We finally have some Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay!


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Adam Jensen said:
Mother of god. I can't believe that's a video game.
Game in your avatar is still much better.

this looks average at best to me. gunplay looks clunky and borderlands type. game looks like futuristic GTA with slice of Deus Ex.

Im not very much impressed. this just show how our journalist are very easily impressed. its ok but nothing mindblowing.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Cool. Looks solid.

I feel like I'm watching a new and improved Deus Ex with a fine sprinkling of Mass Effect. Or rather, what the new Deus Ex games could have been with better tech and in the hands of a better developer.

Not quite sure what the behind-closed-doors crowd were enthusiastically creaming their jeans over though. It looks good, but not like some kind of fundamental can't-believe-what-I'm-looking-at leap forward.

I actually like that the cracks were showing in the demo. (The glitchy breast, the random civilian clones.) Shows that they're actually selling a functioning game and not some No Man's Sky fairy dust bullshit.

Yes, it's a bit ow-the-edge, but the game is called "cyber punk". It's kinda right there in the title.

Only thing that bothers me is the combat. Mag dumping numbers out of healthbars. Ew. With any luck the systems will be flexible enough for me to wrangle some kind of high lethality build out of it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Zhukov said:
Only thing that bothers me is the combat. Mag dumping numbers out of healthbars. Ew. With any luck the systems will be flexible enough for me to wrangle some kind of high lethality build out of it.
Hopefully you can just turn that off in the options menu -- Most games these days allow you to customize the HUD elements.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Zhukov said:
Only thing that bothers me is the combat. Mag dumping numbers out of healthbars. Ew. With any luck the systems will be flexible enough for me to wrangle some kind of high lethality build out of it.
What concerns me is that firearms seem like they'll be leveled, with higher-level guns (even of the same caliber) magically dealing more damage regardless of manufacture, caliber, or ammunition type, because video games. That's one thing I think FO:NV and FO4 did right above all else, to a certain extent. Bigger caliber, more damage; different ammunition types had different purposes; guns of the same caliber had roughly comparable damage; and what affected damage per shot was skills, perks, and modifications.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
evilthecat said:
erttheking said:
Little worried that they're going to fall into the same trap that turned me off the Witcher, as in writing a world that's more focused on shoving how dark it is (And getting in as many fucks as possible) in my face and getting distracted from why I should give a shit about anyone living in it. Kinda getting that vibe from this trailer. Interesting world, interesting gameplay, interesting concepts.

Just please give me a reason to care about the people living it. Everyone who wasn't an asshole was a smarmy smart ass with little devation from those templates. I need a little more than that in my story.
I mean, it's cyberpunk, and the IP comes from a time when that meant something.

Like, the inherent point of early cyberpunk was the juxtaposition of advanced technology with societal decay. The genre originated as a critique of the "greed is good" mentality of the 1980s. That's the punk. You're not supposed to like the world, and you're supposed to understand that the people in it are the products of an oppressive society. A common theme is that corporations have eclipsed governments, and that the aggressive, selfish mentality of corporate hierarchy now functions as a rule for surviving everyday life. Everyone is an asshole, because non-assholes get crushed.

And normally, I'd be all with you nine times out of ten (heck, I'm totally with you with the Witcher) but one of the biggest problems in cyberpunk has been the gradual reduction of the punk elements to mere aesthetics ("cool cyber man"), and there's a good argument to be made that maybe cyperpunk was never very punk to begin with (a lot of cyberpunk never really had a social consciousness, and that's a meaningful genre critique) but, speaking as someone who is kind of a fan of the genre, I'm living for the assholes.
You seemed to have missed the crux of my problem. My problem isn't that it has a dark world. My problem is that it seems to be setting up that it's a dark world at the expense of giving me characters to give a shit about. Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong were set in dark worlds, but they still gave me characters I cared about. Therefore I had investment at seeing these people overcome the problems they face in this dark world.

But in this game so far? Cocky smartasses and assholes are all we've got. Honestly, take away the Spanish slang and mix up the dialogue between the main character and her sidekick, and it wouldn't feel any different. I want a reason to care. As it stands, the MC and her sidekick are just generic video game main characters with nothing that makes them stand out, and therefore I wonder why I should care that the suit they were working with screwed them over. And they're the worst kind of smart ass. The smart ass that never. Lets. Up. Come to think of it, the gang members and suit are kinda interchangeable. Angry, arrogant assholes who swear a lot. Again, swap half of their dialogue around and you wouldn't really notice the difference.

