Watch Star Wars Episode VII's First Official Trailer Right Here


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Hairless Mammoth said:
Hawki said:
-X-Wings...30 plus years and we're still using X-Wings. I mean, yeah, X-Wings are cool and all, but...ugh.
Well, that kind of makes sense. The F/A-18 Hornet, and tons of other military planes, has been in service for over 30 years and probably won't be replaced for decades on most militaries it serves. After a 30 year rebellion and the costs that come with one, it's plausible that someone would still have several squadron's worth of X-wings in use, especially in a universe were technological advancement has reached a snail's pace. Or, it could just be Abrams riding the nostalgia train, again.
To make some other real life comparisons, the F-35 started as the experimental X-35 aircraft, first flight in 2000. The production model had its first flight in 2006 and is going to enter full military service in 2015 because of the time needed to mass produce the volume of planes. That is 15 years not counting the on paper development time. From a real life perspective 30 year operational life is understandable. However considering Star Wars is fiction anything is possible, so everything I just wrote does not matter at all. I just wanted to mention things I know about planes.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Xeorm said:
Corven said:
It looks interesting, and they can't really go anywhere but up from here due to the prequel series.
I'm not sure. That lightsaber broadsword made me absolutely cringe. It's quite possible to do worse than the prequel series.
IIRC, that was actually a thing in the already-existing EU, which gives me high hopes that these movies might be covering the pre-Yuhzan Vong War EU, which means that Luke and Palpatine are going to be buffed to the level of major gods.

Also, the Eclipse Class, which would be fucking amazing.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Xeorm said:
Corven said:
It looks interesting, and they can't really go anywhere but up from here due to the prequel series.
I'm not sure. That lightsaber broadsword made me absolutely cringe. It's quite possible to do worse than the prequel series.
If a cross guard makes you cringe then I'm assuming you haven't seen any saber designs outside of the films. in Star Wars: Rebels, the Inquisitor has a double-bladed light saber that spins like a fan.



New member
Apr 2, 2011
Hawki said:
-X-Wings...30 plus years and we're still using X-Wings. I mean, yeah, X-Wings are cool and all, but...ugh.
The Rebel Alliance/New Republic was still using X-Wings all the way up to and beyond the Yuhzan Vong war. They're an incredibly reliable weapons platform, incredibly cheap to build and maintain, and clearly easy to train pilots on. If anything most of their production orders would be X-Wing variants. It's why the Brits had about 100,000 different variants of the Spitfire.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Elvis Starburst said:
Sweet pacific rim job, THANK YOU! Glad someone had to say it... It's just a damn lightsaber... I agree the first bit of the trailer was kinda meh, but I did like whatever else I saw. Seems pretty interesting. and heck, I never really *hated* any of the films. Episode 1 and 2 was shitty (3 was alright, in my opinion), but they all had something neat about them that we all can agree was pretty cool. Pod Racers, guys?

Should be cool. I know I'm gonna go see it
I'll be completely honest:
I can't stand Episode Two and Episode Three, and I liked Episode One more than Episode Six.

Yeah, I said it. Episode One was stupid as hell, but frankly....I'd rather watch something centered around the Gungans than the damn Ewoks. That's reason enough[footnote]Though not even remotely the only one.[/footnote] for me to feel as I do about the films.

That said, I truly loved A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back; with Empire being, in my opinion, not only a great Star Wars film but a great film in general.

Still, the series has been floundering for years, with only a handful of exceptions. Perhaps Abrams can breath some new life into it. I'm not ready to just assume it's ruined already. After all, there's not much left to be done to it that ol' Georgie hasn't done.

The teaser gave us nothing to go on, but here's hoping the final product is, in the very least, watchable.

I wont' be holding my breath, of course, but a man can hope.


Turtle king
Apr 7, 2012
God Damn it!! I hate how much that series means to me... I really hate it.... Such a complex anger! Because the Millennium Falcon is just the coolest thing on the damn planet... and X-Wings! Finally X-Wings.... it is really important, more so than any other that this be good.... if it isn't... I'm ok with earth crashing into the sun.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
im not sure if i disliked that lightsaber because they changed the lightsaber or if its actually that dumb looking

not very much meat on this trailer but this doesnt look awful

J.j. Cintia

New member
Oct 3, 2014
Oh my God, but that sucked. I wasn't expecting much fro J.J. Lost Abrams, but this is even worse than I expected! Spaceships flying less than ten feet from the ground? Why? What happened to outer space? How much did they pay to have the original cast return? Not one in the trailer, really?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Well, it's be 30 odd years and Han hasn't replaced the senor dish that Lando broke off when attacking the Death Star. I wonder what he did with all those credits he didn't pay back Jabba with.


