Watch History Get Rebooted in Terminator Genisys Trailer


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Watch History Get Rebooted in Terminator Genisys Trailer

Things have changed in first trailer for the reboot of the blockbuster franchise

The first trailer for Terminator Genisys, which was teased yesterday, [] has just gone live, revealing robot mayhem, multiple Schwarzeneggers and a surprising new status quo for the enduring sci-fi/action franchise.

The trailer confirms some of the biggest rumors about the film's previously-secret storyline, namely that this is indeed a reboot of the original 1984 classic... but with a twist. As before, future human resistance leader John Connor (Jason Clarke) dispatches soldier Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) to the past to stop an assassination attempt on his mother Sarah Connor by a time-traveling Terminator.

But when Reese arrives, he's greeted not by Linda Hamilton's frightened and confused Sarah from the original film, but by Game of Thrones star [] Emilia Clarke as a battle-ready Sarah who's already been fighting off Terminators since she was a young girl with the aid of her protector - an "aging," reprogrammed T-800 played by franchise headliner Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The trailer also reveals that the film will incorporate elements of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, including a plan to shut down Skynet in the present and Korean action star Lee Byung-hun ("Storm Shadow" from the G.I. Joe [] movies) as the new T-1000.

Terminator Genisys will hit theaters this July.

Source: Terminator Genysis []




New member
Sep 27, 2009
You know what...yeah. I'm strangely on-board with this. Sarah Connor now as a badass instead of a scream queen? I'm cool with this. And yeah, there's some cheap fanservice in there, but it still works. I guess I'm a mark for it.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Sorry Emilia Clarke fans, but she lacks the physical presence to carry off arse kicking Sarah. Hamilton looked unbreakable in T2, Clarke looks like Hamilton in the first film.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
octafish said:
Sorry Emilia Clarke fans, but she lacks the physical presence to carry off arse kicking Sarah. Hamilton looked unbreakable in T2, Clarke looks like Hamilton in the first film.
I agree. And I adore this woman.

There is nothing interesting in that trailer. It looks like a bad, bad movie. I will never acknowledge that anything beyond T2 even exists.

Michael Tabbut

New member
May 22, 2013
At first I was skeptical about this movie...still kinda am. But the very concept itself intrigues me more than discourages. The fact that we have a T-1000 again is enough to give me a nostalgia boner.
I'm gonna see this when it comes out. I'm actually hyped.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
octafish said:
Sorry Emilia Clarke fans, but she lacks the physical presence to carry off arse kicking Sarah. Hamilton looked unbreakable in T2, Clarke looks like Hamilton in the first film.
I agree. And I adore this woman.

There is nothing interesting in that trailer. It looks like a bad, bad movie. I will never acknowledge that anything beyond T2 even exists.
What about The Sarah Connor Chronicles? That show was all kinds of awesome. I'm still bitter it got cancelled though.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Kenbo Slice said:
What about The Sarah Connor Chronicles? That show was all kinds of awesome. I'm still bitter it got cancelled though.
I never saw it. And after it was canceled I decided to never bother with it.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
I am more interested in the movie then I was before seeing this trailer, but at the same time it wouldn't be hard to generate interest since I had none before.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Nooners said:
You know what...yeah. I'm strangely on-board with this. Sarah Connor now as a badass instead of a scream queen? I'm cool with this. And yeah, there's some cheap fanservice in there, but it still works. I guess I'm a mark for it.
I 100% agree with you, Nooners! :)


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I was skeptical as hell about this, I considered the IP well dead after Sarah Connor Chronicles went tits up... but damn this actually sold me!


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
Kenbo Slice said:
What about The Sarah Connor Chronicles? That show was all kinds of awesome. I'm still bitter it got cancelled though.
I never saw it. And after it was canceled I decided to never bother with it.
Probably a good idea, they picked the worst point to cancel it; a massive cliffhanger. :/

Before that it was a pretty solid show though.

Jiggle Counter

New member
Sep 18, 2014
This looks so god damn epic, and yet there's so much public hate piling up for it.

I don't care if the storyline is a 5/10

I don't care if the casting choice is 5/10

I'm here to watch Arnold Schwarzenegger beat T-1000 ass and spear tackle him through a helicopter!



New member
Nov 14, 2011
Adam Jensen said:
octafish said:
Sorry Emilia Clarke fans, but she lacks the physical presence to carry off arse kicking Sarah. Hamilton looked unbreakable in T2, Clarke looks like Hamilton in the first film.
I agree. And I adore this woman.

There is nothing interesting in that trailer. It looks like a bad, bad movie. I will never acknowledge that anything beyond T2 even exists.
It looks so unoriginal. At first I was like...are they literally just remaking the first one with different actors? Then I realised it was changed a bit. Then I realised they are just redoing Arnold vs the Liquid Metal Terminator.

It just looks like such an average cash grab.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I am actually interested in this now. I wasn't a huge fan of the SCC personally, and the last few movies were varying levels of awful, but I like the premise of this reboot.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
It kills me to say this, but I'm interested. I can't believe it, but this actually looks like it will be fun. I do agree that the girl (Emilia Clarke apparently) looks a little too...small and fragile to pull this off, but I shall reserve judgement until I see her in the actual film.

What I'm really excited about is the return of the purple laser guns! Boo-ya! That's the Terminator movie I want. I want to see the mission where they have to fight their way to the time machine and the war is just raging everywhere. It looks like that is going to be the case. I hope it's not like T3, where you get ten seconds of it and then that's all.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
She's no Linda Hamilton, as stated above, but her character hasn't spent years in an asylum being drugged and told she's insane, or gun running with criminals to train her not yet conceived son how to hold a rifle. Linda looked like a toned bag of crazy for T2 which worked because it was the character.

I'm cautiously optimistic; T3 and Salvation were just awful, I never watched the Sarah Connor Chronicles (don't lie, you didn't either).


New member
Aug 21, 2012
Hmm wait and see for this one, it is an interesting take but I would liked to have seen a more buffed up actress to fill that key role. Seeing her work in tandem with the T800 would make for some cool combat scenes. : )

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
This is the first I've even heard of this movie... and y'know what? I'm actually kinda interested. It looks like it's taking after the high-octane action of T2 instead of the confused T3 or the grimderp plod-along Salvation, which is a good thing. And while Emilia Clarke doesn't have the powerful presence Linda Hamilton did (seriously, if I were to pick two female movie characters to have my back in a firefight, it'd be T2's Sarah Connor and Aliens's Ellen Ripley) she might be able to pull it off with attitude. I just wonder if Lee Byung-hun can pull off the subtle menace that Robert Patrick had as the T-1000, or if he's going to go with a different take.