I loved it too, though I disagree on the protagonist; he was a bit bland. Technically the game does become repetitive, but you only needed to do two or three investigations per assassination, and they weren't exactly long or difficult. The game had plenty of flaws, like unskippable cutscenes, but it was still great. And then AC2 made it nearly perfect (apart from the escort missions).T8B95 said:I must be the only person alive who absolutely loved Assassin's Creed 1. Unique premise, interesting story, great protagonist. And for everyone who whines that "it's repetitive" and then goes and plays the multiplayer of Call of Duty or Halo or whatever, look up "hypocrisy" in the dictionary. Assassins Creed 2 was even better, which I didn't think was actually possible. And now it looks like Brotherhood will come along and destroy the series with idiotic multiplayer. Face it guys, multiplayer does far more harm than good.
I don't think multiplayer will destroy the series, but I have my doubs about how well it will be implemented. The whole premise of AC just wouldn't work very well with it, and it means diverting funding away from the simgle player.