Hey, it's just an hour of gameplay, maybe the main character is capable of being something other than the person who spews off too many self satisfied quips and maybe there are antagonists out there that do things other than swear angrily all the time. As it stands, my opinion of 2077 is good looking gameplay, good looking world, pretty generic writing "dark" writing that you've seen in a thousand other "dark" stories.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
It?ll probably be 2077 before I?m through my current backlog enough to thoroughly and properly enjoy this sucker.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
undeadsuitor said:
B-Cell said:
Im not very much impressed. this just show how our journalist are very easily impressed. its ok but nothing mindblowing.
looks better than the new metro imo

like an actual role playing game

Graphically? No
Gameplay? No because being RPG mean mediocre gameplay
Atmosphere? No
Story? cyberpunk story and dialogues looks terrible. Metro on other hand has some of the best story in FPS.

beside why we are comparing? 2 different games.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
undeadsuitor said:
B-Cell said:
undeadsuitor said:
B-Cell said:
Im not very much impressed. this just show how our journalist are very easily impressed. its ok but nothing mindblowing.
looks better than the new metro imo

like an actual role playing game

Graphically? No
Gameplay? No because being RPG mean mediocre gameplay
Atmosphere? No
Story? cyberpunk story and dialogues looks terrible. Metro on other hand has some of the best story in FPS.

beside why we are comparing? 2 different games.
metro has the best story in an fps? since when?

theyre both quasi-free roaming first person shooters with similar mechanics. I can compare them if I want to.
I mean, if your definition of FPS excludes games like Deus Ex, Thief, STALKER, New Vegas, and the like, he would have a point.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
I finally got around to checking out the gameplay. It looks like a pretty good FPS combat-wise and a better shooter than Witcher 3 was a hack and slash basically. I really like the slide and shoot feature that really should be standard in like every FPS but rarely is. The game looks like a better modern day Deus Ex than Deus Ex. Of course, a lot of the game succeeding will come down to stuff we just won't know until we play it like how good is the writing and how many "real" choices are afforded to us players and the tangible effects they have on the world over time.

The one thing I'm left with scratching my head was why all the people that saw it behind closed doors were proclaiming Cyberpunk a new genre. It really doesn't have anything we haven't seen before from other games.

Eacaraxe said:
Zhukov said:
Only thing that bothers me is the combat. Mag dumping numbers out of healthbars. Ew. With any luck the systems will be flexible enough for me to wrangle some kind of high lethality build out of it.
What concerns me is that firearms seem like they'll be leveled, with higher-level guns (even of the same caliber) magically dealing more damage regardless of manufacture, caliber, or ammunition type, because video games. That's one thing I think FO:NV and FO4 did right above all else, to a certain extent. Bigger caliber, more damage; different ammunition types had different purposes; guns of the same caliber had roughly comparable damage; and what affected damage per shot was skills, perks, and modifications.
I so hate loot systems because they don't accomplish anything else but wasting player time. I really hope Cyperpunk has like no looter-shooter elements whatsoever.

Gethsemani said:
While it definitely seems slick, I also get a strong doctored vibe from this trailer. The part with the cyberdoc especially stood out to me as being way too fluid and too involved for what would essentially be a standard menu transaction in any other game. Would it be cool as hell if every single augmentation came with its own short install vignette like the two shown in the reveal? Yup. But I also recognize how expensive it is to so either we'll end up with like a dozen upgrades max (which CDPR says isn't the case) or they'll be blowing millions of dollars just on setting up animations and scenes for purchases that most players won't be seeing in their single play through.
I feel like it's quite common for games to go all-out on that initial upgrade showing the player exactly how it works within the game's world like Bioshock's first plasmid. Yeah, Cyberpunk probably forces the player to get those basic upgrades early on and shows off a fancy cutscene and later upgrades are just done via a menu, but like every game does that. I really don't see how that makes it "doctored".


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Yeah I really hope there's no borderland-esque loot system, that killed Nioh for me, having to go trough 5 bajillions new sword every few minute was really tiresome. Even more annoying since dark soul has an amazing loot system, every weapon is it's own unique things rather than just a stats stick.


