To all the performance Resisters in this site who kept pushing for impeachment, who kept singing to the media's tune and throwing an unplanned shitfit at every little "Drumpf is finished" newspiece that kept coming along, I have just this to say, since despite being offline from these forums for a while I've been saying this as many times as possible:
I fucking told you so
Trump's approval ratings at this time of the year is higher than Obama was, inflated by his lucky strikes with the economy and more likely than not the absolute pathetic sham that these impeachment trials have been, which anyone with half a critical mind could figure out would just be a theatre to cleanse Trump of any wrongdoings in the eyes of the system that was perfectly ok with thousands of dead civilians overseas by incessant drone strikes, the sabotage of South American nations who swerve slightly to the left and the turning of a blind eye to the tyranny that unfolded later because of it. What a surprise.
Trump would never be defeated by activating the tools of the broken system that even allowed to become president. A grassroots movement is the best solution to deal with this, and the lack of strategic planning and proper organization has played right on Trump's hands.
If you actually give a single iota of a shit about defeating Trump, pay attention to what's happening on Iowa. The ratfucking that the DNC is attempting to do cannot go unheard, nor unpunished, because that's more manifestations of the broken system that will only protect Trump.
The people NEED to organize and protest this. Even if it turns out nothing illegal or immoral happened, the sheer incompetence and bureocratic rot that this Iowa displayed shows that the system needs an overhaul, but until then the people need to be completely on top of every caucus, every election. The fact that the malfunctioning and crashing app that was supposed to count this election was financed by Pete Buttigieg's campaign, who curiously enough declared himself a winner before any oficial reports could have been had, shows that the powers-that-be are beginning to stop giving a fuck about being subtle. Trump is a symptom, not a cause, and until we the people realize this the broken system will continue to spin meatgrinding the folks caught in its wheels.
Trump has a high approval rate not because Republicans are organized (even though they are) but because Democrats have been acting like the tools of the establishment they are. These four years should have been spent looking inwards demanding change, and yet they've been spent gazing at the freakshow. If you want to beat Trump, we need to look upon the people that are trying to beat him and demand more of them.
I fucking told you so
Trump's approval ratings at this time of the year is higher than Obama was, inflated by his lucky strikes with the economy and more likely than not the absolute pathetic sham that these impeachment trials have been, which anyone with half a critical mind could figure out would just be a theatre to cleanse Trump of any wrongdoings in the eyes of the system that was perfectly ok with thousands of dead civilians overseas by incessant drone strikes, the sabotage of South American nations who swerve slightly to the left and the turning of a blind eye to the tyranny that unfolded later because of it. What a surprise.
Trump would never be defeated by activating the tools of the broken system that even allowed to become president. A grassroots movement is the best solution to deal with this, and the lack of strategic planning and proper organization has played right on Trump's hands.
If you actually give a single iota of a shit about defeating Trump, pay attention to what's happening on Iowa. The ratfucking that the DNC is attempting to do cannot go unheard, nor unpunished, because that's more manifestations of the broken system that will only protect Trump.
The people NEED to organize and protest this. Even if it turns out nothing illegal or immoral happened, the sheer incompetence and bureocratic rot that this Iowa displayed shows that the system needs an overhaul, but until then the people need to be completely on top of every caucus, every election. The fact that the malfunctioning and crashing app that was supposed to count this election was financed by Pete Buttigieg's campaign, who curiously enough declared himself a winner before any oficial reports could have been had, shows that the powers-that-be are beginning to stop giving a fuck about being subtle. Trump is a symptom, not a cause, and until we the people realize this the broken system will continue to spin meatgrinding the folks caught in its wheels.
Trump has a high approval rate not because Republicans are organized (even though they are) but because Democrats have been acting like the tools of the establishment they are. These four years should have been spent looking inwards demanding change, and yet they've been spent gazing at the freakshow. If you want to beat Trump, we need to look upon the people that are trying to beat him and demand more of them.