What are Gaming greatest trilogies?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Hello friends,

In this thread we are discussing about what are best trilogies?

For me I can think of those 2

Max Payne and Metro Trilogies

Metro Trilogy ended this year on high note and its one of the most immersive series i have ever played. both atmospheric wise and story wise too. but yeah it has flaws just like every other games. first 2 Metro games have advantage over Exodus in a sense that they have better story and pacing while exodus has advantage that its longer and more open.

Max Payne Trilogy has ended 7 years ago but no other TPS game manage to make as great as Max payne series was. none. although Max payne 2 is worst in series easily. it was easily weakest point of series both in a term of story, in a term of longevity, was far too easy and less atmospheric. Original game is still a masterpiece, and so was third game which become rockstar best game ever made.

I cant think of any other gaming trilogies are as great as those 2. I think they both are best gaming trilogies.

what you think are best gaming trilogies? lets discuss


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Halo 1-3. I thought ODST was a great side story with the original and best Firefight mode, and Reach was a very worthy prequel-stroke-standalone. The original three games (later referred to as the Flood Trilogy) really should have been the last we heard of Master Chief. There was very little need for 4 or 5 to exist. The fact that Halo Infinite (which they don't even have the conviction to call Halo 6, despite making it clear previously that 343i would be handling the next trilogy) is set to take things "back to basics" sounds unconvincing at this point. A trilogy spread across three hardware generations, have you ever heard anything so farcical and disjointed? So, um, yeah - the first three Halo games really SHOULD have just been a trilogy, plus a couple of interesting side-stories.

Splinter Cell 1-3. I really enjoyed these at the time of release - really quite narrative heavy for stealth/action games, they struck me as a solid gaming equivalent of exactly the kind of mainstream thriller stuff Tom Clancy was famous for in the world of literature. Again, "they" couldn't resist wringing more content out of the series including a soft reboot devoid of Michael Ironside.

Sonic 1-3&K. The series that defined my childhood. Sonic 4, which came years later, really didn't deserve the number four in its title - it didn't advance the story at all, and in fact was little more than a HD "greatest hits" collection of remixed levels, which is something that Sonic Mania went on to do with a lot more flair and success.

Streets of Rage 1-3. Like most people the second is my firm favourite - 1 is almost unfairly hard at times, and I only ever played 3 emulated and as part of retro collections.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Dark Souls

Hands Down, no 3 consecutive games in a series will ever be this amazing again.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Sonic 1-3&Knuckles
Mega Man X 1-3
Silent Hill 1-3
Metroid Prime 1-3
Resident Evil 1-3
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
Mass Effect 1-3
Super Mario Bros 1-3
Dark Souls 1-3


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (haven't played Warrior Within but the other two are so good I had to)
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario
God of War
Ace Attorney
Donkey Kong Country

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
WhiteFangofWhoa said:
Metroid Prime
Ooh, good one! Forgot about those!

I'd add the Batman Arkham tril...yes, Origins doesn't count, even the developers and publishers agree!

The Spyro remastered trilogy is alright really, aside the annoyance of them only putting one game on the disc, fckin Activision.

Supergiant games; Bastion, Transistor and Pyre feel like they should be an unofficial trilogy, so those please!


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
B-Cell said:
Chimpzy said:
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
Its not a trilogy. MGS4 and 5 exist. and all 3 games are about different characters (solid snake, raider, big boss).
You asked, I answered as I saw fit. The first 3 MGS form a cohesive unit in terms of style, themes and gameplay, at least insofar that anything that Kojima does is cohesive. That counts as far as I'm concerned. You can be pedantic about it if you want, but I don't particularly care.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Ehh... Mario, Timesplitters, Burnout, Smash Bros, Battlefront would've had one too if Lucasarts didn't shit the bed there.

Can't think of any others. Probably the really long running series like Civilisation or Total War, but I've never played those...


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

You have various trilogies which have one game better than another or one game not that great but another being really good. Trails on the other hand is equally excellent throughout and has no game that feels like a let-down compared to the others. All 3 of them are also part of a single plot as well, chapters of a book, so it has the proper "trilogy" feel and doesn't do what other games do with time skips and various main plots.

It's all just one story told through 3 games.

(btw, I'd have included .hack//GU but they made a fourth one with the recent remake haha)


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Chimpzy said:
B-Cell said:
Chimpzy said:
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
Its not a trilogy. MGS4 and 5 exist. and all 3 games are about different characters (solid snake, raider, big boss).
You asked, I answered as I saw fit. The first 3 MGS form a cohesive unit in terms of style, themes and gameplay, at least insofar that anything that Kojima does is cohesive. That counts as far as I'm concerned. You can be pedantic about it if you want, but I don't particularly care.
Trilogy is series that ended in 3 games. otherwise i would have said early splinter cell trilogy which is full of masterpieces.
Jan 27, 2011
Metroid Prime: While the last entry moved a little bit away from the amazing 'I am alone on a hostile world' feeling of the first two, this is still one of the best triologies. I am so beyond sad it doesnt seem to be coming to Switch ;_;

Borderlands: With 3 coming out, as long as it doesn't fuck it up with some kind of BS microtransactions or totally shit on the lore/characters...It's totally going to be one of the best. Seeing it evolve and grow while still keeping the fun abilities, lore and endless supplies of awesome zany guns has been amazing. IF 3 ends up being the last we see of it, I'll be a little sad, but everything I see makes me think it's going to truly be the swansong the series would deserve.

Mass effect: Disappointing final 15 minutes notwithstanding (The free patch at least gave it some decent closure. At least), it was a phenomenal series. I seriously enjoyed how it shaped my own Shepard. See, I was playing someone with a renagade backstory, who was doing everything he could to make up for the straight up butchering spree he conducted, and by the time of ME3, after Arrival had him wipe out a whole system 'for the greater good' I was playing him like a full on death seeker who was only held back from total breakdown by his relationship with Tali. Which synergized PERFECTLY with the Vanguard class I was playing. Everything just CLICKED with this character, and honestly, my hat is off to the writers (up until the ending of ME3). And even with that ending...At least I got beautiful closure to the Geth/Quarian arc. :)

That's all I got in mind at the moment, although there are probably others that I forgot on the spot.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Baldur's Gate, Bhaalspawn saga. Despite the upcoming game being called Baldur's Gate 3, it's not part of the "trilogy" which ended with the "Throne of Bhaal" expansion - and for an expansion was easily large enough to be considered a game on its own.

Witcher as well, the original floundered quite a bit, the second installment really got some traction and the third and final is still one of the best games ever made.