What do you think of rap?


This ain't no hula!
Aug 30, 2012
Reading rap-threads on the Escapist is like listening to non-gamers talk about videogames. Fascinating.

I love rap and I've been listening to it since I was a teen.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I've found individual pieces clever, thoughtful, rhythmically and/or musically compelling. Some of it, especially in the "gangsta" subgenre, seems excessively devoted to facades of bravado and punk/alternative-like attempts to offend those just outside of the target audience. The tendency for many to play it with window-rattling levels of bass just irritates me.

As it frequently relies more on wordplay and rhythm than melody/harmony, I suspect most rap has to work harder to "hook" me early on and keep me interested. I don't find it compelling in and of itself; I wasn't raised on its conventions. But there are certainly pieces that are worthwhile, and artists who are undeniably talented.


New member
Jul 24, 2012
When I listen to music, I pay a lot of attention to the vocals. If the lyrics are no good, I can still enjoy it if the singer is talented (ie bands like Yes who often use their vocals as an instrument, rather than to deliver a specific message). I don't like rap both because of the rapping (uninteresting) and the lyrical content (which, as far as I've ever heard, ranges from whiny to obnoxious). Even the more "progressive" rappers still carry too much of a negative vibe for me. It just seems like there's so much hate in the genre, with artists literally making death threats to each other by name, or just generally boating or putting people down. It's off-putting.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
It's always hilarious reading Rap Threads on this site. Every other post seems like it is "ugh, I hate it, it's all crap talking about popping bottles and fucking hoes".

Granted there seems to be more people defending rap than normal, but it's still funny.

I love rap, think it's one of my favorite genres of music


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I like to listen to good music. And rap isn't good music most of the time.
A few rappers I can respect, because of their lyrics, like 2pac and Eminem.
The rest of the lot is a bunch of idiots with no talent whatsoever.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
zumbledum said:
Froggy Slayer said:
Personally, I fucking love it, lots of styles, really clever wordplay. Listen to Wu Tang Clan, NWA, Gambino, Kanye West, Biggie, 2pac. I know that a lot of people in the nerd community shun it though, and I don't really know why.

So, I'm asking you now; do you listen to rap? If not, why not?
there is rap that is clever and skill full and good. but there is a shit metric ton of crap rap for every ounce of good rap that tends to drown it out
You just described every genre of music ever.

OT: I am a huge fan of Rap in all its forms. See I don't focus on genres but artists, and rap offers up a lot of good artists.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
I am a very judgmental man, sometimes. I'm not very interested at all in rap, and I actively despise the gangster variety. I think it's all the same. However, I know very well that I'm being unfair, and there is plenty of good rap out there, that I simply haven't got around to find. My opinion is one of ignorance, really. Whenever I notice myself winding up for a whine about rap, I stop. I know nothing about rap, it isn't my place and I'm most likely wrong when I dismiss it.

Rap on, ye good rappers! I'm glad there are people that know to appreciate you better than I do.


New member
Feb 10, 2013
To those deriding rap as stupid or simplistic here are some songs to hopefully change your mind:



New member
Oct 26, 2008
JazzJack2 said:
To those deriding rap as stupid or simplistic here are some songs to hopefully change your mind:

Add a little Danny Brown to that mix with either Nosebleed, Party All The Time or Scrap Or Die and you have a perfect introduction to different style, different subjects but all of which are told in a good and intelligent manner.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Cheesepower5 said:
When I hear Wu-Tang or Biggie, all I hear is boasting about fame, fortune and power, objectification of women and sensationalist stories about gang wars*. Not only does it simply not sound good to me, I don't find the subject matter appealing at all.

*Yes, I know even the big rappers have more than that, but there's still a lot of it, and it's a huge turn off. I suppose it's better than the 999999999999999th song about love and relationship drama.

This is why it's never good to try and argue something you know very little of. Just say you don't like Rap, it's cool. But don't argue that Wu Tang is all about glorifying the "thug" life. Because it really, REALLY is not. And I'm not even much of a Wu Tang fan.

