Trailers: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay Debut


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Uh... excuse me?


'Cause I'm not even sure I saw any. Maybe about four seconds of vehicle section.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
No thanks, I'll wait till E3 to see a demo of the game in action. I'm not going to judge whether or not I should buy the game until I've seen it in action.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Not really gameplay, just footage made with the in-game engine.

Also: I'm getting deja-vu.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
ehh, looks like cod, impressive set pieces as usual with a more and more crazy plot, Im just waiting till they announce it was really aliens since they clearly want to go that route, the plot of a cod game has never been as good as it was back in cod 4 since they kept that in somewhat plausible settings, this invading america thing is just stupid and I wish devs would cut it out, really the only countries that could invade america are mexico and canada and I dont think either one is really eager to try it right now


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Meh, kinda looks like more of the same OTT Michael Bay nonsense to me, style over substance. It may surprise me and end up being really good, but all I know is, I didn't get any of the buzz I got watching Battlefield 3. Anyway, I guess we'll find out in November who takes the crown.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Psychophante said:
Meh, kinda looks like more of the same OTT Michael Bay nonsense to me, style over substance. It may surprise me and end up being really good, but all I know is, I didn't get any of the buzz I got watching Battlefield 3. Anyway, I guess we'll find out in November who takes the crown.
Yeah well no CoD campaign has really held any weight in recent years, and I doubt this games multiplayer is going to change...anything at all. I cant wait to not play this.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
According to the trailer, any countries with the letter E in theor name is going to be owned. Such a trajedy that the letter E is the most common letter in the english language.
I would be further sarcastic if I could be bothered typing 3 instead of E but that would be going to far.

On a side note. World War Three interesting concept, but who playings COD for the single player anymore? Not many.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Gameplay as in several forced vehicle sections and a few scenes where control will be ripped from the player right before a cutscene or at the start of a chapter. sorry not impressed at all with that, and those are the things i hate about COD as a series along with the wave based AI, run to the front to make the friendly AI push forward, or the use that particular weapon to get the story to advance and if you dont you can sit there killing wave after wave of enemies all the while having some smacktard yelling at you to use it. "get on the .50 cal!". GAAHHHH hate that crap! if I wanted to use that weapon i wouldve used it without being told to! and to top all that off... its extremly linear as a series, as in in WaW following a creek with invisible walls right on the waters edge and every single bush is a solid wall even though it looks like 3 twigs with 10 leaves a 5 year old could walk through it.

Multiplayer will be tiny maps that create fast pace because they are tiny, there will be a tiny amount of them and you will have 3-4 $15 dollar map pack DLC that should have been included in the game to begin with. there will be a huge disperity between new players and old ones because as you level up you get better weapons, and i personaly believe all weapons should be available from the start so its skill alone to base who is the best player, not who put the most time in to get the OP weapons. but It will be mindless noob tube, twitch fast paced fun so atleast it has the fast paced fun going for it even if the fast paced is artificialy created by having tiny maps.

Until COD as a series stops pulling that bs i wont touch it, last one I bought was MW, and WaW was a gift. the fast paced mindless twitch shooting in tiny maps wont sell it for me because its only fun for a little while because there is no tactics or teamwork to win. and that trailer made me really not want the game.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
More like Modern Bore-fare 3, amirite?

As already stated, I saw less than five seconds of someone "playing" the game, and that was all from behind the wheel of a vehicle or a mounted machine gun. CoD4:MW was the last great game in this series. When Activision and IW decided to abandon PC-specific features the series lost it's multiplayer appeal for me. I tried to play MW2 online - the lack of dedicated servers that were moderated for cheaters and bigots, the lack of custom map rotations and rulesets and hardcore mode, the LAG and dropped matches - that's what console gamers are used to, and that works for them just fine. But it was a HUGE step down in functionality and, for me, enjoyment of the game.

And yes, the single-player plot of the second game was as hole-ridden as the corpses of all those terrorists I slaughtered, and just plain silly, to boot.

The Odd Apple

New member
May 24, 2009
scw55 said:
On a side note. World War Three interesting concept, but who playings COD for the single player anymore? Not many.
I do! I do! I do!

Come on people! This is hardly even a teaser. Wait till they post a proper video, or even the game release before smashing their heads in.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
The Odd Apple said:
scw55 said:
On a side note. World War Three interesting concept, but who playings COD for the single player anymore? Not many.
I do! I do! I do!

Come on people! This is hardly even a teaser. Wait till they post a proper video, or even the game release before smashing their heads in.
First trailers usualy show the highlights of a game. look whats highlighted in that trailer. forced emplaced weapon and vehicle sections and chapter start/end parts.


New member
May 22, 2009
Looks alright... But im not going to buy this on launch as I did with Black Ops... I really felt screwed on that one.

The Odd Apple

New member
May 24, 2009
JET1971 said:
The Odd Apple said:
scw55 said:
On a side note. World War Three interesting concept, but who playings COD for the single player anymore? Not many.
I do! I do! I do!

Come on people! This is hardly even a teaser. Wait till they post a proper video, or even the game release before smashing their heads in.
First trailers usualy show the highlights of a game. look whats highlighted in that trailer. forced emplaced weapon and vehicle sections and chapter start/end parts.
I see high-intesity gunbattles and cutscenes, the possiblity of an awesome, though farfetched story, a few revisits like the boatride and loads of other fun things. It's not gonna be a game of the year, but I enjoyed the SP of MW2 like hell, and I feel confident I'll enjoy this one too.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
In the words of Anton Ego; A lot of overheated puffery.

It's amazing how much they throw at you with this trailer, yet how little it all amounts to.