New member
May 21, 2014
J.j. Cintia said:
Oh my God, but that sucked. I wasn't expecting much fro J.J. Lost Abrams, but this is even worse than I expected! Spaceships flying less than ten feet from the ground? Why? What happened to outer space? How much did they pay to have the original cast return? Not one in the trailer, really?
They're just showing off some stuff for marketing purposes to get all the anticipation for the big push next year rolling.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Spartan448 said:
Hawki said:
-X-Wings...30 plus years and we're still using X-Wings. I mean, yeah, X-Wings are cool and all, but...ugh.
The Rebel Alliance/New Republic was still using X-Wings all the way up to and beyond the Yuhzan Vong war. They're an incredibly reliable weapons platform, incredibly cheap to build and maintain, and clearly easy to train pilots on. If anything most of their production orders would be X-Wing variants. It's why the Brits had about 100,000 different variants of the Spitfire.
I don't doubt that. But I bring it up because with the EU being arbitrarily declared non-canon, it becomes a moot point. Also, the EU had the excuse of having to build up its story sequentially, whereas this is a three decade jump.

For the other points about planes, I don't doubt that. But taking the movies by themselves, we've seen evidence of how tech has developed (Ep. III-Ep. IV, with the ship designs), but for whatever reason, that jump hasn't occurred between Ep. VI to Ep. VII. Retconning the EU was something I disagreed with on principle, but I could at least understand the rationale behind it, at least as far as post-RotJ stuff goes. I know it's making a mountain out of a molehill, the film still has to succeed on the strength of its plot and characters (or fail), but all the trailer's given us is aesthetics. Pretty aesthetics, but ones I feel uncomfortable with on general principle. New trilogy, new era, new audience. So far, of what we've seen, only the "new trilogy" seems to be covered, and in name only.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Everyone's complaining about the lightlongsword while I'm sitting here scratching my head at the roly-poly droid.

For the record, the saber looked and sounded like an ancient relic from the early Old Republic era. This adds credence to speculation that
the villain is a collector interested in Sith artifacts.

So many people ready to proclaim the death of the franchise over one teaser trailer...whatever happened to "wait and see?"

008Zulu said:
Well, it's be 30 odd years and Han hasn't replaced the senor dish that Lando broke off when attacking the Death Star. I wonder what he did with all those credits he didn't pay back Jabba with.
It's actually sporting a rectangular dish that doesn't protrude as much.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Chessrook44 said:
For those of you complaining about the LightSword (As I think it should be called), just remember...

Such as the Light Whip
And the Light Tonfa
I loved that trailer....or the promise of what it suggests will come, anyway.

The thing people forget about lightsabers is:

First, even the standard lightsaber will ultimately kill the user. It's the least practical weapon ever, period. Adding a few extra dangers to it is just like adding lava to an already exploding volcano.

Second, the whole premise of weird and impractical lightsabers in Star Wars is that Jedi and a very small number beings (such as Grievous with his cyborg programming) can wield the damn things without cutting their hands off. So my guess is, unless the claymore-lightsaber does something else, it is most likely designed that way to show off the skill of the user. A sort of "look what I can use without killing myself, bitches" kinda deal.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
I don't feel really all that enthused by this. I don't know if it's because I've gone off Star Wars or if it's because of how soulless the trailer feels. Probably both honestly. I'll probably see this when it comes out if some of my friends want to, but I'm not expecting much. Can't really say I'm disappointed per se, since I expect this from JJ Abrams. He's competent and that's about it, although I'd contest that with the shite cinematography on display. Seriously, who thought that shot with the Falcon was a good idea?


New member
May 21, 2014
Imho the reason Abrams keeps getting these gigs is the ability to actually get stuff done regardless of the quality of the content rather than spending years in development hell. Being well connected and liked in the Hollywood daisy chain certainly helps of course.


No one of consequence
Nov 3, 2009
karloss01 said:
Xeorm said:
Corven said:
It looks interesting, and they can't really go anywhere but up from here due to the prequel series.
I'm not sure. That lightsaber broadsword made me absolutely cringe. It's quite possible to do worse than the prequel series.
If a cross guard makes you cringe then I'm assuming you haven't seen any saber designs outside of the films. in Star Wars: Rebels, the Inquisitor has a double-bladed light saber that spins like a fan.

Yeah that's very dumb. But one poor design does not excuse another.

Regarding X-wings and TIE Fighters still in use- I think it's perfectly reasonable. A good design is a good design. F16's still see active use and yet they are over 30 years old. Even when there are newer designs, it sometimes takes a long time to switch over, particularly if there is a prolonged period of peace (relatively speaking- as in not requiring to switch to a war economy like WWII.) A lot of the army is still using M16s despite newer designs like the M4.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
karloss01 said:
Xeorm said:
Corven said:
It looks interesting, and they can't really go anywhere but up from here due to the prequel series.
I'm not sure. That lightsaber broadsword made me absolutely cringe. It's quite possible to do worse than the prequel series.
If a cross guard makes you cringe then I'm assuming you haven't seen any saber designs outside of the films. in Star Wars: Rebels, the Inquisitor has a double-bladed light saber that spins like a fan.

To be fair, the show explains that the weapon is absolutely useless in battle and its just an imdimidation tactic.

OT: I'm...not really feeling it. I don't hate it but I'm not feeling anything. And that bugs me. Oh well, I'll just wait until the actual trailer before getting my opinion.