havoc_91 said:Dear europe,
How many unplanned pregnancies are you having, and how many people are in your continent that have an STD?
Please send the info.
You´re kidding, right? Because if you aren´t: -1 fate in humanity.Queen Michael said:Sex with somebody you like? Just Say No! Seriously though; this is a good idea. They need to know this kind of stuff so they can be sure they are ready when they do it.
Figures. They don't know crap about mature games like Mass Effect, and now they talk up some stupid PSG.ultimateownage said:Haha, I just noticed the image is from Fox News.
Dear America,havoc_91 said:-__________________________-
this is the dumbest thing i have ever seen in a looooooooong time
Dear America,
How about you teach sex education in school... a COMPLETE sexual education, including what happens to you in puberty, anatomy, and the actual process of sex instead of fear mongering teenagers into thinking that sex is wrong.
Thank you
Dear europe,
How many unplanned pregnancies are you having, and how many people are in your continent that have an STD?
Please send the info.
I called it, but you wouldn't pick up.Snotnarok said:Durp because all guys pressure girls to have sex. I'm pretty sure if one or the other isn't okay with having sex at the moment they'll understand or it's time to find a new partner, the both of you. Wow, I summed it up without millions of dollars, damn I'm good, and asexual, ladies? Hit me up on the Snotphone 555-5545-5.
$450,000 is a drip in the lake compared to hundreds of millions that the Miltary sometimes lets to waste.ultimateownage said:And exactly 0% of the people will use it. No one wants to play a crappy psa game. This is a waste of the American tax payers money.
*EDIT* Haha, I just noticed the image is from Fox News.
exactly what i was thinking, surely thats pretty sexist?WrongSprite said:Why is it just aimed at girls?
Believe me, they're every bit as bad when it comes to forcing guys into sex, it just depends on the person.