New member
Jun 21, 2013
I am not a fan of how scripted it looked. I was kind of hopeing for a more system driven game. A dumb hope I think since it looked exactly like the game you would expect from RD project red.

Ftaghn To You Too

New member
Nov 25, 2009
I'm digging the fact that whenever they show a crowd, it clearly has awkward pathing and people clipping into each other. That gives me hope about it being actual gameplay. Slick, very produced gameplay that's been rehearsed like crazy, but working as the game would for the most part.
Apr 5, 2008
On holiday at the moment so it's been hard to find the time to watch that video, not to mention posting here. I also lost my first reply to this thread :-( Very excited for this game, gonna buy it regardless of whatever any critics/reviewers have to say. A deep, complex single-player RPG, of course I'm going to vote with my wallet. This is the kind of game I want more of, not the live-service, MTX/lootbox laden crap.

Things I don't like from that video....well not so keen on the voice actors for V or Jackie. V sounds way to young and the voice doesn't match the dialogue. Jackie as well...the Hispanic thing sounds so contemporary it kind of breaks the illusion. I do realise it's near-future California so while it is understandable, it still doesn't feel right. I did like the Corp lady and Dexter tho, they were great. "The Corp always gets what it wants." So good, just bloody brilliant!!

The world, from the visuals seems great. How they went seamlessly from apartment -> complex -> elevator -> street -> car was impressive and really immersive. I also really loved the crowds of people. In many other open-world games the illusion just doesn't work...when Whiterun, Markarth or Riften only have like 6 buildings and 15 people in them it's hard to believe it's a living, breathing city. Los Santos even had so few people it just didn't feel like a city should feel. Crowds of people, mingling, walking around each other, people everywhere, that's how a living city should be.

I like the idea of different approaches to missions. My only concern isn't specific to CP2077 but all games where character development is freeform....if every option is viable then none of them feel particularly special. Why be a skilled lockpicker if the main game will never present you with a lock that requires that much skill? Skyrim suffered greatly from this issue. When everything is viable, any given skill becomes less worthwhile. But I like that each approach will have different repurcussions down the line, sounds very cool.

The gunplay is hard to judge from a video. Not convinced about richoeting bullets or X-Ray vision, tho they totally make sense in a cyberpunk world. I'll reserve judgement on combat to see how it works based on skill, character development, weapons/mods, etc. It's hard to get right in an RPG.

Character creation looks great. Those "traits" reminded me of Mass Effect's Sole Survivor, Earthborn, War Hero thing. I suspect it'll lead to a mission/mission chain and add some more personal stuff to the world in addition to the main story. Will be interested also to see how the driving is. Will it be like GTA/Saints Row, with stealing vehicles, customising them, storing/modding them, etc?

Overall, really excited. Can't wait for more info!!
evilthecat said:
Like, the inherent point of early cyberpunk was the juxtaposition of advanced technology with societal decay. The genre originated as a critique of the "greed is good" mentality of the 1980s. That's the punk. You're not supposed to like the world, and you're supposed to understand that the people in it are the products of an oppressive society. A common theme is that corporations have eclipsed governments, and that the aggressive, selfish mentality of corporate hierarchy now functions as a rule for surviving everyday life. Everyone is an asshole, because non-assholes get crushed.

And normally, I'd be all with you nine times out of ten (heck, I'm totally with you with the Witcher) but one of the biggest problems in cyberpunk has been the gradual reduction of the punk elements to mere aesthetics ("cool cyber man"), and there's a good argument to be made that maybe cyperpunk was never very punk to begin with (a lot of cyberpunk never really had a social consciousness, and that's a meaningful genre critique) but, speaking as someone who is kind of a fan of the genre, I'm living for the assholes.
Was it you who posted a whole thread some time ago on the Escapist about the "punk" part of cyber/steam/dieselpunk etc? There was a whole discussion about the punk part of the settings that was an interesting discussion. Can't find the thread now, but your post here sounds eerily familiar :)

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Eacaraxe said:
I hate to break it to you, but except for virtual reality, commercially-available cybernetics, and flying cars, we live in a cyberpunk story. The "devolution" of the genre is perhaps the greatest meta-critique of all.
Sure, but people also lived in a cyberpunk story back in the 1980s. In fact, that's kind of the defining feature of the genre. The social problems people face in the future are current social problems (maybe taken to an extreme or made more so by advanced technology enabling people to be more invasive in their cruelty and greed).

