Trying to find a movie....


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Ok so, I might be remembering it wrong, but I could've sworn I saw a movie, MANY years ago, with Kristen Stewart in it, where she played a teenage girl with....I'm not sure what was wrong with her, but it was some kind of physical disability. She limped like she had a malformed leg, I seem to recall she spoke a little slow and slurred like she had functional issues with her mouth, but otherwise she was fine. I don't recall any mental handicap being established, but I randomly came across it mid movie so maybe it was established earlier.

Anyway, the premise was fairly simple. It was just a slice of life, teen romance story, but the lead character had a disability. Otherwise it was fairly normal. She was horny, not like for comic purposes, just typical teenage hormones, she had a boy she liked, and she wanted to date and maybe bang him if she could. The "conflict" that was in the film, was mostly just the people in her life, that were overly protective of her due to her condition, but even that wasn't very strict. It was more about all of them coming to an understanding about life, and letting her live hers, and moving on with theirs due to previous tragedies or whatever that had them sort of idling in life. And..that's really it. She finds the boy, dates the boy, and then it ends with the implication that it's just a normal life like any other, but we got to take this little glimpse of it.

So I can't seem to find it in her IMDB, at least none of the names are ringing a bell, so now I'm doubting if it actually was her in it?

Anyone know this film? It sound familiar to any of you? And if so, can you provide the name and confirm if Kristen is in it? Because it's kind of driving me nuts at this point.