What games would be awesome combined?


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Kai-Tiger said:
so that prototype thing has a large freeroam world with cars ninja weapons and ragdoll physics with lots of explosions.
Well, it's New York and it's the same sort of third-person combat that you'd get with Ninja Gaiden. Just not as tight and more super-power oriented. It isn't about a ninja in the big apple, it's just that it shares the same basic mechanics as NG2 and the open-world feature of San Andreas. You can even drive tanks and attack helicopters.

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Grand Theft Auto and Mario Kart. GTA would be so much better with blue shells (at least as long as you are the one who has them).


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Resident Evil theme, Modern Warfare mechanics, Oblivion/Fallout3 RPG element, and a Diablo-type leveling system would make the perfect game!


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Kajin said:
The gameplay of RE4 style gameplay, Left 4 Dead style zombies (no specials, just the normals), GTA style free roam. Mix them together in one big pot and turn it into a sandbox survival game. If I saw something like that I would sell my body to science to raise the scratch to buy it if I was short on cash


New member
Mar 23, 2009
A game like Fight night round 3/4 or UFC: undisputed mixed in with a game like oblivion or fall out, you know a game that has alot of freedom but at its core its still a realistic sports fighting game, I'd like the idea ofr chosing what you eat and it effecting your diet and mood, I like the idea of getting fit from jogging in the game, I also like the idea of giving you a choice on your gyms and at what day you go, And it would also be cool to see what you could buy when you get succeful in boxing with plenty of money, fast cars, big mansions, plenty of press, that would be a brilliant game to me.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
SimCity and Pokémon. Build a Pokémon-style city, then deal with the consequences of your ongoing actions: if you didn't place a hydro grid correctly, for example, a blackout could occur causing robberies and you'd have to go foil the baddies as they retreat to a neighbouring forest.

stormcaller said:
Pokemon and Mortal Kombat, Oh fuckin' yeah...
This was actually already done... it's called Power Quest for GBC and is by Sunsoft. Basically, you wander around an RPG city and engage in periodic MK or SF-style battles, all the while upgrading the parts of your robot fighter. And in spite of some vagaries in terms of how to progress in the single-player, the game is actually pretty fun.




New member
Dec 30, 2008
Turok and Zelda

Timesplitters 2 and Shadowbane

Savage 2 and any game with a large persistant sandbox world to explore and fight for control over.

Diablo and Hitman 2 - Mass monster slaughter + ragdoll physics = fuuuun!

For Science

New member
Apr 27, 2009
Warhammer 40k and Operation Flashpoint.
I hope you're happy, I've been a lurker since ZP did Assassin's Creed and this thread made me sign up.

About To Crash

New member
Apr 24, 2009
Shadow of the Colossus and Fallout 3.

You heard me.

Imagine traipsing across the amazing landscapes, meeting colourful characters, and seeking out the massive Colossi. I thought that the lack of characters in Shadow Of The Colossus was a good choice for the mood of the game, but an addition of NPCs with a more RPG like feel brought from the Fallout side would create a wonderful experience. If the landscape was larger than Shadow of the Colossus, with random enemies like in Fallout 3, you could create a great feel of a young warrior truly learning to advance in his world, each Colossus inhabiting a specific part of the map, maybe even busting into a city.
Now, I'm not saying I want Oblivion. I want a magical, medieval adventure/platformer feel of Shadow of the Colossus combined with the expansive and immersive RPG feel of Fallout. The platforming is the most important addition.