It's unfortunate that most of what non-fans are exposed to are, indeed, the dregs of Rap music: all the glorification of violence, thug life, money, objectification of women, and so on. THAT is shit. But it's just one side. Delve a little deeper, and there's so much more.

Philosophy, religion, social commentary, not to mention a superb mastery of language.



This is what Rap is for me. I have thousands of such songs in my library.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Mmm doesn't attracts me.

I mean sometimes there is a song that I can actually dig. But mostly it just ain't my type of music. I mean I guess I could understand what RAP is supposed to do. Or its position or what it can offer the people. I mean it is a music with a certain energy like it or not.

But as some say .. it can grow stale quick. Same with those darn love songs.

What I like it trip hop, it is a combination of things that combined becomes awesome. They even add Jazz influences there and it all melts deliciously well.

And hell there are a few numbers that I would call Pure Rap that yeah actually are pretty good. But most of it nah just not my style.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Can't stand it. All it is (with the exception of Public Enemy, some Run DMC and Beastie Boys) is just boating about killing people just for shits n giggles or for wearing different colored clothes or demeaning women. Also, I can't stand how every rock station is now replaced by this stuff.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Good artists exist in every genre to those who are willing to look for it. However, there's a difference between saying "there's no good rap music" and "I don't like rap music". If style of rap/hip-hop just isn't your thing, that's understandable, but every genre has its intelligent, thought-provoking music and it's dumb, watered down music. I don't like country music, but I would never deny that good country music exists.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
A lot of rap is crap, excuse the tired joke.

All this crap about fuckin' bitches, money, cars and shootin' is crap. "Rap" that is just some guy mumbling into a mic and you can only make out the odd word is crap.

Good rap is like blues and is awesome, Eminem has some like that and when he releases one of those I listen to it to till I am sick of it.


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Rap is pointless drivel... there is a very good reason its only one letter away from being Crap. Rap is suppose to be music yet when you strip parts of the music out its no longer music. Also rhyming doesn't make talking into a microphone music..even fething Disney learned that and if it did make this trash music..my favorite MC would be Dr.Seuss.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
ThreeName said:
Shadowstar38 said:
Metal and Rock has just as many songs about the glorification of fame and materials. But there's other stuff out there. Same as you admitted about rap.
Except, you know, they don't. I think you're confusing rules and exceptions: In rap, making a song that is not about fame/money/bitches is the exception, while in metal (rock to a lesser extent, I suppose?) it tends to be the rule.

Metal culture and rap culture are actually quite different, and the majority of the music is representative of that culture. And that's why a lot of people really do not like rap.
It's really weird to criticize the culture surrounding rap while defending metal. I'm a total metalhead, long hair, long beard, battle jacket and all. But man, there is a lot of fucked up shit associated with metal. There is no other genre of music where I have to look up whether or not the artists are Nazis before buying albums.

I don't think it's accurate to suggest that metal and rap culture are the same. But to pretend one is better than the other isn't fair either.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I like SOME, yeah. My tastes lean more towards rock, punk, funk and country but I have a fondness for some hip hop. Mostly underground stuff, along the lines of those on the Strange Famous and Ryhmesayers labels. Buck 65, Scroobius Pip Atmosphere, Sage Francis, B. Dolan- those sort of artists.

I like good, interesting beat with great lyrics. I'm not against some mainstream stuff, though.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Dr. Steel is the only rap I usually listen to.
Also some silly stuff such as.
Then again people might argue that isn't rap.

Rap with "Dem Bitches and Hoes" and "All dis money I gawt" is a total pass for me.


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Overall I'm not big on rap. I like a bit of indie rap and nerdcore, but I'm more of a metal/punk sort of guy. And mainstream rap I can't stand at all. Not because it's mainstream, I'm not a hipster, it's just that the sort of stuff that tends to become mainstream usually has really inane lyrics.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Sectan said:
Dr. Steel is the only rap I usually listen to.
Also some silly stuff such as.
Then again people might argue that isn't rap.

Rap with "Dem Bitches and Hoes" and "All dis money I gawt" is a total pass for me.
I was introduced to his music a few days ago! Very cool music and the whole retiring thing is pretty crazy.