What do you think of rap?


New member
Sep 7, 2011
ObsidianJones said:
WWmelb said:
Huzzah for someone else mentioning Arrested Development. That makes me happy.

Really try them. They are like a spiritual successor. I haven't been this happy finding out about a band in such a long time, other than Bungle. But that's Drum and Bass.

... my tastes are all over the map.
Great track. Wow.. easy to listen to, relaxing and positive. I like it and will be looking more into this group.

I just hope the rest doesn't turn out to be a disappointment to me like Lupe Fiasco was. I say this because this kind of reminded me of the first song i heard of LF's "Kick Push" which i loved to bits. Positive and laid back and if a little bittersweet.. then i listened to more of his stuff and shuddered as it was the same shit everyone else was doing.

But yes, will listen to more.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
I adore it. But, please let me explain.

I feel as though rap has a bad reputation as being vile in so many ways. There very much is rap/hip hop just like that. But, I've found in my time in Australia that I came to love the music they make.

Do give this stuff a listen. So many of the artists promote amazing messages and their lyrics are pure poetry.

Life's Midnight by Bliss n Eso (get to the chorus, amazing)


Lost in Translation by Spit Syndicate (wonder lyrics in this one)


City of Light by Hilltop Hoods (This is the restrung version. They redid the song to a complete orchestra. It really adds to the depths of this piece. Beautiful)


I'll stop here. But, if anyone would like me to show them more, you can PM me. This music scene deserves so more attention than it gets.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
ShiningAmber said:
I adore it. But, please let me explain.

I feel as though rap has a bad reputation as being vile in so many ways. There very much is rap/hip hop just like that. But, I've found in my time in Australia that I came to love the music they make.

Do give this stuff a listen. So many of the artists promote amazing messages and their lyrics are pure poetry.

Life's Midnight by Bliss n Eso (get to the chorus, amazing)


Lost in Translation by Spit Syndicate (wonder lyrics in this one)


City of Light by Hilltop Hoods (This is the restrung version. They redid the song to a complete orchestra. It really adds to the depths of this piece. Beautiful)


I'll stop here. But, if anyone would like me to show them more, you can PM me. This music scene deserves so more attention than it gets.
Sorry, but as an aussie this is where i draw the line lol. I've never heard an aussie hip hop song that didn't turn my stomach.. i dunno, something about our accent and hip hop combining that is just cringeworthy to me lol


New member
Jul 16, 2011
In general rap is just too negative for my taste, sure there are some good ones that got a good flow and tells a story but like most already said, it's like trying to find a needle in the sewage.

In games, I used to play alot of def jam fight for NY with friends and not a single song in there that were memorable and already forgotten now that I don't play it no more.

In games like GTA and Sleeping dogs however, some of the songs played on the radio actually made me sat on the car and listen, not doing the missions, just sat there listening to the song. It was Fly-lucy liu and Love is heavy-Nathan Wang.

Rap as a genre most of the time is just people that talk trash, they don't even have to sing and most of them can't sing. It's just trash talking. It is to music what junk food is to food or EA is to games.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I think it's like most all music. It has some really great stuff, and it has a lot of over commercialized crap.

Somewhat unrelated but I used to listen to Eminem pretty much all the time in high school.

V da Mighty Taco

New member
Apr 9, 2011
Quite a lot actually. I'm one of those guys who grew up in less than stellar neighborhoods, to put it lightly, so I picked up on rap pretty quickly. Admittedly there is too much glorification of the gangster life as well as the overabundance of self-indulgent bragging, but then you have songs like Tupac's "Changes" and "Dear Mama" that a lot of poorer people can relate to and carries very strong messages:

zumbledum said:
Froggy Slayer said:
Personally, I fucking love it, lots of styles, really clever wordplay. Listen to Wu Tang Clan, NWA, Gambino, Kanye West, Biggie, 2pac. I know that a lot of people in the nerd community shun it though, and I don't really know why.

So, I'm asking you now; do you listen to rap? If not, why not?
there is rap that is clever and skill full and good. but there is a shit metric ton of crap rap for every ounce of good rap that tends to drown it out , some neanderthal eating a microphone and grunting "huh yeah 1 time bitches bling huh 1 time" never in the history of human creation has a sub genre been so overwhelmed by style over substance. though i do admit aside from the avalanche of crap there is also some stuff thats good. cant say it makes it onto my playlists but when my friends play some of the good stuff i enjoy it well enough.
I cannot disagree more with the bolded part, outside of the "bitches bling" line.

Much of Rock and Metal in particular thrive on the notion of style over substance and is the reason I personally don't listen to the heavier genres of Metal. Sure, you have songs like "Freebird" and "Into the Fire" that tell a story and/or make you feel for the struggles of the singer or protagonist, but for every Rock or Metal song with meaningful lyrics you have (number pulled out of ass here) 10 songs from Hard Rock and beyond whose lyrics were written entirely to either sound cool or to just be dark / angry for it's own sake and don't actually mean anything unless it's overly loaded with metaphors to the point of being pretentious.

