Was the hatred towards 4kids really justified?


Jun 20, 2023
Dewitt, Virginia
United States of America
4kids Entertainment was one of the most controversial companies of the 90s and 2000s for many reasons. They heavily censored media to the point of insult, they changed plot points and story arcs in which they made them shallow and bland, they Americanized the foreign products and erase it of all of their foreign origins, and worst of all the nasty attitudes of the executives of 4kids towards the audiences that they are talking to. They worst offense was their Their one piece dub which nearly tanked its reputation in America, fortunately One Piece was rescued by Funimation by 2007 and they redubbed the whole series with a lot of love and care and and turtles forever in which they made the 2003 turtles insult the 87 turtles constantly, all in which made the whole animation company decided that they have had enough with 4kids. So are people’s hatred of 4kids justified?
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