Warhammer and Other Table top Convertion ideas

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
I am thinking of doing a couple of projects while I have some time on my hands, and I thought hay what are some one things other people have done for War Machine, D&D, Warhammer and so on. In this case, here are some gaming ideas I have.

1. Farting Flamer Nurgling: Take a Chaos Space Marine, and instead of giving him a typicle flamer (an oversized flamethrower) but take one of the little demons called a Nuegling, have it in one chaos marine's hand, while the other holds a lighter behind its rump. THere will be flames coming out of the butt. The marine is using the farts of the dease packing demon as a flame thrower. Yes I am an adult.

2. Just married Chariot: Take one of the new chariots for the Order Serpentis (the velociraptor riding dark elves in Age of Sigmar) have some spare head bits attached to small chains at the end of it, and a small plackard that said "Just Married" on the back of it.

3. Dragon lord gets the girl: Take the High Elf Dragon from the Age of Sigmar stuff, cut and pin one of the arms so its open wide, and take one of the vampire ladies off the Vampire Coven Throne (the one with the long braided hair) in it, while the dragon rides through the sky

One I already did: Old School Cold One Chariot with a Bretonian Damsel tied up on the back of it. The cord is waed cover string I had left over while wroking at a scout camp



Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Eh, I'm a cheapskate when it comes to conversions (can't post pics, all my minis are the better part of 15k miles away), and I'm not that adventurous.

For WH40K, I pillaged the vanilla chapter master, storm bolter, heavy bolter belt, assault cannon ammo pack and a Dark Angel's power fist for Pedro Kantor, all plonked on top of a downed Deffkopter (sp.). It was... OK...

Because they're metal, it's a bit more of a pain to convert Warmachine/Hordes models, but I shamelessly nicked an adaptation for Egregore by incorporating a couple Soul Trapper parts and holding it aloft with a headless Machine Wraith a la Atlas...


New member
May 7, 2016
Neat work there!

I used to love doing little bits like that as flavor pieces for my armies.

1: Using a couple of figures from the old Vampire Wars line, I made a portable gallows and hangman as a set piece for my Mordheim witch hunter warband.

2: Used a Mordheim halfling, a merc ogre, and two parts of the Halfling Hot Pot crew from WH Fantasy to make an Empire chuck wagon as a set piece for my Empire army.

3: Project I never got to finish, but I was working on a Knights of Moor army, with flagellant heads on knight bodies and wielding scythes as opposed to lances. Rule wise, they were going to use the same as White Wolf knights.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Ah, I loved converting. Especially Orks. You can slap anything onto anything, and it's perfectly fine if it looks kinda crummy and combled together, cuz, you know, thaz 'ow da Orks do.

Used to have a Speed Freeks army with a "what if da Orks got corrupted by Nurgle" theme[sup]1[/sup], with basically every model converted in some ways. Mostly just kitbashes with 40k/fantasy Chaos stuff for the rank and file Boyz to make them more mutated, disgusting and chaos-y, but for my centre piece units like my Bike Skwadz, Warboss and Looted Leman Russ, I really went all out to give them this gross, slimy melted flesh look.

Sadly, no pics. I played before smartphones were a thing. Also, don't have it anymore. About three quarters of that army ended up getting stolen at an event. Since I'd always enjoyed the building and painting part more than the game itself, and I was also getting at a point in life where I didn't have the time anymore to basically start over, so the loss in time and resources put an end to my playing Warhammer.

[sup]1[/sup] [small]Yes, I know, not very lore-friendly, but Chaos and Ork models work well together, making for a striking looking army, and Nurgloid Orks fit my painting style well.[/small]


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Get any plastic humans from WHFB/AOS, stick 40k Guard or Necromunda weapons on, call it a IG force.

Only, don't get distracted by next set of plastic humans to come out.

Got quite a few Necromunda Orlocks with stealer cult heads and some spare Cadian lasguns and stealer cult autoguns. All the other Necromunda plastics I've seen/bought have been pretty bad, though.

Chimpzy said:
Yes, I know, not very lore-friendly, but Chaos and Ork models work well together, making for a striking looking army, and Nurgloid Orks fit my painting style well.
Why not lore-friendly? They sold Khornate Orks way back when, and they showed some Nurgle Ork stuff in the Daemonhunters Codex.

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
Nice ones, guys.

Other idea: orc battering ram:4 orcs holdo g a 5th by his limbs and he has an oversozed helmet
Aug 31, 2012
Thaluikhain said:
Why not lore-friendly? They sold Khornate Orks way back when, and they showed some Nurgle Ork stuff in the Daemonhunters Codex.
On that note, my old disgustingly cheaty Ork chaos warband freebooterz for Rogue Trader had a warlord made from a juggernaut of khorne, the body and left hand of the old bone armoured goat skull headed chaos champion, the head of a goff ork boy and the right arm was an assault cannon off a terminator.

Might get round to posting a pic if I remember.

a good few converted ork kustom weapons again for RT.