Update: Ace Attorney Trilogy Coming to 3DS With Enhancements


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
TizzytheTormentor said:
So...pop culture references are a total deal breaker for you? Its not like the above example is the only one of its kind [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ShoutOut/AceAttorney]...and as far as translations go, Ace Attorney is very impressive.
Not in and of themselves, they aren't. But many of the pop culture references in the second and third AA games are really, really unnatural. Ideally, if you don't recognize what's being referenced, and if it doesn't affect the plot, you shouldn't even be able to tell that a pop culture reference is there. But in AA3's case (and to a lesser extent, 2), even when you don't recognize it, it's way obvious when it's referencing something. I have no problem with pop culture references, but they're just kind of jammed in there at random, without any regard for grace or subtlety.

Compare to the GBA version of Final Fantasy IV. It's got share of pop culture references as well, but it's subtle enough with them that they don't stick out like a sore thumb to people who don't know them. The references are there, but they don't call attention to themselves to the detriment of what the scene is actually about.

P.S. Thanks


New member
May 9, 2010
Sweet, I?ve considered tracking down the old games for the ds but now I don?t have too, I hope they re-release Apollo justice and miles edgeworth too, and maybe we can finally get miles edgeworth 2.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Hopefully someone can answer a question I have about the Japanese versions of this series. I've done some research, and it seems that the Japanese version of the DS versions also had an English language option, is this true? If it is, is it the same translation as the English release or what? Mostly, I just really want to know whether or not I can get an English language version that doesn't insist it takes place in America and that Bento Boxes are spaghetti dinners. Small things like that irk me. Granted, I own the English releases for the 5 games we've got already, but I'd consider re-buying them if this (minor) thing was rectified.