What game would you want to play again for the first time?

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Mass Effect. Good god just to experience that game for the first time all over again *sigh* what a feeling that was.

Fable The Lost Chapters: And with the lost chapters version. When I first played this game it just seemed so big and the possibilities seemed endless.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
krazykidd said:
Inb4 Portal.

OT: Dark souls. To experience that bone crushing mind blowing difficulty before having learned the tricks of the trade ( the hard way i may add). Hopefully Dark souls 2 will do the trick.
Why you!!!

Yeah Portal. It is never fun to play a puzzle game second time around when you know all the puzzles.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Fallout 3 definitely, with BioShock and San Andreas lining up behind. The learning curve for those games, as well as immersing one's self in their stories for the first time is such a rare and delightful experience of exploration and learning.

I'm excited for the experience again in GTA5.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Any Bethesda game of late, that moment when you first see the sky and the sun is always awesome, regardless of the fact that I've done it one billion million times, but that first time is always the best.

Bioshock and Metro 2033, although being different in a number of ways, both of these games were wonderful in the fact that it felt like I was entering a strange and foreboding world, be it the Muscovite subway system or Rapture, I never knew what was going to happen next, I could never tell where I would end up or what would happen, these are the only two games where I've been legitimately scared by a game, more than a well orchestrated jump scare, but felt a true sense of unease and wariness as I explored the world, these are also the only two games that have given me a shocking twist that I didn't see coming.

KOTOR I and II, probably the best written game with the best written characters, at least IMO, plus it's Star Wars, so what's not to love.

Red Dead Redemption, the deserts and planes have lost a certain amount of charm has been lost considering the fact that I've put roughly 17 thousand hours into the game, but that first time around it was amazing, the only game where I felt if the main character and I weren't around the world would go on. Sure you end up fucking up a lot of peoples days, and you end up playing a rather large part in Mexican politics, but I felt if John Marston never showed up the world and all the people in it would never have noticed and gone about their lives.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
That one game that got me into gaming.. probably Warcraft 2, had a profound effect on my childhood, i think i was 4ish when i first played it (id played consoles games before that, but nothing really got me into games like it)

If i had to pick a game to replay for the first time id say vanilla wow, my first mmo and first time really playing online games to: i member week long battlegrounds, spending 2 hours getting half the server to raid alliance just for the fun of raiding alliance, and balancing out your ridiculous raid composition with the most convoluted plans imaginable.And there were no achievements, everything we did we did just for the fun of it. O and Barren's chat, may it rest in peace

Uncle Comrade

New member
Feb 28, 2008
In addition to all the Open World Games and Bioware RPGs that have already been mentioned, my top choices would have to be;
- Baldur's Gate 2
- Planescape Torment
- Banjo Kazooie
- Perfect Dark
The outstanding games of my childhood, basically. Still great fun to play, but nothing beats that first-time magic.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
DayZ, 'Cause when I first started plying, there were no hackers and no scripters.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
JerryTerry said:
[strong]Games with puzzles (Portal, Professor Layton, Resident Evil, etc.):[/strong]
Pretty obvious once again, but that feeling of solving a puzzle that you've been struggling with, where your brain finally clicks and figures it out. Especially when it suddenly feels incredibly obvious.

[strong]Scary games (Silent Hill, etc.):[/strong]
The original Silent Hill will never fail to put me at incredible unease. But that tense anxiety, the fear combined with not knowing what's coming - oh lord, that was an experience right there. If I could somehow erase my memory of the game, I'd probably just play it for the rest of my life.
Came in here to say exactly these two things.

I still enjoy playing Riven for the immersion and Silent Hill 2 for the emotional catharsis, but nothing will ever be like the first time.


New member
May 21, 2008
Portal, F.E.A.R 1, Zelda: Majora's Mask, Conker's Bad Fur Day, FF7, FF-X, Dead Space


Official Representative of WSU
Sep 17, 2012
I can speak from personal expreience in that I just pick up Okami HD. I captivated me the first time and it still does today. But as far as games that I do not currently have I would go with Kingdom Hearts. Disney and Final Fantasy coming together and making one hell of a game is marvelous. If given the opportunity I would definitely play it again.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'd say portal but I would have to erase portal 2 as well.

I'd like to do that with a big open world game I played to death like Fallout 3 or GTA San Andreas. Getting lost in those games could be an adventure on its own but at this point I think if I was dropped into a random place in either of them, I would have an idea of where I am.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Mine would be Morrowind. No game has ever been so immersive for me - I remember feeling lost in Balmora, in the rain, trying to find the South Wall Cornerclub. Planning out journeys with the paper map because there was no fast travel option. Knowing that if I went into the wilds unprepared, I would die. Being genuinely afraid of Bonwalkers because of their stat damage ability. Games since have gotten too easy - Morrowind felt real to me.

Blunderboy said:
As awesome as a "forget me" button would be in Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, there is only one correct answer, meatbags.

Knights of the Old Republic.

To experience DAT TWIST again without prior knowledge.
This comes as a very close second, though. My jaw literally dropped the first time, and I had to pause the game to wander madly around my room while I got my head around it. One of my favourite gaming moments, ever.

Third would be the Hordes of the Underdark expansion for NWN, for a similar "OMG WTF JUST HAPPENED" feeling.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Easily The Walking Dead.

Basically there a bunch of SPOILERS in the game that I thought happened because of choices I made but it turns out they all happen no matter what you choose to do... Seriously diminishing any sense of replayability. Here's hoping Episode 5 ends with a memory wipe!


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Medal of Honour - Allied Assault. Played that game so many times: I want to play it again, now, without knowing EXACTLY where each enemy is going to appear.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I would go with Psychonauts. An outstanding game, and no playthrough was better than my first.

Other than that, Metroid Prime. I find that game perfect in just about every way, and being able to play it without knowing where almost everything is would be just awesome.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I'd Have to say Final Fantasy Tactics. It has been top 3 of my favorite games since I've first played it, its just at the point now that if I play it again, I know exactly what units I can use to make the game laughably easy, without even touching Cid. Two-Handed Dragoon Ramza, a Summoner with Calculations, and a Dark Knight. Game, completu.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
For me it would have to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Mass Effect 1.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
World of Warcraft. The magic I felt when i first started playing that game lasted for weeks, and no other game has ever compared to that initial feeling I got from WoW.


New member
May 7, 2011
Portal, Dark Souls, The Walking Dead and anything with the Bethesda name attached (Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dishonored maybe, you get the picture)