Twilight Princess HD Confirmed For March 4 Wii U Release

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Twilight Princess HD Confirmed For March 4 Wii U Release

Nintendo confirmed that Twilight Princess would be getting the HD treatment, as well as its own amiibo figure.

Last month, we heard some rumors that amiibo [] figure.

In addition to Wolf Link, the game will be compatible with the five other previously released Zelda amiibos: Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Ganonndorf and Shiek. Nintendo also promised some additional new features for the HD remake of the game, but said it would talk more about that at a later date.


Twilight Princess was originally released back in 2006, for both the GameCube and the newly-released Wii. Technically, the Wii version of the game was already a pseudo "HD-remake" of the GameCube version, but the graphics were almost identical. The story follows Link as he is pulled into the realm of Twilight, and transformed into a wolf, with only the mysterious creature Midna as his guide.

Source: Nintendo []


omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I'd love to be Nintendo, make a game that lasts 20 years ... just alter it slightly, add a plastic toy here and there and the money keeps on rolling in.

I'm just jelly. Hope the fans enjoy it but it amazes me that nintendo get away with it but COD doesn't.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Huh, so there is actually a chance of Zelda U waiting until the NX instead of coming out next year. I didn't want to believe it, but with TP coming out in march, it's hard to believe we would get another, new installment during the same year.

The photos are low rez so I can't really see good, but it doesn't seem like a big improvement over the GC version which is sad. I really like the design of Link there and not being high quality even 2 generations later is quite depresing. Step it up Nintendo.
That being said, I completely forgot about the direct.
I will wait for it to end and rewatch the whole thing.

omega 616 said:
I'd love to be Nintendo, make a game that lasts 20 years ... just alter it slightly, add a plastic toy here and there and the money keeps on rolling in.

I'm just jelly. Hope the fans enjoy it but it amazes me that nintendo get away with it but COD doesn't.
Zelda games come out like once or twice per generations and each game is quite different from each other. That's why they "gets away" with it while Activsion doesn't.


Apr 28, 2008
I wish I could just buy the amiibo without buying the game. I love Midna, and Twilight Princess is actually my favourite Zelda game; but the thing is I've totally and completely played it to death. I'm done with it. It's complete. I don't want to go back if I'm frank.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I'm just really happy it's the Gamecube version being updated. The traditional controls are the way to go with Twilight Princess, and Zelda games in general.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Ugh dammit, well I hope they made it look better since i have really wanted to play through it again and Nintendo games dont come out on pc.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
So it will be a full HD update, not a Wii port like the Metroid Trilogy and Mario Galaxy 2. Though even as a Zelda fan, I think we got enough Zeldas (especially remakes) out for Nintendo's current systems. (Can't say I won't grab this, though.)
Hero of Lime said:
I'm just really happy it's the Gamecube version being updated. The traditional controls are the way to go with Twilight Princess, and Zelda games in general.
The 'cube version is definitely the way to go. I've fully played the Wii version twice and there were always points where it didn't read my gestures or lagged enough for Link to get a wallop, instead of give one. The Wii's basic motion controls didn't add anything to the game, besides the better aiming with the infrared pointer.

Now anyone who missed the GC version when it came out can enjoy real controls without spending $80 for a used copy.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Hero of Lime said:
I'm just really happy it's the Gamecube version being updated. The traditional controls are the way to go with Twilight Princess, and Zelda games in general.
Now if only they do that with Skyward Sword...


I liked Ocarina of Time 3DS and, Wind Waker HD. I didn't like Majora's Mask 3D but I didn't like the source game either...this is something I'm really looking forward to though! Granted, it makes me recent re-play of Twilight Princess seem kinda like a bad idea on my part...oh well. I can wait until March to get back into Twilight Princess. I like how Nintendo specifically stated Zelda U would be on the Wii U but we'll probably get real info on it (like its subtitle) when we get some concrete info the NX...whatever that's going to be...I like that Wolf Amiibo too! It seems a lot less arbitrary than the freaking Golden Mega Man...which I also need...please help me.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
Again? Seriously. This game came out on the gamecube and the wii. This is three generations with the same game.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Fine by me; unlike Wind Waker and Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess doesn't have any flaws that need to be ironed out in the re-release. It's by far my favorite Zelda, with insanely complex dungeons and the greatest final boss fight in the history of the series. Looking forward to it.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Aiddon said:
Fine by me; unlike Wind Waker and Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess doesn't have any flaws that need to be ironed out in the re-release. It's by far my favorite Zelda, with insanely complex dungeons and the greatest final boss fight in the history of the series. Looking forward to it.
As much as I absolutely adore Twilight Princess, it has a few things that could use a change.

-A hard mode is a must, the combat is way too easy.

-Getting Epona's call much sooner would be nicer. The horse call grass in Hyrule field is spaced out really far apart. Access to Epona at all times is important considering how huge the field is.

-Quicker ways to get through the opening sequences. A "played this before? Go ahead and skip the tutorials option" would be fantastic.

-A way to change the from day to night. Collecting all the Poe souls is a very annoying proposition when you can't make it nighttime on a whim.

-Making the quests to get to the City in the Sky a bit more fun. It's the only part of the game that feels like useless padding.

If they do all of this, and I'll be really happy. Anything else fixed, or improved, would just be extra for me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Those screens aren't from the HD version, right? Because that hardly looks touched up at all.

Anyway, I guess now at least Nintendo can say they had a couple of Zelda games on the Wii-U before they axed it.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Ooccoo amiibo pls nintendo

Twilight Princess is my faves Zelda game. I just hope this amiibo is more on the lines of "lost city of Atlantis" side of available to get at less than double its sale price, as opposed to "Holy grail coated in the Colonel's 13 herbs and Spices"


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Those screens aren't from the HD version, right? Because that hardly looks touched up at all.
My thoughts exactly. There was a pretty big difference in the remakes for Windwaker Ocarina and Majora's mask.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I didn't get a chance to play Twilight Princess, so I'll probably pick it up. Hopefully sans amiibo, though. I can do without it.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Samtemdo8 said:
crimson5pheonix said:

The most needlessly edgy Zelda game. Whee.
Except it isn't needlessly edgy :p

Don't compare this game to the kind of "edgy" stuff Batman thinks of.
It really is, it's Crawling in my Skin edgy.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Samtemdo8 said:
Except it isn't needlessly edgy :p

Don't compare this game to the kind of "edgy" stuff Batman thinks of.
Yeah, TP is moody and somber, but not "edgy." Maybe I could take people's complaints of "edgy" if they didn't use strawman examples to back up their arguments.