"Civil War 2" trends on Twitter after Trump quotes speculation that impeachment would spark "civil war" [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-civil-war-tweet-civil-war-2-is-trending-on-twitter-after-trump-suggested-what-might-occur-if-removed-from-office/]
When you allow a harmful situation to occur because you benefit from it, you are liable for that situation. What amount of tax breaks, gun control, and general societal disarray makes these things ok? I freely admit I hate Trump. I would love the guy kicked out of office. But I didn't take up guns and look for a group to threaten war if he steps in office.
These are zealots who can not be reasoned with. Many of them state that the Left can't accept that Trump was legally voted in and are looking for any legal loophole to get him out. Guilty. Great. We got that covered.
However, many of these groups have members saying they will NOT accept any legal removal of the president. How is that any different from what you say the Left is doing in terms of not accepting legal proceedings, Militias? What's that? Oh right, if we don't like something that happens legally, we just have to accept it. If YOU don't like something that's done legally, you are ready for the next civil war "you're pushed to [https://twitter.com/Oathkeepers/status/1178789276399521792]" instead of accepting the legally mandated results from the Impeachment Inquiry.
I've cited many things I hate about Trump. His Trade War [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/27/us/politics/trump-farmers-china-trade.html] and how it's affecting our Farmers (also Cattle Farmers [https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/02/politics/cattle-ranchers-angry-trump/index.html] now), His steadfast need to damage our environment [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks.html], His 'Civil Rights' Record [https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/#2019], His various abuses of Power (Ukraine is just the latest [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-ukraine-call-former-national-security-officials-ukraine-call-unconscionable-abuse-of-power/]), His Decorum (just go to his twitter)... All of it is vile to me.
But this. This makes me loathe him. He spends time trying to cultivate his fanatics and then he riles them up. The gun-toting rabblerousers who proudly proclaim they will ignore the proceedings of a country they claim to love because they feel more empowered under this 'man'. Trump is dangerous. Whatever benefits one believes they can get from him being in office does not supersede the welfare of our country and our fellow citizens.
As usual, his cult lapped up his words. Armed Militias Are Taking Trump's Civil War Tweets Seriously [https://www.lawfareblog.com/armed-militias-are-taking-trumps-civil-war-tweets-seriously].Donald Trump said in a tweet that if he is removed from office, a "civil war" might erupt in the United States. The president was quoting Pastor Robert Jeffress, a Fox News contributor and host, who suggested that impeaching the president would lead to "civil war."
"If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal," Mr. Trump tweeted [https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1178477539653771264?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1178489464504619013&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Ftrump-civil-war-tweet-civil-war-2-is-trending-on-twitter-after-trump-suggested-what-might-occur-if-removed-from-office%2F], attributing the quote to Jeffress.
They are not the only militia that has members speaking about issues like this. Members of the 3 Percenters [https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/trump-warns-of-civil-war-if-hes-removed-some-followers-are-listening], another right wing armed militia, have had various members calling for Civil War and plainly stating that Trump has an army if he so calls for one.Over the weekend, the president sent a tweet that seemed to warn of civil war if he were to be impeached and removed from office:
Although the president was quoting Pastor Robert Jeffress's comments on Fox News, he was adopting them as his own.Donald J. Trump said:....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal." Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews
It might seem tempting to dismiss this language as of a piece with President Trump's typical Twitter rhetoric. But it is worth paying particular attention to this tweet - because among the people who read it were militia groups enthusiastic about exactly what Trump portended. And while no violence has yet resulted from the president's tweet, it would be foolish to underestimate the power of Trump's comments to call rogue militias to action, particularly if there is an impeachment and he continues to use this rhetoric to fan the flames. In the days after his civil war tweet, he went on to use similarly incendiary language, referring to impeachment proceedings as a "COUP."
Consider the Oath Keepers group, a far-right armed militia. Calling on its 24,000 Twitter followers to read the president's whole tweet thread, the Oath Keepers account posted:
Oath Keepers [https://twitter.com/Oathkeepers/status/1178549790847590400?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1178549790847590400&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lawfareblog.com%2Farmed-militias-are-taking-trumps-civil-war-tweets-seriously]
Here's the money quote from that thread. This is the truth. This is where we are. We ARE on the verge of a HOT civil war. Like in 1859. That's where we are. And the Right has ZERO trust or respect for anything the left is doing. We see THEM as illegitimate too. @StewartRhodesOK
When you allow a harmful situation to occur because you benefit from it, you are liable for that situation. What amount of tax breaks, gun control, and general societal disarray makes these things ok? I freely admit I hate Trump. I would love the guy kicked out of office. But I didn't take up guns and look for a group to threaten war if he steps in office.
These are zealots who can not be reasoned with. Many of them state that the Left can't accept that Trump was legally voted in and are looking for any legal loophole to get him out. Guilty. Great. We got that covered.
However, many of these groups have members saying they will NOT accept any legal removal of the president. How is that any different from what you say the Left is doing in terms of not accepting legal proceedings, Militias? What's that? Oh right, if we don't like something that happens legally, we just have to accept it. If YOU don't like something that's done legally, you are ready for the next civil war "you're pushed to [https://twitter.com/Oathkeepers/status/1178789276399521792]" instead of accepting the legally mandated results from the Impeachment Inquiry.
I've cited many things I hate about Trump. His Trade War [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/27/us/politics/trump-farmers-china-trade.html] and how it's affecting our Farmers (also Cattle Farmers [https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/02/politics/cattle-ranchers-angry-trump/index.html] now), His steadfast need to damage our environment [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks.html], His 'Civil Rights' Record [https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/#2019], His various abuses of Power (Ukraine is just the latest [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-ukraine-call-former-national-security-officials-ukraine-call-unconscionable-abuse-of-power/]), His Decorum (just go to his twitter)... All of it is vile to me.
But this. This makes me loathe him. He spends time trying to cultivate his fanatics and then he riles them up. The gun-toting rabblerousers who proudly proclaim they will ignore the proceedings of a country they claim to love because they feel more empowered under this 'man'. Trump is dangerous. Whatever benefits one believes they can get from him being in office does not supersede the welfare of our country and our fellow citizens.