Tokyo Xtreme Racer - My favorite Racing Series RETURNS


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
In the early 2000's there was a game for Dreamcast called Tokyo Xtreme Racer, which was a Fast n the Furious style racing game in which you bought street cars like Honda Civics, Toyota Supras, etc and modded them to hell and back while racing them on the Tokyo highways. The game was basically a racing fighting game where you would drive behind people, flash you headlights, then two health bars would appear at the top of the screen like Street Fighter. You would then race and the idea was to remain in front of your opponent until his health bar depleted.

The Dreamcast was then discontinued after they made 2 Xtreme Racers. But thankfully the Ps2 saved the day with Xtreme Racer Zero. All three of these games where basically the same fucking thing with new gangs to fight and new cars, but they were all awesome.

Sadly after Zero the series vanished.

Until today when the developers of the original games are back with another Tokyo Xtreme Racer on Steam! A modern take on those racers I loved 25 years ago. And it's fucking GREAT!

In early access there are 200 gangs to fight (with 4-6 members plus a boss), perk system, skill points, and other RPG mechanics to make your street racing dream come to life. With much more to come according to the developers. The only limitation I can find so far in EA is that the pool of usable cars isn't very large, like 35ish or so. Again there is a lot of content to come supposedly and still a lot of content to battle through in the game already.

As I glossed over in the opening paragraph, battles are a trial of remaining in front of your enemy until their health drains down. However unlike in the original games, you must be at least 25m in front of the enemy in order for their health to start ticking down. Which means on tough opponents, where you battle neck and neck, neither of you are losing health. It's only when you have a lead on them, or they you, that HP starts to tick down. However other things can cause HP loss, mostly crashing, either into cars, or the walls along the road, these will deal chip damage to you or the opponent should they be dumb enough (and they are sometimes) to crash into things.

This chip damage also includes when you rub fenders with them. It is a viable strategy in tougher fights to smack and rub against the oppoent to whittle both your hp bars down, and minimize the time you have to spend in front to win. I did this on a boss that was WAY faster than me on straights. So before he could gain any lead I bashed into him and stuck to him as much as possible, once i weakened his health enough, I took the lead during a short curvy section, and stayed ahead of him long enough that he didn't have the HP to pass me later. There are options like this available to you in order to beat cars that are just outright better than what you are currently using.

It's a lot of fun, and I highly recommend it if you are in the mood for an arcady racing game.