Worgen said:
wizzy555 said:
Worgen said:
josemlopes said:
The best way to reduce sexism in the industry, Pratchett feels, is to get more skilled women working in games
Makes sense to me, at least it isnt the usual "hire more women for a magical 50/50 ratio" shit that comes out of nowhere in these forums sometimes. Devs should hire people that are competent at their jobs, the gender doesnt matter and the fact is that there are more males into game design then females (just look at any game design class, its like a sausage fest) so its not suprising that there are more males fitted for game design then females.
Its just a matter of getting them interested in the idea of following that career choice
thethird0611 said:
This is the first time ive agreed with something that deals with the 'women in gaming' issue just because of how it isnt 'JUST PUT MOOR WOMEN IN GAMES 50/50" (I am exaggerating, but sometimes it feels like it). She actually shows that there are bigger issues in this industry than most people see, where women in gaming is muchhhhh lower down on the list (And can be affected by taking on the big issues first).
So good on you, Ms. Pratchett, I fully support your views.
Who the hell is this mystical cabal that keeps saying 50/50? I've never heard anyone make a claim that the gender split needed to be 50/50, show me some sources here.
Well if you look at women in science reports by the EU (example here:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-303_en.htm ) you will find complaints that the women in high levels of academia are underrepresented with statistics but they don't really say what the statistics should be, so its somewhat the assumption politicians should keep throwing stuff at it until it's 50/50.
Seems like getting the 50/50 representation from that is only something someone would do if they wanted to able a jerk about things.
Not really, look at it from the other direction.
[Made up conversation to express the difficulty in drawing a line].
"With women comprising 35% of research positions currently available, we feel women are adequately represented in the sciences."
"No they're not, that isn't enough."
"How much more do you need then?"
"Until men are no longer over-represented."
"How much is over-represented?"
So the automatic assumption is that people who claim under/over representation must be striving for a 50/50 situation, because if the natural state of the system isn't a proper representation, then we need a distribution that makes sense.
The equation would be % men = 100/(# groups) * (modifier for the gender-applicability of the job). So since [# of groups] is always 2 (two genders) and modern sensibilities tell us that the modifier should be 1 (women and men are equally equipped to do jobs), it breaks down to % men = 100/2 * 1 = 50. Always.