There's also a lot of Metal songs that actually do sound like, well, some neanderthal trying to eat the microphone. I'm pretty sure that's actually the point of Grunt and Death Metals by this point. :p

Now I'm not saying at all that I don't like Rock / Metal or that they even need to have meaningful lyrics to be good - far from it, I like Rock and the more coherent Metals quite a bit. However, to say that those genres or even other genres like Country are not as full of meaningless style-over-substance material as Rap is blatantly false, especially when one can honestly say that a band like Nickleback tends to have more meaning in their lyrics than a lot of Metal bands.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
WWmelb said:
ShiningAmber said:
I adore it. But, please let me explain.

I feel as though rap has a bad reputation as being vile in so many ways. There very much is rap/hip hop just like that. But, I've found in my time in Australia that I came to love the music they make.

Do give this stuff a listen. So many of the artists promote amazing messages and their lyrics are pure poetry.

Life's Midnight by Bliss n Eso (get to the chorus, amazing)


Lost in Translation by Spit Syndicate (wonder lyrics in this one)


City of Light by Hilltop Hoods (This is the restrung version. They redid the song to a complete orchestra. It really adds to the depths of this piece. Beautiful)


I'll stop here. But, if anyone would like me to show them more, you can PM me. This music scene deserves so more attention than it gets.
Sorry, but as an aussie this is where i draw the line lol. I've never heard an aussie hip hop song that didn't turn my stomach.. i dunno, something about our accent and hip hop combining that is just cringeworthy to me lol
I love the accent. I think that's one of the things that makes me enjoy it so much. I lived in Australia for two years and it really grew on me.

Captcha: face the music

haha, fitting, I suppose :pP


New member
Sep 7, 2011
V da Mighty Taco said:
Quite a lot actually. I'm one of those guys who grew up in less than stellar neighborhoods, to put it lightly, so I picked up on rap pretty quickly. Admittedly there is too much glorification of the gangster life as well as the overabundance of self-indulgent bragging, but then you have songs like Tupac's "Changes" and "Dear Mama" that a lot of poorer people can relate to and carries very strong messages:

zumbledum said:
Froggy Slayer said:
Personally, I fucking love it, lots of styles, really clever wordplay. Listen to Wu Tang Clan, NWA, Gambino, Kanye West, Biggie, 2pac. I know that a lot of people in the nerd community shun it though, and I don't really know why.

So, I'm asking you now; do you listen to rap? If not, why not?
there is rap that is clever and skill full and good. but there is a shit metric ton of crap rap for every ounce of good rap that tends to drown it out , some neanderthal eating a microphone and grunting "huh yeah 1 time bitches bling huh 1 time" never in the history of human creation has a sub genre been so overwhelmed by style over substance. though i do admit aside from the avalanche of crap there is also some stuff thats good. cant say it makes it onto my playlists but when my friends play some of the good stuff i enjoy it well enough.
I cannot disagree more with the bolded part, outside of the "bitches bling" line.

Much of Rock and Metal in particular thrive on the notion of style over substance and is the reason I personally don't listen to the heavier genres of Metal. Sure, you have songs like "Freebird" and "Into the Fire" that tell a story and/or make you feel for the struggles of the singer or protagonist, but for every Rock or Metal song with meaningful lyrics you have (number pulled out of ass here) 10 songs from Hard Rock and beyond whose lyrics were written entirely to either sound cool or to just be dark / angry for it's own sake and don't actually mean anything unless it's overly loaded with metaphors to the point of being pretentious.

There's also a lot of Metal songs that actually do sound like, well, some neanderthal trying to eat the microphone. I'm pretty sure that's actually the point of Grunt and Death Metals by this point. :p

Now I'm not saying at all that I don't like Rock / Metal or that they even need to have meaningful lyrics to be good - far from it, I like Rock and the more coherent Metals quite a bit. However, to say that those genres or even other genres like Country are not as full of meaningless style-over-substance material as Rap is blatantly false, especially when one can honestly say that a band like Nickleback tends to have more meaning in their lyrics than a lot of Metal bands.
"especially when one can honestly say that a band like Nickleback tends to have more meaning in their lyrics than a lot of Metal bands."

Well, their song from their first album "Never Again" is a very powerful, meaningful song about domestic violence.. but i think your comment stops there for nickelback.

I'm going to disagree with you both..kinda.. here. I don't think rap/hip hop has any more "overwhelmed by style over substance" than metal, but i do believe the rap/hip hop that becomes overtly commercially successful in this day an age suffers more from this than the heavy rock/metal that becomes commercially successful. It's just an image thing really. Back in the 80's, heavy rock/metal definitely suffered from the "overwhelmed by style over substance" in the public eye more than rap, but i honestly can't say it seems that way today.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
On a side note, i'm surprised i'm more active in this thread than i really have been in any others as rap/hip really only plays a very small part in musical rotations lol... strange what we become invested in sometimes.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Good, thought provoking and/or clever rap, as in Scroobius Pip, some Eminem, some Fort Minor, some Tupac, some Macklemore, and etc? I'm quite fond of it.

Crappy gangsta rap with extremely repetitive chorus lines about fucking hoes? Not the least bit interested.

For example:


The difference in lyrical quality is pretty astounding.