As for virtual reality. We live in a world where people honestly believe Youtube stars are their friends, that they're having romantic relationships with pop stars and that people in real life are ugly because they don't look like cartoons or porn stars with professional makeup, cosmetic surgery and stage lightning. We live in a world where combat veterans process their real-life trauma experiences by imagining that they were playing video games. Virtual reality began with the invention of mass media, and the point at which the virtual and real worlds become indistinct has already been crossed long ago.

erttheking said:
You seemed to have missed the crux of my problem. My problem isn't that it has a dark world. My problem is that it seems to be setting up that it's a dark world at the expense of giving me characters to give a shit about. Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong were set in dark worlds, but they still gave me characters I cared about. Therefore I had investment at seeing these people overcome the problems they face in this dark world.
I feel you, but maybe it's just my opinion but I always found that distracting. I always like to feel that characters are a product of their environment, and if they are going to grow beyond that it should be a story I get to see and participate in.

To me, one of the most important character moments in that trailer (which if anything was almost too barefaced) was the final conversation with the corpo agent, in which she pretty straightforwardly explains how the world works and how to succeed in it, to which your character can either agree of disagree. The thing is, that choice almost certainly exists just for flavour. Your character cannot really disagree with the premise of this world because they have to live in it. The problems cannot be solved, because they're so much bigger than you. Your only choice is to play along, or rebel impotently.

This is the big thing the witcher did really well as well, even if I personally didn't enjoy it. It gave a sense of being a small person in a big world, which kind of justified people being jaded and burned out and cynical, because what else are you going to do?

erttheking said:
As it stands, the MC and her sidekick are just generic video game main characters with nothing that makes them stand out, and therefore I wonder why I should care that the suit they were working with screwed them over.
And again, I'd agree, there's a believable in-universe argument which is explicitly text and which says that you shouldn't. After all, it's just business. To me, that is worldbuilding, and while most of the time that kind of "edge" may not be justified, here I think it is because it clearly has sufficient weight and payoff.

KingsGambit said:
Was it you who posted a whole thread some time ago on the Escapist about the "punk" part of cyber/steam/dieselpunk etc? There was a whole discussion about the punk part of the settings that was an interesting discussion. Can't find the thread now, but your post here sounds eerily familiar :)
I don't tend to post threads very often, so it probably wasn't me. But I might have commented as I do have some strong feelings on those genres.

I don't dislike steampunk. I really like the Fallen London setting and Alexis Kennedy's work in general, for example. I'm also a huge fan of Mervyn Peake, who basically invented the whole idea of putting anachronistic science and technology in fantasy settings. But I don't see the "punk" in Steampunk except as a kind of shallow, aesthetic reference to cyberpunk. To me, a better word for the genre would be "victorian fantasy" or "gothic fantasy" depending on whether it draws more on gothic literary traditions, or just uses a victorian aesthetic as a platform for fantasy-style adventures.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
Holy hell, they don't have a lot of faith that gamers can figure out what's going on by themselves, hey?

*approaches a bad guy with gun drawn*
"Things are about to heat up."
Thanks, eagle eye.

Anyway, all aboard the hype train because I guess gamers really are this myopic and we as a species really don't learn from the past. It looks good but like always, I'll be waiting for the Zero Punctuation take on it to get to the real grit.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
It looks alright. I don't know, I'm just not feeling very gripped by what I've seen here. It doesn't look bad by any stretch but I don't see why this needs to be an open world. I also don't see Night City as being a dystopia. My biggest pet peeve is how this is a real-time FPS that presents itself like an RPG. I hate shooting something in the face and seeing a number pop up while the thing I've shot doesn't so much as flinch. I'm almost definitely going to get this sure, but I don't feel as excited as I did a couple months ago.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Eh.... doesn't look that interesting to me. I'm not seeing anything I haven't seen before here. What's all the hype about with this? It has gameplay that's just like several games we already had recently, just with a nicer paint job. Am I missing something here? It doesn't look bad but I'm not seeing where the "WOW" is coming from.