Dreiko said:
This is the kinda thing that I play fighting games for, and thankfully they can't really charge us for it without making the games p2w which is not something they'd do.
Remember Oblivion's Horse Armor dlc? Big stink about that back in 2006. Well, no one gives a shit about cosmetic dlc anymore now. The only notable thing about it in DOA6 is the sheer volume of it, not so much its inclusion. We came to accept cosmetic dlc. So why not try and see if they can get us to accept paying just to change something cosmetic? What else could they get us to accept paying for?
Because make no mistake, if publishers feel like they can get away with making their games p2w, they absolutely will. Not in one fell swoop, of course. In small increments. One seemingly innocuous practice at a time. Until that's normalized. Then the boundary gets pushed a bit further. Occasionally they'll slip up and overextend. Like EA did with its lootboxes. Too much too fast. They had to dial it back to something a little more palatable there. Not much tho, since they're still in their sports games and a bunch of other games, including from other publishers. Of course we now also have GaaS and battle passes. And if those don't stick, they'll try something else.
You could argue that these shitty practices are not a real problem, because they don't affect us personally. Until the boundary is shifted to where they do. Although by then we might not even see it as a problem anymore, because we've already been trained not to. Companies have gotten frighteningly good at that. Or maybe you will complain, but unfortunately, you'll be a minority, your voice lost among everyone saying it's not a big deal and it doesn't bother them.