New member
May 8, 2013
Shadowstar38 said:
If you were basing that on the whole of the genre I'd be inclined to agree. But people even on this thread only appear to run into the generic stuff all the time and maybe find a few good ones. That's not enough to make the assumption on.
Doesn't the word "generic" say that it is indeed the prevalent type? The generic stuff, by definition, is enough to make an assumption on.

I know that there's a thousand rap artists out there that make good stuff. But the medium, by and large, is infected with drivel. By extension, the medium itself is mostly drivel and thus dismissable by the average person.

EDIT: Also just for the record, the amount of people calling Macklemore "though provoking" or "deep" is making me sick.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
OlasDAlmighty said:
I believe rap actually stands for rhythmic American poetry, so even it's name suggests that it's more poetry than music. I like music with strong melody, and rap doesn't focus much on that, nor do I know of any actual rap artists who I care for.
How about a rap song that blends beat and melody beautifully?(In my opinion naturally)

It's still bass driven, of course, but the song would sound so much more hollow without that melody.

Another one with a catchy little melody with a simple beat.

I could put up a lot of these, but time for one that utterly lacks any melody in the instrumentation, just to show what you can do without it.

OK, you got me, this was more or less an excuse to put up a couple videos of some of my favorite artists.


New member
Sep 30, 2012
I hate gangsta rap...can't stand it.

The only rapper that I like is named Eppic and he is a youtube artist. To me he gives the rap genre hope unlike the crap that is pumped out by big name artists.



New member
Oct 5, 2011
My favorite genre of music. From TuPac to MC Frontalot to Kendrick Lamar and Ces Cru. Always wonderful stuff coming into and out of rap.

The Floating Nose

Senior Member
Dec 5, 2010
For everybdy who are not fond of rap. Try listening to Cunninlynguists, it's very different. My friend listen mostly metal and he loves it. It has that southern sound to it but they also made concept album like Oneirology which explores the concept of dream, desire, fantasm. It's brilliant !


New member
Feb 22, 2013
ThreeName said:
Shadowstar38 said:
If you were basing that on the whole of the genre I'd be inclined to agree. But people even on this thread only appear to run into the generic stuff all the time and maybe find a few good ones. That's not enough to make the assumption on.
Doesn't the word "generic" say that it is indeed the prevalent type? The generic stuff, by definition, is enough to make an assumption on.

I know that there's a thousand rap artists out there that make good stuff. But the medium, by and large, is infected with drivel. By extension, the medium itself is mostly drivel and thus dismissable by the average person.

EDIT: Also just for the record, the amount of people calling Macklemore "though provoking" or "deep" is making me sick.
I'm not so sure people are calling Macklemore thought provoking or deep as much as appreciating the fact that he's doing something subversive with the genre. He's not a genius or anything, just someone doing things his own way, which can be appreciated in and of itself. I'd also argue that practically every genre of popular music is infected with drivel and repetative crap. I'm not trying to sound pretentious, and I love metal, but most of it is just awful, awful stuff. Same goes for pop, or rap, or the towering monstrosity that is country western, or the suicide-inducing genre that is emo ect. ect.

I'm not trying to convince you to like rap or anything, but really, so sooo many genres are polluted with the same mindless inanity. Rap has its bitches and grills, emo has its horrid vocals and self-indulgent, emotionally stunted teen agnst, country has its pretentious 'beers and steers' motif, and my beloved metal has everything from 80's style money and hos (which was in no way better than the exact same messages that come from the sort of rap you and I both don't like) to the 90's barking into a microphone and grunting like a wildabeast, to the 2000's and the whole Nu-metal garbage. All I'm saying is that rap is no more infested by talentless hacks than any of these other genres.

OT: I enjoy rap a lot. I like the rhythmic aspects, clever word-play and hip-hop in general. I, like some others in this thread, grew up in less than stellar communities at times and thus gained an appreciation for hip-hop and 'street' culture. That said I find the 'money and hos' stuff to be as eye-rolling and grating as the next guy, unless it's done in a clever way. I don't actually care for the Biggies and Tupacs, but I was always fond of Busta Rhymes (for his over-the-top silliness) and love 'nerd-core' rap.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Ive enjoyed some rap here and there, but overall i dislike rap as it usually sounds to me like 2 angry people speaking fast yahtzee style about how "badass" they are or how they fuck all the bitches or something.
A bit stereotypical but those 2 motivations seem to cover 80% of the rap i hear, and honestly to me it all seems very silly as does the "gangsta" culture that surrounds it. Self promotion and bragging about how awesome you are is also something that just rolls my eyes, and i find rappers aspirations and ambitions in life to be rather execrable overall aswell. Oh and the materialism, oh god the materialism...

Reading the paragraph over again it really seems im stereotyping rap in the worst way possible, but it has been my honest experience of the medium aswell as the people who enjoy them so will stick with it.

If its any consolation though, my tastes in music are rather narrow (club music like trance/drum n bass/dance are my main tastes).


New member
Oct 30, 2009
While I wouldn't say it is my favourite genre, I don't mind listening to some of it from time to time. Speaking as a musician, I certainly respect it for what it is. My favourite Rap artist is probably Eminem.