"It's not about censorship, it's about protecting our children."
Are you fucking KIDDING me?!? Did this idiot REALLY say quite possibly the oldest known excuse for censorship in the history of mankind?!?
This kind of conservative "I don't like this so nobody else should be able to enjoy it either" thinking has been going on forever, and its always the same flimsy excuse "We want to protect the children" from what? From realistic depictions of violence in a goddamn VIDEO GAME? Here's a thought, label the fucking thing 18+ and be done with it! But NooOoOoOo, that isn't enough for Mr. Vaz, even though it would probably be the most effective measure. After that its up to retailers and parents (You know, the people that are actually responsible for their children) to make sure younger kids don't play the game. Personally I think the whole argument is completely baseless bullshit, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlSIqJpXI5A] but what the hell do I know.
Well Mr. Vas, if you want to protect the little kiddies from violent images so much, you'd better start legistlation to put warnings on every single news broadcast, censor every television show, cartoon and movie that has even a hint of violence, and you'd better start cutting pages out of comic books too, they show lots of violence. YOU CANNOT PROTECT CHILDREN FROM VIOLENT IMAGES AND THERE IS NO, I REPEAT NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AT ALL WHATSOEVER THAT EXPOSURE TO VIOLENT IMAGES CONRTIBUTES TO VIOLENT BEHAVIOUR! Its all just conjecture, speculation and in most cases flat out lies from a bunch of self-righteous assholes who think they know whats good for us better than we do.
I'm not sure what Mr. Vaz's agenda is, but I doubt it has anything to do with protecting children. Nanny state indeed.