Lantern team. Zatanna asked I could help look into it. Dartor, your third in command so if Cat can't lead your in charge. See ya." with that the communicate cut out, and Misfit could not be reached again due to interference.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Frost Knight had gotten out of bed with his strength full restore. He was still in sick bay and notice that Black Rose and Misfit were no longer in beds assuming they too have recovered. He was still in the shadow what had happen since Black Rose wasn't exactly fit enough to talk when he gave her a glass of water to drink from the night before.
He walks out of sick bay and head to the living room to get some breakfast. He then heard his communicator about Misfit temporary leave of absent. He was showing concern since if Dartor would be in command then something had happen to Cat-girl.
He walks into the room and saw some of his team members.
"Morning everyone! Would you fine filling in the detail to what had happen? I feel like I miss out a lot and something important."


New member
Jun 25, 2009
"Your telling a half-human half-wolf to track a half-human half-cat by scent." Getting up from his meditation with a more focused and rejuvinated look. "I knew something was off, but I'm on it." Heading off the island and down into the city to find Cat-girl.
Jun 26, 2009
Cat-girl wandered the streets of London, she had bought several clothes and shoes and was holding more then what a normal human would be able to.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Walking along the streets of London, sniffing and looking around the city for Cat-girl, and bumps into her knocking her of all her clothes, suprised at the event, he spoke in Italian "Oh! I'm so sorry." seeing that was Cat-girl and a man standing next to her with some kind of suit on. "Really It was all my fault, I'm trying to rush for this one job I'm wanting to get hired for." bowing and heading into the crowd and blending into them. Holding up his hand to his communicator "Hey Dartor, I found Cat-girl and apperently the man who kidnapped her." pressing a button to send the video data to Dartor. "Hope you can get an analysis on that. I'll continue to track them" turning and seeing Cat-girl at the man going on again. "I'll need to get a disguise..." looking at a nearby clothing shop "...I've been meaning to get some new threads. Wonder how London fashion is this time of year." Heading into the store.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Dartor cursed to himself at Misfit's message, he had not been looking forward to having to be in charge. And Lycanthrope's indirectness in his response wasn't helping. How did Cat-Girl even manage this kind of thing?

However, he was really surprised at Lycanthrope's quick announcement. It had felt like the newest Titan had only just set out. Dartor had been prepared for a search of hours with the head start that the villain must have had, such a short chase had been most unexpected.

Could Lycanthrope have been mistaken? Dartor checked the pictures sent back and found little doubt that it certainly looked like her. But buying cloths? Did she normally do that? Dartor had a sudden thought that he didn't really know her all that well.

What to do now? That was the trick. And it was all up to Dartor, he had not been prepared for this in the least. What was going on? What if someone got hurt because of a bad decision? There just wasn't enough data. What should he do?

Dartor keyed the com again. "Lycanthrope, keep an eye on her alright? Fira, Frost Knight; I want you two to go give him a hand. Gallant, stay here for now." Dartor still didn't know what was going on so it would be dangerous to concentrate all their power too much. "Everyone stay alert. Call in if anything weird happens."

Dartor himself knew exactly what he was going to do. Previously, he had worked out everything he still had to get the Tower security system to 100%. He still had to finish setting all the functions, calibrating the targeting, locking down the identification detection, compiling all the programing, optimizing the power flow, placing and arming all the active defenses, and replacing the turrets destroyed by the hunters. He had estimated it would take about 40 hours of work, not that anyone would help.

Dartor cracked his knuckles as he began lining up code in his mind. Sure, he could get it done in 10. He would not allow something like this to happen again.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
No offence but can I have at least have someone reply back to what my character been saying?

Frost Knight had been brought up to speed on what had happen but he fined it hard to take it in but doesn't really have the time to have all the info sinks it in. He was now in the driver seat in the van waiting for Fira to arrive.

Are we really up against a god? I mean why would a god wear a Organization XIII cloak? Maybe Square Enix is the gods themselves? I thought god would no longer care about appearances. However this Omni is the real deal since there is also a book on him too and why is it targeting us? Why not the Justice League, Green Lantern or any of the big teams? Not only that but from the security cameras, my fight against Roland was the weakest compare to the others fight since I took the most beating, well excluding Gallant fight since he can handle that. I need to become stronger for everyone sake! Especially since Cat-girl is absent.

He check the time in van and is wondering what is taking Fira so long.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Nathan receiving the message as he finally has acquired his new look. A black and white striped long-sleved shirt with khaki jeans, he wraps his red scarf around his waist and is wearing his brown boots and brown fingerless leather gloves and a black hat. "This will do..." he whispered. "I'll keep an eye on her." heading out of the shop and heading into an alleyway and triangle jumping to the roof tops and looking out into the city and manages to catch Cat-girls scent again. He begins to free run from roof top to roof top tracking her down by scent. After a while finally reaching a mall where her scent leads into it. "Great a public place..."Heading on inside "I hope nothing goes wrong...." Looking around for Cat-girl and then crossing a Game-Stop showing a trailer for Vanquish and sees a suit much like the one guy was wearing. Talking on the communicator again "Dartor...see if that one guy's suit matches the one thats featured in the game Vanquish." Walking along again tracking Cat-girl's scent.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Gallant kept making breakfast, though at this point it was now due to having nothing else to do. He already realized that nobody would be eating it. What the hell did I go through all this work for? This had better be damn important, new guy.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Dartor looked away from his work for a moment to check up on the others. What he saw disheartened him, were things this bad when Cat-Girl was here too? "Hay! Pay attention Gallant!" Dartor called through the com. "We're on full alert here so there isn't any time for food." Though a moment later Dartor could hear his own stomach complain.

"And Frost Knight. Leave Fira here for now. Get out there and help Lycanthrope." He paused for a moment before he spoke to all of them. "Getting Jillian back is our top priority right now. Perhaps our only priority, understand?" Dartor didn't often use their leader's proper name, perhaps because she didn't either, but now it seemed strangely appropriate.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Though the intercom was not used, Dartor could still hear Gallant shouting "You just told me to stay here! What the hell am I supposed to do, sit here and stare at the walls?!" from several floors away.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
"Understood" reply Frost Knight.
Knowing the urgency of Cat-girl being kidnapped he revved up the van engine and as soon the garage door was fully open he shirted and he drove out so fast.
As he looks at the GPS at Lycanthrope position he wonders why Fira didn't show up. Maybe she was still in the bath tub or still feeling down about her setting fire onto that warehouse. His mind wonders back to Cat-girl, he feeling great concern for her well being.
I swear to god well not Omni but another god that Omni better not kidnap her!
He was getting close to Lycanthrope location and since they weren't fighting any bad guy at the time being he drove into an abandon warehouse. He drove into one of the location the Titans used to keep the van out of public sight.
When he got out, he open the trunk of the van and got out clothing that he had put in earlier. Scanning his area to check there was no one nearby, he put on a coat and bagy jean since he was wearing spandex, it was easy to put on. He then got out this custom made footwears that attach onto his current footwears (it attach to his spandex). He pull of his mask, now hanging behind his head like a hoodie and detach his glove but still hanging onto his wrist and he stuff it inside his coat. He carry a backpack with him as he ran got out of the warehouse.
He started to jog to Lycanthrope location and was soon in the shopping mall. He had swap out his communicator for his mobile phone with Dartor installations, he track down Lycanthrope and found him in disguise. He quickly ran up to him seeing he was still tracking the scent, he tap behind his shoulder.
He whisper "Nathan, it's me Zack."
His smell should able to recognise him even in disguise.